
ECHA Weekly - 26 April 2017

ECHA Weekly

All known substances of very high concern being tackled

With three years to go before the target of having all relevant currently known substances of very high concern on the Candidate List, progress is on track. All substances for which there is sufficient information on the hazard properties have already been addressed. The focus now is on getting more data on other substances of potential concern, to enable ECHA and the Member States to make a judgement about the hazards and risks they present.

Press release | SVHC Roadmap report


Study launched on EU chemicals legislation finder

We are exploring the feasibility of creating an EU chemicals legislation finder, which would give an overview of how a given substance is regulated in the EU. A preliminary list of legislation potentially in the scope of the ‘finder’ is being analysed to see how chemical substances are identified in these legislation, in what format the data exists, and how the information is kept up-to-date. ECHA’s accredited stakeholders and Member State authorities have also been contacted to map the needs of potential users. The study will be concluded by November this year.


IUCLID 6 update coming soon
A new version of IUCLID 6 will be available on 28 April. It will bring three new features:

  • PNEC calculator: helps to generate predicted no effect concentrations (PNECs) for different environmental compartments in line with ECHA’s guidance. The results are automatically stored in IUCLID.
  • Dossier header reuse: when submitting subsequent dossiers to ECHA, you can now reuse the administrative information you have previously entered for the same substance in the dossier header. You no longer need to fill in all the information manually, for example, when you submit an update.
  • Report templates manager: eases the generation of reports by allowing you to pre-load your report templates in IUCLID and use them whenever needed.

In addition, the update contains improvements to the current functionalities and fixes to known issues. More information will be available in a webinar on Thursday 4 May. You can download the software free-of-charge from the IUCLID website.

IUCLID 6 website | Webinar | ECHA Cloud Services

Restriction dossier for lead and lead compounds submitted

ECHA submitted a proposal to restrict the use of lead shots over wetlands (EC: 231-100-4) on 12 April 2017. ECHA's committees are currently performing a conformity check on the dossier. ECHA has published the dossier on its website to increase transparency and to help stakeholders prepare for the six month public consultation on the dossier. The public consultation is expected in mid-May or beginning of June 2017 if the dossier passes conformity.

Submitted restriction proposals | ECHA's activities on restriction

REACH-IT updated and open for submissions

Our dossier submission tool, REACH-IT, was updated on Tuesday 25 April. From now on, requests for alternative chemical names in mixtures under the CLP Regulation can only be submitted through the tool. The last major update of REACH-IT before the 2018 deadline is expected to be in October 2017. Keep an eye on the new maintenance page for information on our services.

REACH-IT | Maintenance messages

REACH registrants survey – reply by 12 May

ECHA is conducting a study to examine the challenges and incentives for updating dossiers and to identify best practice that could help companies improve their data. This is done as part of ECHA’s efforts to maximise the availability of high quality data to enable the safe manufacture and use of chemicals. If you haven’t done so yet, please share your experiences with us.


Rubber crumb report summary now available in multiple languages

A summary of ECHA's report evaluating the health risks of substances in recycled rubber used on artificial sports pitches is now available in 23 official EU languages.

Completed restriction activities

Further substances assessed by authorities

The public activities coordination tool (PACT) has been updated with information on 18 substances that are undergoing risk management option analysis or hazard assessment by authorities.

Public activities coordination tool


New proposal and intention to harmonise classification and labelling

A new intention to harmonise the classification and labelling was received by Germany for:
hexyl 2-(1-(diethylaminohydroxyphenyl)methanoyl)benzoate (EC 443-860-6; CAS 302776-68-7).

A proposal to harmonise the classification and labelling was received by Norway for: 2,2-bis(bromomethyl)propane-1,3-diol (EC 221-967-7; CAS 3296-90-0).

CLH intentions | Submitted CLH proposals

Downstream users

Two useful presentations for downstream users

Two presentations from this year's Stakeholders' Day were of particular interest to downstream user companies supplying and using chemicals. ECHA presented on "Improving supply chain communication" and A.I.S.E. on "How use maps help improve supply chain communication". The questions and answers following this session also covered some interesting grounds on obligations related to using and supplying chemicals.

If you were unable to join or would like to see these parts again, the recording of both days and the presentations are available on our website.

Event page

International activities

ECHA information stand at the triple COPs in Geneva

We will be present at the Conference of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (COPs) from Thursday 27 to Saturday 29 April. Our stand will promote the improved chemicals database that was launched in 2016 and upgraded in 2017 with a download function for certain key registration data. Other aspects of ECHA’s work, including some simple classification and labelling training material, will also be showcased to the meeting delegates.

Read more


REACH 2018 webinars: welcome to the REACH 2018 Spring School
15-19 May 2017

During this intensive week, we will be broadcasting all the REACH 2018 phase webinars again with the possibility to ask questions from our experts. Register now and ensure your place.

Programme and registration

Presentation of IUCLID 6 version 1.3
4 May 2017, 12:00 to 13:00 Helsinki Time (EEST, GMT +3)

This webinar is intended for users of IUCLID 6 and introduces the content of the IUCLID 6 update published on 28 April 2017. It also addresses most frequently asked questions and reported issues. It covers new features such as the PNEC generator and advanced features of the report generator.

Programme and registration

Getting your chemical safety assessment done and communicating its outcome to your customers
17 May 2017, 11:00 to 13:30 Helsinki Time (EEST, GMT +3)

Struggling with your chemical safety assessment? Join our webinar addressed to registrants who need to carry out a chemical safety assessment for the first time including the generation of exposure scenarios.
The webinar explains, what the chemical safety assessment is, when it should be carried out and what information is needed. Practical tips will be given on how to approach the task and what mistakes to avoid. The webinar will also give a brief overview of the Chemical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool, Chesar.

Programme and registration

Missed our technical completeness check webinar?

A recording and presentations are available on our website. The webinar is relevant for any company preparing a REACH registration dossier. It focuses on experience gained since the revised completeness check was introduced in June 2016. You will also get valuable insight into the manual checks performed by our staff as part of the completeness check.

Presentations and recording

Calls for information

Consultation on harmonised classification and labelling

ECHA is seeking comments on a harmonised classification and labelling proposal for nitric acid ... % (EC 231-714-2; CAS 7697-37-2). It is mainly used as a laboratory chemical, for cleaning and treatment of water and metal/non-metal products, as a pH regulator and as a fertiliser.

It has an existing harmonised classification and labelling in Annex VI to CLP. The proposal is to add acute toxicity as a function of its concentration in aqueous solution, resulting in two entries in Annex VI to CLP. We invite you to provide comments on acute toxicity and acute toxicity estimates by inhalation.

Comments should be submitted by 9 June 2017. Consultations close at 23:59 Helsinki time (EET).

Public consultation

Public consultations on cyphenothrin and chlorfenapyr

Public consultations have been launched on two active biocidal substances as potential candidates for substitution:

  • (RS)-α-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (1RS,3RS;1RS,3SR)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl) cyclopropanecarboxylate (Cyphenothrin) (EC 254-484-5; CAS 39515-40-7) used as an insecticide for indoor professional use against crawling insect pests in product-type 18;
  • Chlorfenapyr (EC -; CAS 122453-73-0) used as an insecticide for professional use for the control of ants in product-type 18.

We invite you to provide information on possible alternatives to these substances. The two consultations are open until 20 June 2017.

Potential candidates for substitution

Have a look at the 29 currently open consultations on our home page.

All open consultations

REACH 2018

398 days until the REACH 2018 deadline


ECHA is looking for a head of unit for communications, human resources administrative assistants and seconded national experts

Traineeship open positions


Biocides Stakeholders' Day
26-27 September 2017

Upcoming events

REACH 2018 events


Getting your chemical safety assessment done
17 May 2017

REACH 2018 Spring School
15-19 May 2017

More webinars


Check all 29 currently open consultations on our home page or subscribe to our RSS feed to stay up-to-date


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European Chemicals Agency
P.O.Box 400 FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland