Annual fees
Annual fees
Once the Commission has authorised a biocidal product or a biocidal product family at Union level, the authorisation is given a validity period from entry into force date until the expiry date.
For each biocidal product or product family authorised by the Union, ECHA will charge the annual fee provided for in Annex III of the Biocides Fee Regulation. The annual fee is due on the first and each subsequent anniversary of the entry into force of the authorisation and is related to the preceding year.
The Collection of annual fee for Union Authorisations process has the following steps:
- The Commission authorises a biocidal product or a biocidal product family at Union level.
- One month before each annual anniversary of the entry into force of the authorisation, the process is automatically started in R4BP 3 and ECHA issues an invoice for the annual fee under case type “Collection of annual fee for Union Authorisations (UA-AFC)”.
- The authorisation holder pays the annual fee to ECHA within 30 days from the invoice issue date. If the invoice is not paid by the payment due date the Union Authorisation may be cancelled.
- The annual fee collection process is completed for the first year and will be automatically started again from step 2 at the next anniversary of the entry into force of the Union Authorisation.
The main actors of the process are:
Union Authorisation holder
- The Union Authorisation holder is responsible for paying the annual fee to ECHA within 30 days from the invoice issue date. Also, is responsible for regularly checking the R4BP 3 account and for keeping the account information (users and contacts of the legal entity) up to date.
- ECHA is responsible for ensuring that the process of Collection of annual fee for Union Authorisations is triggered in due time before each annual anniversary so that the fee is collected before each anniversary of the entry into force date.