Evaluating Competent Authorities

Evaluating CAs for UA

Information on this website was provided directly by Member State Competent Authorities and is provided solely for information. ECHA did not and will not verify that the information provided is correct, up to date or reflecting the applicable national or EU legislation. ECHA accepts no responsibility and liability for any use of the information. In case of doubt, ECHA recommends you contact the relevant national authorities for clarifications. 

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Evaluating Competent Authorities for UA



Competent Authority contact information

TO: biozide (at) umweltbundesamt.at
CC: biozide (at) bmk.gv.at

When to approach the CA

As early as possible, but not before the COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION of the approval of the AS(s) is published in the Official Journal.

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information


Information required from the potential applicant
  • name of the product or product family:
  • name and CAS number of the active substance(s):
  • product type(s) involved:
  • approval date of the (last) active substance for the (last) product type:
  • type of application: national, union authorization, simplified authorization,:
  • for NA-APP or SA-APP, could you please indicate in which countries will you respectively apply for a mutual recognition or a notification:
  • single product or product family?:
  • in the case of a family, number of meta-SPCs and products involved:
  • predetermined submission date of the dossier:
  • are authorization applications for this / these product(s) already under consideration under the Belgian transitional regime?:
  • in case of a single product NA-APP or UA-APP, does the product have the same identity, and composition and use(s) as the product evaluated in connection with the approval for listing of the active substance(s) on the Union list of approved active substances under Regulation No. 528/2012?:
  • Are you a SME?:
When to approach the CA

As early as possible, at the latest 2 years before the planned submission.

Information on national procedures
Czech Republic


Competent Authority contact information

biocidy (at) mzcr.cz

Information required from the potential applicant
  • Specifics of proposed uses of the biocidal product (dose, instructions for use, application rate).
  • Proposed SPC with intended uses.
  • List of studies supporting proposed uses, either completed, ongoing or in the planning.
When to approach the CA

Please contact the CZCA at least 12 months prior to planned submission of the Union Authorisation in order to discuss possible workload

Information on national procedures




Competent Authority contact information

biocides (at) mst.dk

Information required from the potential applicant

Information according to the document "CG-30-2018-06 AP 15.2 Practical guide for BPF pre-submission".

When to approach the CA

As early as possible, there is no fixed deadline.

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

bpr (at) terviseamet.ee 

Information required from the potential applicant

Having a pre-submission consultation before submitting the application is recommended. For the  pre-submission consultation information is needed on the product (100% composition), use description(s), the preliminary draft Summary of Product (family) Characteristics (SPC). Also, an introduction should be provided on the information already available in the dossier and what kind of test(s) are still planned to be performed.

When to approach the CA

Please contact the Estonian CA for biocides as early as possible, at the latest eight months before the planned submission. 
As EE plans ahead for three years, new potential applications can be submitted in 2026.

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biosinfo (at) tukes.fi

Information required from the potential applicant

If you want to request Tukes to act as a reference member state for the evaluation of a national or Union authorisation, send a completed Request for Finland to act as refMSCA -form to Tukes asking Tukes to act as a reference member state or an evaluating member state .  Form is available via the link provided.

When to approach the CA

at least one year before the application.

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

the request should be sent on our national BPR Helpdesk:
helpdesk-biocides (at) anses.fr 

Information required from the potential applicant

We request to the applicant:

  • the type of UA-APP (single product or product family)
  • the active substance(s) and PT(s) supported
  • the main uses supported
  • in case of a Biocidal Product Family (BPF): the overview of the BPF
  • the expected submission date of the application
When to approach the CA

FR  should be contacted as eCA at least 1 year before the submission of the application.
FR should be contacted preferrably only once an approval decision on an AS/PT is available.

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

chemG (at) baua.bund.de

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocides (at) minagric.gr
avoulgari (at) eof.gr

Information required from the potential applicant

Pre-submission meeting takes place with the applicant.  The process will be streamlines in case that the applicant has complete dossier so that it can be discussed with the experts

When to approach the CA

The final decision will be made according to the availability of resources. Applicants can approach the eCA at least 18 months before the submission deadline

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocide.helpdesk (at) nnk.gov.hu

biocide.authority (at) nnk.gov.hu

Information required from the potential applicant

We suggest to have a pre-submission meeting (online).

When to approach the CA


Information on national procedures




Competent Authority contact information

biocide-authorisations (at) agriculture.gov.ie

Information required from the potential applicant

Contact IE CA for full details. 

When to approach the CA

As early as possible, but no fixed deadline. 

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocidi (at) sanita.it 

Information required from the potential applicant
  • date of planned submission of the application
  • name of the applicant (including case owner and authorization holder)
  • trade name of the biocidal product/family
  • active substance/substances
  • product-type(s)
  • the overview of the BPF
  • type of formulation of the biocidal product
  • possible SoCs
  • target harmful organisms
  • categories of users
  • list of studies supporting proposed uses, either completed, ongoing or in the planning
  • dossier completeness checklist (ref. Annex 3 of the BPR) 
When to approach the CA

At least one year before the application, but not before the approval of the AS(s), or 1.5 years before the application, but not before a positive BPC opinion on the AS(s).

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocides (at) lvgmc.lv

Information required from the potential applicant

First of all, the basic information about the planned application is required: planned submission time, the active substance, possible SoCs, product types and intended uses, and the planned structure of the dossier. The other information is required case-by-case or when it comes closer to the pre-submission meeting.

When to approach the CA

At least 1.5 years before the submission of the application.

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocides (at) aev.etat.lu

When to approach the CA

As early as possible, but we have no fixed deadline

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocides (at) mccaa.org.mt

Information required from the potential applicant
  • Active ingredient/s and quantity;
  • Expected submission timeframe;
  • Product type/s; Label claim (target organisms);
  • Product family (Y/N), if Y, number of members in family; 
  • Qualitative and quantitative composition of biocidal product (or product family); 
  • Indicated uses, expected exposure routes; 
  • User categories (professional, non-professional, general public);
  • Substances of concern (y/n), if y, the names/CAS numbers and concentrations in the formulation;
  • Human health and/or environmental specification/s in case of identified substances of concern; 
  • Exposure via residues in food/feed/drinking water expected (y/n). If (y), are MRLs set for the active substance(s) (y/n);
When to approach the CA

As early as possible, but we have no fixed deadline

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocides (at) miljodir.no 

When to approach the CA

As early as possible, but no fixed deadline. 

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

pb (at) urpl.gov.pl 

Information required from the potential applicant
  • name of the applicant (preferably including case owner and future authorization holder)
  • trade name of the biocidal product/ family*
  • active substance/substances
  • type of formulation of the biocidal product
  • product-type
  • target harmful organisms
  • categories of users
  • more detailed information concerning structure of the family (eg. how many meta-SPC are included)
When to approach the CA

at least 1 year before the submission of the application

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocide (at) insp.gov.ro

helpdesk.biocide (at) insp.gov.ro

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocides (at) mhsr.sk 

Information required from the potential applicant

active substance(s), PT(s), BP/BPF

When to approach the CA

At least 2 years before the submission of the application.

Information on national procedures




Competent Authority contact information

biocidi.uzk (at) gov.si

Information required from the potential applicant
  • Applicant
  • Company UUID
  • Dossier type (Single Biocidal Product/BPF)
  • Active substance name
  • Product type
  • Date of approval of the active subtance
  • Date of planned submission of the application
When to approach the CA

As early as possible, at the latest 2 years before the planned submission.

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

biocidas-helpdesk (at) sanidad.gob.es

Information required from the potential applicant

Please, see the information from the eCA

When to approach the CA

Please, see the information from the eCA

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

kemi (at) kemi.se

Information required from the potential applicant

Information listed in the form “Information on your intended application in Sweden” should be provided. The form is available for download on the website of the Swedish Chemicals Agency via the link provided.

When to approach the CA

It is highly recommended to submit the request well in advance, preferably 12 months before the submission of an application. We will however not be able to process requests submitted prior to the publication of the approval decision for the active substance.

Information on national procedures


Competent Authority contact information

CH-Evaluation (at) bag.admin.ch

Information required from the potential applicant

The potential applicant must send us a completed checklist indicating the status of the different endpoints (product dossier which mainly corresponds to Annex III of the BPR). The checklist reflects the completeness of a given dossiers and will be taken into account for the decision to accept the dossier and the planning.

When to approach the CA

We expect potential applicants to contact us as early as possible, but not before a positive BPC opinion on the active substance has been issued.

Information on national procedures
the Netherlands


Competent Authority contact information

Cindy.vdmeer (at) ctgb.nl (account manager Ctgb)

Information required from the potential applicant
  •  Applicant/Company UUID
  •  Intended product name or BPF name
  •  PT(s)
  • Single product or BPF (in case of BPF: indicate number of metaSPCs   -and products)
  • Intended date of submission
When to approach the CA

An eCA agreement with the Ctgb can be requested as soon as the implementing regulation regarding the approval of the active substance(s) for the relevant PT(s) is published in the European Journal, stating the approval date in the annex. A pre-submission meeting with the experts of the Ctgb is obligatory before submission of the dossier. For this purpose, it is recommended to contact us at least 6 months before the submission of the application. 

Information on national procedures