Autoriseerimistaotluste teemalised vastuvõetud arvamused ja eelnevad arutelud

Autoriseerimistaotluste teemalised vastuvõetud arvamused ja eelnevad arutelud

Autoriseerimistaotluste teemalised vastuvõetud arvamused ja eelnevad arutelud

This page provides further information on the applications for authorisation or review reports, which have undergone consultation. The applications for authorisation are in the opinion development phase until the final opinions of the Committees for Risk Assessment and Socio-economic Analysis have been adopted and sent to the European Commission. Its decision-making process can be followed through the comitology register, where further information is published about the REACH Committee's past and upcoming meetings.

On 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom (UK) withdrew from the EU. The transition period provided by the withdrawal agreement ended on 31 December 2020. As of 1 January 2021, an application for an authorisation submitted by a person established in the UK (except Northern Ireland) is no longer valid in the EU, unless that application has been transferred to a legal entity established in the EU or Northern Ireland before the end of the transition period. Therefore, authorisation applications and decisions in so far as these concern persons established in the UK (except Northern Ireland) are no longer considered valid. 


There are currently no ongoing consultations.
0276-01 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 Sc OsmaPlast Romania SRL Industrial use of hexavalent chromium for a pre-treatment step (etching) in the electroplating process for various applications. Opinion development Details
0276-02 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 Sc OsmaPlast Romania SRL Industrial use of hexavalent chromium to create a long-lasting and high durability chromium decorative surface on plastic substrates in the electroplating process for various applications Opinion development Details
0006-01 Initial Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 201-557-4 84-74-2 Sasol-Huntsman GmbH & Co. KG Use of DBP as an absorption solvent in a closed system in the manufacture of maleic anhydride Commission decided Details
0260-01 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 Sarrel Sarreliber - Transformação de Plásticos e Metais, S.A Industrial use of chromium trioxide for the etching of plastics materials, as a pre-treatment step of the electroplating process, for automotive applications mostly Opinions adopted Details
0199-01 Initial 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol, ethoxylated - - Sanquin Reagents B.V. Use of Triton™ X-100 (4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol, ethoxylated) in formulation of components for IVD kits. Commission decided Details
0156-01 Initial 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol, ethoxylated - - Sanofi Pasteur Use of Octoxynol-9 for virus splitting and inactivation step in the manufacturing of influenza vaccines Commission decided Details
0214-02 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH Pretex® functional chrome plating using chromium trioxide in closed reactor systems for the establishment of adjustable hemispherical surface structures on working rolls applied in the steel industry for the manufacture of cold-rolled, high quality textured sheet metal Commission decided Details
0214-01 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH Functional chrome plating using chromium trioxide in closed reactor systems for the establishment of a ‘conventional’ hard chrome coating on working rolls applied in the steel industry for the pre-manufacturing of cold-rolled, high-quality textured sheet metal Commission decided Details
0346-02 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 Safran Landing Systems; TSM; REVETEMENT DE CHROME DUR; SOCIETE TECHNIQUE D'ETUDES ET DE GESTION; SABENA TECHNICS BOD; OMA S.P.A.; Metal Sud s.r.l; Safran Landing Systems Services; Compañia Española de Sistemas Aeronauticos, (C.E.S.A.), S.A.U.; Aerostar S.A. Industrial use of chromium trioxide for hard chrome plating in the manufacturing and the repairing of landing gear parts exclusively supplied by Safran Landing Systems and for which there is not yet potential alternatives identified as part of the substitution process. Opinion development Details
0346-01 Initial Chromium trioxide 215-607-8 1333-82-0 Safran Landing Systems; TSM; REVETEMENT DE CHROME DUR; SOCIETE TECHNIQUE D'ETUDES ET DE GESTION; SABENA TECHNICS BOD; OMA S.P.A.; Metal Sud s.r.l; Safran Landing Systems Services; Compañia Española de Sistemas Aeronauticos, (C.E.S.A.), S.A.U.; Aerostar S.A. Industrial use of chromium trioxide for hard chrome plating to provide key functional properties such as wear resistance (...) in the manufacturing of landing and braking system parts for aeronautical applications exclusively supplied by Safran Landing Systems without technical limitations with the identified alternative. Opinion development Details