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Diss Factsheets

Toxicological information

Genetic toxicity: in vitro

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Administrative data

in vitro gene mutation study in bacteria
Type of genotoxicity: gene mutation
Type of information:
experimental study
Adequacy of study:
key study
Study period:
From 1 to 28 November 1991
1 (reliable without restriction)
Rationale for reliability incl. deficiencies:
other: According to OECD Guideline 471 and it is GLP.

Data source

Reference Type:
study report
Report date:

Materials and methods

Test guidelineopen allclose all
according to guideline
OECD Guideline 471 (Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay)
according to guideline
EU Method B.13/14 (Mutagenicity - Reverse Mutation Test Using Bacteria)
according to guideline
other: US Environmental Protection Agency, Method: HG-Gene Muta-S.typhimurium: The Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation assay.
GLP compliance:
Type of assay:
bacterial reverse mutation assay

Test material

Constituent 1
Chemical structure
Reference substance name:
Ethyl 2-cyclohexylpropionate
EC Number:
EC Name:
Ethyl 2-cyclohexylpropionate
Cas Number:
Molecular formula:
ethyl 2-cyclohexylpropanoate
Details on test material:
- Physical state: clear, colourless liquid
- Storage condition of test material: 4ºC in the dark


Target gene:
S. typhimurium TA 1535 hisG46rfa uvrB
S. typhimurium TA 1537 hisC3076 rfa uvrB
S. typhimurium TA 1538 hisD3052 rfa uvrB
S. typhimurium TA 98 hisD3052 rfa uvrB pKM101
S. typhimurium TA 100 hisG46 rfa uvrB pKM101
Species / strainopen allclose all
Species / strain / cell type:
S. typhimurium TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 98 and TA 100
Additional strain / cell type characteristics:
not applicable
Species / strain / cell type:
S. typhimurium TA 1538
Additional strain / cell type characteristics:
not applicable
Metabolic activation:
with and without
Metabolic activation system:
S9 mix was prepared by administration of Aroclor 1254 in a single intra-peritonal injection (in Arachis oil, 500 mg/kg bw)
Test concentrations with justification for top dose:
In the preliminary toxicity study, four concentrations of test subtance were assessed for toxicity using the five tester strains. The highest concentration was 50 mg/ml of test subtance in the chosen solvent, which provided a final concentration of 5000 µg/plate. Three 10-fold serial dilutions of the highest concentration were also tested. The chosen solvent is ethanol.
In the mean mutation study, the test substance was added to culture of the five tester strains at five concentrations separated by c.half-log10 intervals. The highest concentration of the substance used was 150µg/plate. The positive control compounds were also included.
Vehicle / solvent:
Controlsopen allclose all
Untreated negative controls:
Negative solvent / vehicle controls:
True negative controls:
Positive controls:
(5µg/plate) TA1535 and (3µg/plate) TA100 without S9mix
Untreated negative controls:
Negative solvent / vehicle controls:
True negative controls:
Positive controls:
Positive control substance:
(80µg/plate) TA1537 without S9mix
Untreated negative controls:
Negative solvent / vehicle controls:
True negative controls:
Positive controls:
Positive control substance:
(2µg/plate) TA1538 and (1µg/plate) TA98 without S9mix
Untreated negative controls:
Negative solvent / vehicle controls:
True negative controls:
Positive controls:
Positive control substance:
other: 2-aminoanthracene
(2µg/plate) TA1535 and TA 1537 and (0.5µg/plate) TA1538 and TA98 and (1µg/plate) strain TA100 with S9mix
Details on test system and experimental conditions:
METHOD OF APPLICATION: in agar (plate incorporation)

- Exposure duration: 3 days

NUMBER OF REPLICATIONS: two independent experiments were performed


- Method: any toxic effects of the test substance can be detected by a substantial reduction in revertant colony counts or by the absence of a complete background bacterial lawn.
Evaluation criteria:
The mean number of relevant colonies for all treatment groups is compared with those obtained for solvent control groups. The mutagenic activity of a test material is assessed by applying the following criteria.
a) If treatment with a test material produces an increase in revertant colony numbers of at least twice the concurrent solvent controls, with some evidence of a positive dose-relationship, in two separate experiments, with any bacterial strain either in the presence or absence of S-9mix, it is considered to show evidence of mutagenic activity in this test system. No statistical analysis is performed.
b) If treatment with a test material does not produce reproducible increases of at least 1.5 times the concurrent solvent controls, at any dose level with any bacterial strain, it is considered to show no evidence of mutagenic activity in this test system. No statistical analysis is performed.
c) If the results obtained fail to satisfy the criteria for a clear "positive" or "negative" response given in paragraphs (a) and (b), the following approach is taken in order to resolve the issue of the material's mutagenic in this test system.
(i) Repeat tests may be performed using modifications of the experimental method. These modifications include (but are not restricted to), the use of a narrow dose range than that already tested; the use of diferrent levels of liver homogenate S-9 fraction in the S-9 mix. Should an increase in revertant colony numbers be observed which satisfies paragraph (a) the material is considered to show evidence of mutagenic activity in this test system. No statistical analysis is performed.
(ii) If no clear "positive" response can be obtained the test data may be subjected to analysis to determine the statistical significance of any observed increases in revertant colony numbers. The statistical procedures used will be those described by Mahon et al. (1989).

Results and discussion

Test resultsopen allclose all
Species / strain:
S. typhimurium TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 98 and TA 100
Metabolic activation:
with and without
Cytotoxicity / choice of top concentrations:
In the first mutation test toxicity was observed at 150 µg/plate towards all the tester strains except TA1535
Vehicle controls validity:
Untreated negative controls validity:
not applicable
Positive controls validity:
Species / strain:
S. typhimurium TA 1538
Metabolic activation:
with and without
Cytotoxicity / choice of top concentrations:
In the first mutation test toxicity was observed at 150 µg/plate
Vehicle controls validity:
Untreated negative controls validity:
not applicable
Positive controls validity:
Additional information on results:
The revertant colony counts for the substance obtained in the preliminary toxicity test are shown in Table 1. The substance was toxic towards the tester strains at both 5000 µg/plate. Therefore 150 µg/plate was chosen as the top dose level in the mutation tests.
The mean number of revertant colonies, together with the individual plate counts for the substance obtained in the first mutation test with the tester strains are shown in Table 2. Positive control mutability checks are shown in Table 3.
In the first mutation test toxicity was observed at 150 µg/plate towards all the tester strains except TA 1535.
The mean number of revertant colonies, together with the individual plate counts for the substance obtained in the second mutation test with the tester strains are shown in Table 4. Positive control mutability checks are shown in Table 5.
No substantial increases in revertant colony number of any of the tester strains were observed following treatment with the substance at any dose level, either in the presence of S-9 mix.
The concurrent positive control compound demostrated the sensitivity of the assay and the metabolising activity of the liver preparations.
Remarks on result:
other: all strains/cell types tested
Migrated from field 'Test system'.

Any other information on results incl. tables

Table 1: Dose range finding test on the test substance - revertant colony counts obtaned with bacterial strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA100.
Dose Level (µg/plate) Metabolic activation Bacterial Strains
TA 1535 TA 1537 TA 1538 TA 98 TA 100
5000 - IL IL IL IL IL
500 - IL IL IL IL IL
50 - 6 13 9 21 83
5 - 11 12 14 25 110
Solvent - 17 18 12 25 110
5000 + IL IL IL IL IL
500 + IL IL IL IL IL
50 + 12 15 16 23 104
5 + 14 14 9 24 119
Solvent + 16 15 19 24 107
Table 2: Mutation Test 1
Test substance - revertant colony counts obtained per plate using bacterial strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100.
Strain Dose level (µg/plate) Metabolic activation Mean revertant colony counts SD Individual revertant colony counts
TA 1535 150.0 - 9 2.1 7 11 10
  50.0 - 12 1.5 13 10 12
  15.0 - 11 1.2 12 12 10
  5.0 - 12 4.2 13 15 7
  1.5 - 10 2.6 7 11 12
  0.0 - 12 2.0 14 10 12
  Solvent - 14 0.6 14 13 14
  150.0 + 6 1.7 7 4 7
  50.0 + 14 1.5 14 13 16
  15.0 + 15 2.3 14 14 18
  5.0 + 12 1.5 11 14 12
  1.5 + 15 1.5 16 15 13
  0.0 + 14 5.0 19 14 9
  Solvent + 16 2.5 13 18 16
TA 1537 150.0 - - - IL IL IL
  50.0 - 13 1.5 13 15 12
  15.0 - 15 2.6 17 16 12
  5.0 - 10 3.2 14 8 9
  1.5 - 12 4.6 17 9 9
  0.0 - 17 1.2 18 16 18
  Solvent - 15 1.5 17 15 14
  150.0 + - - IL IL IL
  50.0 + 18 - c 20 16
  15.0 + 14 4.7 9 16 18
  5.0 + 13 1.0 14 12 13
  1.5 + 17 2.6 16 20 15
  0.0 + 18 2.1 16 17 20
  Solvent + 17 2.5 15 20 17
TA 1538 150.0 - - - IL IL IL
  50.0 - 10 2.0 8 12 10
  15.0 - 11 3.5 7 13 13
  5.0 - 11 3.6 7 14 12
  1.5 - 14 2.6 12 13 17
  0.0 - 15 3.1 14 18 12
  Solvent - 12 2.6 14 13 9
  150.0 + - - IL IL IL
  50.0 + 14 0.6 13 14 14
  15.0 + 13 1.0 12 14 13
  5.0 + 15 2.3 16 16 12
  1.5 + 14 3.2 16 10 15
  0.0 + 16 1.0 16 17 15
  Solvent + 17 2.6 20 15 16
TA 98 150.0 - - - IL IL IL
  50.0 - 20 1.5 20 21 18
  15.0 - 24 4.6 29 21 21
  5.0 - 24 3.5 24 21 28
  1.5 - 24 2.3 25 25 21
  0.0 - 22 2.1 24 23 20
  Solvent - 25 1.5 25 24 27
  150.0 + - - IL IL IL
  50.0 + 24 2.1 22 25 26
  15.0 + 22 2.1 20 24 23
  5.0 + 26 3.5 22 28 28
  1.5 + 26 4.6 21 27 30
  0.0 + 24 4.7 28 26 19
  Solvent + 29 3.5 26 33 29
TA 100 150.0 - - - IL IL IL
  50.0 - 110 6.5 116 110 103
  15.0 - 107 0.0 107 107 107
  5.0 - 99 10.1 104 105 87
  1.5 - 110 8.7 120 105 105
  0.0 - 99 9.0 90 99 108
  Solvent - 101 14.0 85 107 111
  150.0 + - - IL IL IL
  50.0 + 118 2.5 115 118 120
  15.0 + 118 6.6 112 117 125
  5.0 + 106 6.7 112 99 108
  1.5 + 115 6.2 110 113 122
  0.0 + 130 2.5 127 132 130
  Solvent + 117 7.5 117 110 125
Table 3: Mutation Test 1
Mutability tests with bacterial strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100
Strain Compound Dose Level (µg/plate) Metabolic activation Mean revertant colony counts SD Individual revertant colony counts
TA 1535 EENG 5.0 - 211 24.8 226 182 224
TA 1537 9 AC 80.0 - - - X X X
TA 1538 NF 2.0 - 71 2.6 68 72 73
TA 98 NF 1.0 - 116 20.6 96 137 114
TA 100 ENNG 3.0 - 308 11.6 314 295 316
TA 1535 AA 2.0 + 215 16.0 232 214 200
TA 1537 AA 2.0 + 111 13.0 112 124 98
TA 1538 AA 0.5 + 134 22.2 108 147 146
TA 98 AA 0.5 + 198 25.5 224 173 196
TA 100 AA 1.0 + 422 16.1 407 420 439
Table 4: Mutation Test 2
Test substance - revertant colony counts obtained per plate using bacterial strains TA1535, TA1537, TA1538, TA98 and TA100
Strain Dose level (µg/plate) Metabolic activation Mean revertant colony counts SD Individual revertant colony counts
TA 1535 150.0 - 13 4.0 17 9 12
  50.0 - 11 0.6 11 11 12
  15.0 - 10 1.0 9 10 11
  5.0 - 11 3.6 15 8 10
  1.5 - 12 2.0 10 14 12
  0.0 - 11 2.5 11 9 14
  Solvent - 12 2.9 14 14 9
  150.0 + 17 3.1 16 14 20
  50.0 + 13 2.6 12 16 11
  15.0 + 14 1.2 15 13 15
  5.0 + 17 1.5 19 16 17
  1.5 + 14 3.6 13 18 11
  0.0 + 14 2.1 12 15 16
  Solvent + 13 0.0 13 13 13
TA 1537 150.0 - 12 2.5 12 14 9
  50.0 - 12 3.2 13 8 14
  15.0 - 14 3.1 13 11 17
  5.0 - 14 3.8 12 11 18
  1.5 - 14 1.5 13 16 14
  0.0 - 10 4.5 6 10 15
  Solvent - 15 1.2 16 16 14
  150.0 + 14 3.8 18 12 11
  50.0 + 12 2.9 10 10 15
  15.0 + 14 0.6 14 15 14
  5.0 + 11 0.6 12 11 11
  1.5 + 15 1.5 13 16 15
  0.0 + 15 1.7 13 16 16
  Solvent + 15 0.0 15 15 15
TA 1538 150.0 - 9 4.4 14 6 7
  50.0 - 7 5.0 7 2 12
  15.0 - 7 1.2 6 6 8
  5.0 - 8 1.5 8 10 7
  1.5 - 11 1.0 12 11 10
  0.0 - 9 4.0 5 13 10
  Solvent - 12 2.3 11 11 15
  150.0 + 18 1.5 19 16 18
  50.0 + 14 0.6 14 15 14
  15.0 + 17 2.6 20 15 16
  5.0 + 16 2.5 14 19 16
  1.5 + 16 2.5 18 16 13
  0.0 + 17 2.6 19 18 14
  Solvent + 15 2.5 18 13 15
TA 98 150.0 - 21 0.6 22 21 21
  50.0 - 20 1.5 19 20 22
  15.0 - 26 5.2 23 23 32
  5.0 - 21 2.1 23 20 19
  1.5 - 25 8.5 17 25 34
  0.0 - 23 5.5 20 29 19
  Solvent - 26 3.8 23 30 24
  150.0 + 27 2.9 24 29 29
  50.0 + 29 4.5 29 34 25
  15.0 + 32 2.5 29 34 32
  5.0 + 31 1.0 30 32 31
  1.5 + 25 1.7 26 23 26
  0.0 + 34 - c 31 36
  Solvent + 22 2.3 21 25 21
TA 100 150.0 - 78 4.7 83 74 76
  50.0 - 87 9.7 95 89 76
  15.0 - 88 6.7 80 91 92
  5.0 - 81 5.1 87 77 80
  1.5 - 86 3.2 84 85 90
  0.0 - 98 17.6 78 108 109
  Solvent - 94 10.2 106 90 84
  150.0 + 103 6.9 111 99 99
  50.0 + 108 11.9 104 98 121
  15.0 + 99 2.5 101 99 96
  5.0 + 105 8.6 103 97 114
  1.5 + 111 4.0 115 107 111
  0.0 + 109 2.6 111 110 106
  Solvent + 105 5.3 99 107 109
Table 5: Mutation test 2
Mutability tests with bacterial strains TA1535, TA1537, TA1538, TA98 and TA100
Strain Compound Dose Level (µg/plate) Metabolic activation Mean revertant colony counts SD Individual revertant colony counts
TA 1535 EENG 5.0 - 336 35.8 367 297 345
TA 1537 9 AC 80.0 - - - x x x
TA 1538 NF 2.0 - 62 12.1 75 51 61
TA 98* NF 1.0 - 82 4.2 85 83 77
TA 100 ENNG 3.0 - 294 25.2 323 278 281
TA 1535 AA 2.0 + 281 19.6 259 286 297
TA 1537 AA 2.0 + 93 15.7 96 107 76
TA 1538 AA 0.5 + 219 26.1 246 217 194
TA 98* AA 0.5 + 135 11.8 138 122 145
TA 100 AA 1.0 + 807 56.5 790 761 870
- Absence C Contaminated
+ Presence SD Standard deviation
IL Incomplete bacterial lawn
x Too many colonies to count accurately
ENNG N-ethyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine
9 AC 9-aminoacridine
NF 2-nitrofluorene
AA 2-aminoanthracene
* Data obtained from a separate experiment due to contamination

Applicant's summary and conclusion

Interpretation of results (migrated information):

It is concluded that, when tested in ethanol, the substance shows no evidence of mutagenic activity in this bacterial system.
Executive summary:

In this in vitro assessment of the mutagenic potential of the substance, histidine dependent auxotrophic mutants of Salmonella typhimurium (strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA100) were exposed to the test material, diluted in ethanol which was also used as a negative control.

Two independent mutation tests were performed, in the presence and absence of liver preparations from Aroclor 1254-induced rats.

In the preliminary dose range finding study with dose levels of up to 5000 µg/plate toxicity was observed towards the tester strains at both 5000 and 500 µg/plate. A top dose level of 150 µg/plate was chosen for the subsequent mutation study. Other dose levels used in the mutation assays were: 50, 15, 5, 1.5 µg/plate.

No evidence of mutagenic activity was seen at any dose level of the substance in either mutation test.

The concurrent positive control compounds demostrated the sensivity of the assay and the metabolising activity of the liver preparations.

It is concluded that, when tested in ethanol, the substance was not mutagenic in this bacterial system.