Brief Profile
Brief Profile
Data platform availability banner - brief profile
Please be aware that the REACH registration parts of this Brief Profile are no longer maintained; they remain frozen as of 19th May 2023. All other data parts (substance identity, C&L, key regulatory lists etc. are up to date).
The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.
Diss Brief Profile
The Brief Profile summarizes the non-confidential data on substances as it is held in the databases of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), including data provided by third parties. The Brief Profile is automatically generated; note that it does not currently distinguish between harmonised classification and minimum classification; information requirements under different legislative frameworks may therefore not be fully up to date or complete. For accuracy reasons, substance manufacturers and imports have the responsibility to consult official sources, e.g. the electronic edition of the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Brief Profile is covered by the ECHA Legal Notice.
Ethylene oxide
Brief Profile - Last updated: 10/09/2024 Print
Sub. description
Substance description
Substance description
The ’Substance description’ gives an overview of the main substance identifiers, substance classification, on-going regulatory activities, main uses of the substance and which registrants manufacture and/or import the substance. By summarising this information in a single page, ECHA aims to make this information accessible in a user-friendly way in line with the Agency’s goals and standards.
Data from all dossiers registered and the Classifications and Labelling Inventory (C&L) for the same substance are used to generate the Brief Profile. The information provided in the free-text fields is not published in the Brief Profiles.
The Brief Profile is automatically generated; information requirements under different legislative frameworks may, therefore, not be up-to-date or complete. For accuracy reasons, substance manufacturers and importers are responsible for consulting official sources. This Brief Profile is covered by the ECHA Legal Disclaimer.
Generating the Brief Profiles
The Brief Profile summarises the non-confidential data on substances as it is held in the databases of the European Chemical Agency (ECHA), including data provided by third parties. The Brief Profile is produced based on data in ECHA’s databases and maintained by the Agency, and therefore the Brief Profile as a dissemination tool falls under ECHA’s responsibility.
Due to the quantity of information and the number of chemicals, the Brief Profile is automatically generated based on the information available and is not manually verified. For sections such as substance use, chemical properties and the classification and labelling of substances, the quantity and quality of the information is the responsibility of manufacturers and importers. While the Agency tries to aggregate the information on chemicals in the best possible way, ECHA cannot check whether all the information provided by industry is free of errors.
Brief Profiles are updated regularly and new information is added when available. Since the source data can be updated at any time while the Brief Profiles are updated at intervals, a slight delay in the publication of information may occur.
The date of the last update corresponds to the publication date of the Brief Profile and not necessarily to the date in which the update occurred in the source data (registered dossiers, the C&L Inventory or a regulatory process).
Furthermore, updates in the source data may not always result in an update of the Brief Profile. For example, an update in a section of a dossier that is not displayed in the Brief Profile will not result in an update of the Brief Profile.
Dealing with Brief Profile errors
If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact ECHA using our contact form.
Sci. properties
Scientific properties
Scientific properties
The ‘Scientific properties’ section gives an overview of summarised scientific data from registered dossiers. By summarising the endpoint study data, ECHA aims to make this information accessible in a user-friendly way in line with the Agency’s goals and standards.
All the source data on which the summaries on this page are based, is provided by industry and stored in the ECHA databases. Data from all dossiers registered for the same substance is used in the summarisation and aggregation process, as it is presumed that all data submitted by the registrants is relevant for the substance being registered. If the test material used is different from the substance being registered an indication will be provided. Please note that the information provided in the free-text fields is not published in the brief profiles.
Information in the ‘Scientific properties’ section is structured by substance properties, further broken down into endpoints. Each endpoint includes three information blocks:
- Study results – this information is collected from those endpoint study records provided by registrants of REACH dossiers which are flagged as Key or Weight of Evidence studies, and which have an indicated reliability (i.e. Klimisch score) of 1 or 2. Other types of studies are not processed for the Brief Profiles.
- Type of study provided – Provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and data–waving justifications (e.g. key experimental study, Supporting QSAR study, etc.)
- Summary data – this information is collected from the endpoint summaries provided by registrants of REACH dossiers.
Note: Information presented in this section is generated as part of an automatic process, i.e. there is no manual verification or assessment of the correctness of the data. If no data is available in the registered substance dossiers, this will be indicated by a notification stating ‘Data not provided by the registrant’.
Summarisation and prioritisation of data
There are four methods to aggregate and summarise data, depending on the available data and endpoint. An icon is displayed to indicate the type of aggregation and summarisation performed:
- [R] Range of values – Range of results values (min-max) and range values of experimental condition(s) (min-max).
- [C] Concatenate distinct – Value types are ranked from most to least commonly provided, with a % attributed based on the count of total values provided.
- [M/C] Most conservative - Most conservative of all the data values provided, applying a precautionary principle (e.g. the lowest threshold or most hazardous statement)
- [P] Prioritisation – The result to be displayed is based on a set of criteria. For example, for endpoints related to (eco)toxicology four main types of criteria exist to prioritise the display of information: test species, dose descriptor, duration and measurement units. For Toxicology endpoint summaries two other criteria can be applied: Test type (Chronic, subchronic and subacute) and endpoint conclusion.
The precise data summarisation methods are specified per endpoint summary/study.
When more than one numerical result is available per endpoint the count is displayed between square brackets.
Units and data are normalised when possible and therefore the unit of measure/order of magnitude in the Brief Profile data may not correspond exactly to the one in the registered dossier. For temperature for example, data is standardised and displayed in Celsius (°C). For other data an order of magnitude logic might apply; e.g. 1 000 g will be displayed as 1 kg.
Processed studies and data-waiving
Due to the number of the substances and the associated information, substance data is processed and aggregated in an automatic process. Therefore, data has to fit the format and aggregation logic that is used for the Brief Profile.
Though the Agency aims to include as many studies as possible in the Brief Profile endpoint study results/summaries, those studies which do not fit the format or miss crucial information (such as measurement conditions) cannot be processed and therefore will not be included on this page. These study results can however be consulted when opening the source data.
The number of studies provided is indicated by ‘[x] studies submitted’, while the actual number of studies processed for the endpoint is indicated by ‘[x] studies processed’.
Data waiving
If only waived data is available for the substance, following justifications for data-waiving can be displayed in the Brief Profile:
- Study technically not feasible
- Study scientifically unjustified
- Exposure considerations
- Other justification
Excluded endpoints
Some endpoints are not included in the Brief Profile due to the use of free text and/or complex field(s) in the reporting of information, which cannot be easily summarised by an automatic algorithm. Please see the registered dossiers for substance information for the following endpoints:
- Particle size distribution
- Stability in organic solvents and identity of relevant degradation products
- Storage stability and reactivity towards container material
- Stability: thermal, sunlight, metals
- Additional physical-chemical information
- Mode of degradation in actual use
- Other distribution data
- Environmental data (monitoring data/field studies)
- Additional information on environmental fate and behaviour
- Toxicity to other aquatic organisms
- Biological effects monitoring
- Biotransformation and kinetics
- Additional ecotoxicological information
- Skin irritation/corrosion (study results)
- Eye irritation (study results)
- Skin sensitisation (study results)
- Respiratory sensitisation (study results)
- Repeating dose toxicity oral/inhalation/dermal/other routes (study results)
- Toxicity to reproduction (study results)
- Developmental toxicity (study results)
- Toxicity to reproduction: other studies
- Specific investigations: other studies
- Exposure related observations in humans
- Toxic effects on livestock and pets
- Additional toxicological information
Substance Description
Substance identity
The ’Substance identity’ section links substance identification information from all databases that are maintained by ECHA. The substance identifiers – if available and not claimed confidential – displayed in the ’Substance identity’ section of the Brief Profile are:
- EC name/number
- IUPAC name/number
- CAS number
- Index number
- Molecular formula
- Smiles
- InChI
In addition, information on the type of substance, origin, number and type of registered compositions and other places where the substance is listed are displayed in this section.
EC (European Community) name/number
The EC name and number are the official identifiers for substances within the European Union and can be found in the EC Inventory.
The EC Inventory is a combination of three independent European lists of substances from the previous EU chemicals regulatory frameworks (EINECS, ELINCS and the NLP-list). More information about the EC Inventory can be found here. If the substance has no EC number attributed, ECHA will attribute a list number. These numbers start with 6, 7, 8 or 9.
IUPAC name/number
An IUPAC name is based on the international standard chemical nomenclature set by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
The IUPAC nomenclature is a systematic way of naming chemical substances, both organic and inorganic. In IUPAC nomenclature, prefixes, suffixes and infixes are used to describe the type and position of functional groups in the substance.
If more than one IUPAC name is available from REACH registered dossiers, all IUPAC names are displayed in ‘Other names’ section of the Brief Profile.
See the official IUPAC website for more information on the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) registry number
The CAS number is the substance numerical identifier assigned by the Chemical Abstract Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, to substances registered in the CAS registry database. A substance may have more than one CAS number associated. In this case, the preferred CAS number is displayed first. More about CAS and the CAS registry can be found here.
Index number
The Index number is the identification code given to substances in Part 3 of Annex VI to the CLP Regulation ((EC) No 1272/2008). A distinct classification and labelling corresponds to each Index number.
The Index number for each substance is in the form of a digit sequence of the type ABC-RST-VW-Y. ABC corresponds to the atomic number of the most characteristic element or the most characteristic organic group in the molecule. RST is the consecutive number of the substance in the series ABC. VW denotes the form in which the substance is produced or placed on the market. Y is the check-digit calculated in accordance with the 10-digit ISBN method.
Molecular formula
The molecular formula identifies each type of element by its chemical symbol and identifies the number of atoms of each element found in one discrete molecule of the substance. If such information is available in ECHA’s database and is it not claimed confidential, the molecular formula and molecular structure will be displayed here.
SMILES is the acronym for Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification, a chemical notation system used to represent a molecular structure by a linear string of symbols.
With standard SMILES, the name of a molecule is synonymous with its structure: it indirectly shows a two dimensional picture of the molecular structure. Since a two dimensional chemical structure can be drawn in various ways, there are several correct SMILES notations for one molecule.
The basis of SMILES is the representation of a valence model of a molecule. SMILES notations are comprised of atoms (designated by elemental symbols), bonds, parentheses (used to show branching), and numbers (used for cyclic structures).
InChI is an abbreviated name for IUPAC International Chemical Identifier, a chemical identifier developed and supported by the InChI Trust.
InChIs consist of text strings comprising different layers and sublayers of information separated by slashes (/). Each InChI string starts with the InChI version number followed by the main layer. This main layer contains sublayers for the chemical formula, atom connections and hydrogen atoms. Depending on the structure of the molecule the main layer may be followed by additional layers e.g. for charge, stereo–chemical and/or isotopic information.
Molecular structure
Molecular structure displayed in this section is based on InChI annotation from IUCLID reference substances database and stored in the ECHA database. The structure is a computer generated visualisation of the molecular structure derived from the InChI character string.
Type of substance
Registrants can identify their substance as being a mono-constituent substance, multi-constituent substance, UVCB, polymer or specify another type. If more than one type of substance is registered, both types will be displayed.
Registrants can identify the origin of their substance as being:
- Element
- Inorganic
- Organic
- Organometallic
- Petroleum product
- Other
If more than one type of substance is registered, both types will be displayed.
Registered compositions (additives and impurities)
The total number of non-confidential registered compositions submitted in REACH dossiers are displayed here. If there are additives and impurities relevant for the substance classification, these are also indicated.
Within the context of REACH, impurities are unintended constituents present in a substance as manufactured. It may, for example, originate from the starting materials or be the result of secondary or incomplete reactions during the production process. While it is present in the final substance, it was not intentionally added. In most cases, impurities constitute less than 10% of the substance.
Additives are the constituents which have been intentionally added during the manufacturing process to stabilise the substance.
Substance listed
Provides information if the substance has been identified by one of the following previous EU chemicals regulatory frameworks:
- EINECS (European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances) List
- ELINCS (European LIst of Notified Chemical Substances) List
- NLP (No-Longer Polymers) List
- EC / List name:
- IUPAC name: oxirane
- Substance names and other identifiers
- EC / List no.:
- 200-849-9
- CAS no.:
- 75-21-8
- Index number:
- 603-023-00-X
- Molecular formula:
- C2H4O
- C1CO1
- InChI:
- InChI=1S/C2H4O/c1-2-3-1/h1-2H2
- Type of substance:
- Mono constituent substance
- Origin:
- Organic
- Registered compositions:
- 77
- Of which contain:
- 2 impurities relevant for classification
- 0 additives relevant for classification
- Substance Listed:
- EINECS (European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances) List
Hazard classification & labelling
The ‘Hazard classification and labelling’ section shows the hazards of a substance through a standardised system of statements and pictograms, as has been established under CLP (Classification Labelling and Packaging) Regulation. The CLP Regulation makes sure that the hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers in the European Union. The CLP Regulation uses the UN Global Harmonised System (GHS) and European Union Specific Hazard Statements (EUH).
This section searches three sources for information (harmonised classification and labelling (CLH), REACH registrations and CLP notifications). The source of the information is mentioned in the introductory sentence of the hazard statement.
More information about classification and labelling can be found in the Regulations section of ECHA website.
Please note:
The purpose of the information provided under this section is to highlight in a readable format the substance hazardousness. It does not represent a new labelling, classification or hazard statement. Other relevant information includes the following:
- Substances may have impurities and additives that lead to different classifications. However, substance notifications in the Brief Profile are aggregated independently of the impurities and additives.
- Hazard statements were adapted to improve readability and may not correspond textually to the hazard statements codes description in the European Union Specific Hazard Statements (EUH) or UN Global Harmonised System (GHS).
To see the full list of notified classifications and have more information on impurities and additives relevant to classification, you can consult the C&L Inventory.
Harmonised classification and labelling (CLH)
The Hazard classification and labelling section uses the signal word, pictogram(s) and hazard statements of the substance under the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) as its primary source of information. Substance classifications under CLH are agreed at the Community level. Harmonisation is based on the substance’s physical, toxicological and eco-toxicological hazard assessment.
It is possible that the harmonisation is introduced through an amendment to the CLP Regulation. In that case, the ATP (Adaptation to Technical Progress) number is displayed. More information on CLH can be found here.
If the substance is classified under more than one CLH entry (e.g. disodium tetraborate EC no. 215–540–4, is covered by three harmonisations – 005–011–00–4; 005–011–01–1; 005–011–02–9), CLH information cannot be displayed in the Brief Profile as the differences between the CLH classifications require manual verification. If a substance is classified under multiple CLHs, a link to the C&L Inventory is provided to allow users to view CLH information manually, instead of having the information automatically generated in the Brief Profile.
Classification and labelling under REACH
Additional information on classification and labelling (C&L) – if available – is derived from REACH registration dossiers submitted by industry. This information has not been reviewed or verified by ECHA, and may change without prior notice. REACH registration dossiers have greater data requirements (support studies) than notifications under CLP. When submitted by the lead of a joint submission, the classifications may also reveal agreement between companies.
Notifications under the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation
If additional information derived from classification and labelling (C&L) notifications to ECHA under the CLP Regulation exists, this will be displayed below the information derived from harmonised classification and labelling and REACH registrations. These notifications can be provided by manufacturers, importers and downstream users. ECHA maintains the C&L Inventory, but does not review or verify the accuracy of the information.
For readability purposes, only the pictograms, signal words and hazard statements referred to in more than 5% of the notifications under CLP are displayed.
Danger! According to the harmonised classification and labelling (ATP14) approved by the European Union, this substance is toxic if swallowed, causes severe skin burns and eye damage, is toxic if inhaled, may cause genetic defects, may cause cancer, may damage fertility and is suspected of damaging the unborn child, causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure, is an extremely flammable gas, causes serious eye damage, may cause respiratory irritation and may cause drowsiness or dizziness.
Additionally, the classification provided by companies to ECHA in REACH registrations identifies that this substance may damage fertility or the unborn child, is an extremely flammable gas and may react explosively even in the absence of air, contains gas under pressure and may explode if heated and causes skin irritation.
Breakdown of all 3630 C&L notifications submitted to ECHA
The chart displays the number of matching substance classifications (hazard class, categories and hazard statements) provided by manufacturers and importers under REACH and CLP notifications, as well as whether the substance is defined under harmonised classification and labelling (CLH).
The results of matching substance classifications are displayed in percentages of the total number of notifications. The bars indicate the number of matching classifications, i.e. the level of agreement, in substance classification between the REACH registrants (dark blue bar) and CLP notifiers (light blue bar), as well as between the notified classifications and the approved harmonised classification.
Harmonised classifications (√ - check mark)
- The (√- check mark)-icon indicates the classification is defined under harmonised classification and labelling (in accordance with the CLP Regulation) and made obligatory at Community level to ensure an adequate risk management throughout the European Community.
REACH & CLP classifications (bar)
- The dark blue bar illustrates the percentage of matching substance classifications provided by manufacturers and importers in a REACH registration dossier. Classifications under REACH have to be supported by data (support studies).
- The light blue bar illustrates the percentage of matching substance classifications provided by manufacturers and importers in CLP notifications.
Divergent classifications and impurities
The physical state and form of a substance can play a significant impact when the hazards of a substance are assessed. REACH and/or CLP notifiers may classify a substance differently based on different studies or the way they access the data.
For example, substance impurities can constitute a valid reason for a different classification of the substance. Different compositions or impurity profiles often lead to different classifications. If impurities and/or additives have been identified, an informative sentence is displayed below the graphic.
Different classifications can also be due to technical errors made during the notification process.
To have more information on impurities relevant to classification you can consult the C&L Inventory entry for the substance, or the disseminated registration dossier.
Harmonised Classification
REACH registration dossiers notifications
CLP notifications
Properties of concern
The ‘Properties of concern’ section shows ECHA-assigned graphical indicators for certain substance properties that are regarded as critical for human health and/or the environment based on the information provided to the Agency. The following properties have been highlighted as critical:
- C – This substance was identified as a carcinogenic (i.e. classified in Carcinogenicity categories 1A or 1B) in the EU harmonised classification and labelling and/or in a REACH registration dossier. More information about carcinogenicity here.
- M – This substance was identified as Mutagenic (i.e. classified in Mutagenicity categories 1A or 1B) in the EU harmonised classification and labelling and/or by a REACH registration dossier. More information about mutagenicity here.
- R – This substance was identified as toxic to reproduction (i.e. classified in reproductive toxicity categories 1A or 1B) in the EU harmonised classification and labelling and/or by a REACH registration dossier. More information about reproductive toxicity here.
- Ss – This substance was identified as a skin sensitiser (i.e. classified in skin sensitisation categories 1, 1A or 1B) in the EU harmonised classification and labelling and/or by a REACH registration dossier. More information about skin sensitiser here.
- Sr – This substance was identified as a respiratory sensitiser (i.e. classified in respiratory sensitisation categories 1, 1A or 1B) in the EU harmonised classification and labelling and/or by a REACH registration dossier. More information about respiratory sensitiser here.
- PBT – This substance was identified as persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) by at least one REACH registrant (i.e. it is PBT/vPvB). More information about persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances here.
- POP – Recognised Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP): comes from an entry in the Annex I, II or III to the POPs Regulation and/or an entry in the Annex A, B or C to the Stockholm Convention. Under assessment as Persistent Organic Pollutant: is shown for substances that have been proposed for their inclusion in the Stockholm Convention and are under assessment, or for which a proposal is under preparation in the European Union. Note that proposals that have been set aside, either before their submission by the EU to the Convention, or by the POP Review Committee are still indicated as "Under assessment as POP".
The substance properties displayed in this section (with the exception of PBT properties) are derived from harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) and/or REACH registered dossier information. In case the substance classification is not harmonised and the substance is not registered the properties are derived from classifications provided in CLP notifications. PBT properties are derived from REACH registered substances dossiers.
Critical property indentification: Where less than 90% of the notifiers provide the same classification to derive the critical property, the border of this critical property icon is displayed as dashed.
Impurities or additives: When a specific critical property is associated with compositions with impurities and/or additives, the respective critical property icon has a * associated.
Please note: The icons in this section are only meant as visual indicators to help communicate information about the abovementioned critical properties. Unlike the pictograms in the ‘Classification and Labelling’ section, these icons are not determined by any legislative procedure and have the sole purpose of being informative in the context of InfoCards and Brief Profiles.
Officially recognised in the EU as Carcinogenic (Harmonised C&L). |
There is broad agreement in that a majority of data submitters agree this substance is Carcinogenic (100% of REACH registrations). |
Officially recognised in the EU as Mutagenic (Harmonised C&L). |
There is broad agreement in that a majority of data submitters agree this substance is Mutagenic (100% of REACH registrations). |
Officially recognised in the EU as Toxic to Reproduction (Harmonised C&L). |
There is broad agreement in that a majority of data submitters agree this substance is Toxic to Reproduction (99.4% of REACH registrations). |
Under assessment as Endocrine Disrupting (ED list). |
Regulatory context
The ‘Regulatory context’ section provides an overview of the regulatory activities that are related to the substance. For general information about any of the different regulations which currently fall under ECHA’s mandate please see the links below.
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
The REACH Regulation (1907/2006) entered into force on 1 June 2007. The regulation aims improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry.
The REACH regulatory processes identified for the Brief Profile are:
- Registration
- Pre-registration – indicated if the substance is included in the list of pre-registered substances. Pre-registration allows companies to continue manufacturing and importing their phase-in substances for several years until the registration deadline is reached.
- Registration – indicated if there is at least one dossier registered and disseminated for the substance, how many non-confidential registrations are active and/or inactive and the type of submissions (joint and/or individual).
- Evaluation
- Dossier evaluation – indicated if at least one registered dossier for the substance has been evaluated under REACH for compliance check or testing proposal evaluation and associated decision(s) published on the ECHA website.
- Substance evaluation – indicated if the substance is or was included in the Community rolling action plan (CoRAP). The CoRAP list includes substances that could pose a risk to human health or the environment and whose (potentially hazardous) properties are to be evaluated by the Member States in the next three years. After evaluation, proposals may be made for further regulatory action regarding the substance.
- Authorisation
- Candidate List – indicates if the substance is included in the candidate list of substances of very high concern (SVHCs). The Candidate List includes substances that are subject to additional protocols and reporting obligations and which may eventually be included in the Authorisation list, further limiting their use.
- Authorisation list (Annex XIV) – indicates if the substance is included in the Authorisation List. These substances cannot be placed on the market or used after a given date, unless an authorisation is granted for their specific use, or the use is exempted from authorisation.
- Restriction
- Annex XVII (Restriction list) – indicates if the substance is included in the list of restrictions. The Restriction list describes the conditions for the manufacture, placing on the market or use of certain substances, either on their own or in mixtures or articles.
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
The POPs Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 entered into force on 15 July 2019, repealing the previous POPs Regulation (EC) No 850/2004. The regulation aims to protect human health and the environment by banning or severely restricting the production and use of persistent organic pollutants in the European Union.
The POPs regulatory processes identified for the Brief Profile are:
- List of substances subject to the POPs Regulation - Indicates if the substance is included in the POPs Regulation.
- List of substances proposed as POPs - Indicates if the substance has been proposed for its inclusion in the Stockholm Convention or if a proposal is under preparation in the European Union.
Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)
The CLP Regulation (1272/2008) entered into force on 20 January 2009. The goal of CLP is to make sure that hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers in the European Union through a system of classifying and labelling of chemicals.
The CLP regulatory processes identified for the Brief Profile are:
- Harmonised C&L– indicates if a European Union harmonised classifications and labelling has been assigned to the substance according to Annex VI to CLP and subsequent ATPs.
- Notification – indicates that notified C&L’s have been submitted to ECHA for a substance.
Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
The BPR (528/2012) entered into force on 1 September 2013. The BPR addresses the placing on the market and use of biocidal products, which are used to protect humans, animals, materials or articles against harmful organisms, like pests or bacteria, by regulating the active substances contained in a biocidal product.
The BPR regulatory processes identified for the Brief Profile are:
- Active substance approval – indicates if the substance is an approved biocidal active substance.
- Biocidal product authorisation – indicates if authorised biocidal products exist which use this substance as an active ingredient
Prior Informed Consent (PIC)
The PIC Regulation (649/2012) entered into force on 4 July 2014. PIC administers the import and export of certain hazardous chemicals and places obligations on companies who wish to export these chemicals to non-EU countries.
The PIC regulatory processes identified for the Brief Profile are:
- Annex I – indicates if the substance is subject to PIC.
- Annex V – indicates if the substance is prohibited from export.
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
- Pre-registration:
- Substance pre-registered under REACH.
- Registration:
- This substance has 475 active registrations under REACH, 2 Joint Submission(s) and 4 Individual Submission(s).
Please see Registrants/Suppliers details.
- Dossier Evaluation:
- Substance Evaluation:
- Substance included in the Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP).
- Candidate List:
- Annex XIV (Authorisation List):
- Annex XVII (Restriction List):
Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation (POPs)
- List of substances subject to the POPs Regulation:
- List of substances proposed as POPs:
Classification Labelling & Packaging (CLP)
- Harmonised C&L:
- A European Union Harmonised Classification & Labelling has been assigned to this substance.
- Seveso Annex I:
- Industrial accident prevention and reporting requirements have been established for this substance.
- Notified C&L:
- Classification & Labelling has been notified by industry to ECHA for this substance.
Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)
- Active Substance:
- This substance is approved for use as a Biocidal Active Substance
- Biocidal Products:
Prior Informed Consent (PIC)
- Annex I:
- This substance is subject to the Prior Informed Consent regulation and to export notification procedure from 07-Mar-2003
- Annex V:
European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON)
About this substance
The ’About this substance’ section provides an overview of the volume in which this substance is manufactured or imported to the European Economic Area (EU28 + Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). Data for calculating the ’total tonnage’ band is extracted from REACH registered dossiers for the last year reported on the tonnage manufactured or imported, unless the tonnage band has been claimed confidential. The ‘total tonnage’ band published does not necessarily reflect the registered tonnage band(s).
For more information on total tonnage band calculation please consult the Data submission manual.
Additionally, if available, information on the use of the substance and how consumers and workers are likely to be exposed to it can also be displayed here. The information is aggregated from REACH registered dossiers provided by industry through a use descriptor system based on five separate descriptor lists which in combination with each other form a brief description of use and exposure for certain life cycle stage.
The use information is displayed per relevant life cycle stage of the substance.
- Manufacture stage includes processes by which the substance is manufactured from raw materials. Operations which are necessary for the handling of a substance on its own in the manufacturing for export or placing on the EU market are considered to be part of the manufacturing stage (e.g. filling into appropriate containers, storage or addition of stabiliser). If a substance is directly exported after manufacture, all activities with the substance will be reported under this stage.
- Formulation or re-packing stage corresponds to specific activities meant to produce a mixture to be placed on the market. This means that during formulation, the substance is transferred and mixed with other substances. It corresponds to activities taking place at industrial sites. This stage also includes chemical distributorsâ activities such as repacking (which involves transfer of the substance).
- End-use stage means the use of a substance as such or in a mixture (by professional workers (widespread uses), by consumers or at industrial sites), a last step before the end-of-life of the substance, namely before the substance is consumed in a process by reaction during use (including intermediate use), is emitted to waste streams or the environment or is included into an article.
- (Article) service life stage means the period of time a substance incorporated into an article remains in service or in use. Articles containing the substance can be used or processed by consumers, by workers at industrial sites and/or by professional workers. This also includes processing of semi-finished articles by workers with the aim of producing finished articles or repair and maintenance work like for example sanding of surfaces.
Use Descriptors
- The chemical product category (PC) describes the types of chemical products in which the substance is finally contained when it is supplied to end-users (by industrial, professional or consumer users). Examples include hydraulic fluids, perfumes and air care products. This category also describes uses as intermediate and under controlled conditions.
- The sector of use category (SU) describes in which sector of the economy the substance is used. This includes mixing or re-packing substances at the formulator’s level as well as industrial, professional and consumer end-uses (e.g. building and construction work or manufacture of food products).
- The process category (PROC) describes the application techniques or process types defined from the occupational perspective e.g. Industrial spraying, use in closed batch process (synthesis and formulation).
- The environmental release category (ERC) describes the broad conditions of use from the perspective of release to the environment (e.g. if the use occurs in industrial setting, if it is indoor use in long-life materials with a low release rate (e.g. flooring, furniture, toys, etc).
- The article category (AC) describes the type of article into which the substance has eventually been processed. This also includes mixtures in their dried or cured form (e.g. dried printing ink in newspapers; dried coatings on various surfaces).
Precautionary measures and safe use
This section provides information on the recommended measures to minimise or prevent adverse effects resulting from exposure to a hazardous product, or improper storage or handling of a hazardous product. The recommendations are based on the precautionary statements provided in REACH registration dossiers.
If information on guidance on safe use is available in REACH registered dossiers, a link is displayed. Information in the guidance on safe use section consists of recommendations by a substance registrant(s) on the proper use of the substance in various situations. Examples include recommended measures on fire-fighting, transport, recycling and disposal.
More information on the use descriptor system can be found in ECHA’s Guidance Chapter R.12: Use Descriptor system of ECHA’s Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment.Please note:
Only non-confidential use descriptors are displayed and for readability purpose only use descriptors occurring in more than 5% of the total occurrences are displayed.
For a detailed overview on identified uses and environmental releases, please consult the detailed information from the registration dossiers.
Use descriptors were adapted from ECHA guidance to improve readability and may not correspond textually to descriptor codes description as in ECHA guidance chapter R.12: Use Descriptor system of ECHA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment.
Precautionary measures and guidance on safe use concern the use and handling of the specific substance, not of the presence of the substance in other articles or mixtures.
This substance is registered under the REACH Regulation and is manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area, at ≥ 1 000 000 tonnes per annum.
This substance is used by consumers, in articles, by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing.
This substance is being reviewed for use as a biocide in the EEA and/or Switzerland, for: disinfection.
This substance is used in the following products: inks and toners, fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay, washing & cleaning products, non-metal-surface treatment products and cosmetics and personal care products.
Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use as processing aid.
ECHA has no public registered data on the use of this substance in activities or processes at the workplace.
Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance, formulation in materials, as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates) and for thermoplastic manufacture. Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use in long-life materials with low release rate (e.g. flooring, furniture, toys, construction materials, curtains, foot-wear, leather products, paper and cardboard products, electronic equipment).
This substance can be found in complex articles, with no release intended: vehicles and machinery, mechanical appliances and electrical/electronic products (e.g. computers, cameras, lamps, refrigerators, washing machines).
This substance is used in the following products: plant protection products, laboratory chemicals, inks and toners, coating products, adhesives and sealants and fertilisers.
This substance is used in the following areas: agriculture, forestry and fishing and building & construction work.
This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: laboratory work, transfer of chemicals, non-industrial spraying and roller or brushing applications.
Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance. Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use (e.g. machine wash liquids/detergents, automotive care products, paints and coating or adhesives, fragrances and air fresheners) and outdoor use.
This substance is used in the following products: polymers, inks and toners, coating products and fuels.
This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, closed processes with no likelihood of exposure, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, transfer of substance into small containers, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, batch processing in synthesis or formulation with opportunity for exposure and mixing in open batch processes.
Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures and formulation in materials.
This substance is used in the following products: polymers and inks and toners. This substance has an industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates).
This substance is used for the manufacture of: chemicals.
This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, closed processes with no likelihood of exposure, transfer of chemicals, transfer of substance into small containers and closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure.
Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: for thermoplastic manufacture and as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates).
This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: closed processes with no likelihood of exposure, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, transfer of chemicals, transfer of substance into small containers and laboratory work.
Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.
Precautions for using this substance have been recommended by its registrants under REACH, as follows:
Prevention statements
When handling this substance: obtain special instructions before use; keep away from heat, sparks, open flames and/or hot surfaces – No smoking.
Response statements
In case of incident: In case of leaking gas fire do not extinguish unless leak can be stopped safely. In case of leakage eliminate all ignition sources. If exposed or you feel unwell: call a poison center or doctor/physician.
Storage statements
Store this substance protected from sunlight and in a well-ventilated place.
Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of this substance.
This section provides information on suppliers, importers or manufacturers of a substance (active and inactive) that have to register their substance under REACH.
Registration status | |
Status in REACH-IT | Displayed in Brief Profile |
Active | Always as Active |
Cease manufacture | Always as Inactive |
Revoked registrations | Active/Inactive (pending). Due to ongoing appeals, all registrations flagged as revoked are published as Active pending the appeal outcome. When the appeal outcome is known, the registration will appear as Inactive |
Annulled registrations | In the case of a merge between two companies having a registration for the same substance, the higher tonnage band registration is maintained as active, and the other registration is annulled. The annulled registration is still legally valid and considered as an active registration, because the registration number could be present on safety fata sheets and may already be communicated throughout the supply chain. |
Under specific conditions, a registrant can claim confidentiality of their identity. If there is a confidentiality claim, an indication is provided with the tag [Confidential].
- 3M Belgium BVBA/SPRL (OR1), Hermeslaan 7 1831 Diegem Belgium
- 3M Deutschland GmbH, Carl-Schurz-Strasse 1 41453 Neuss Germany
- 3M Poland Manufacturing Sp.z.o.o., Kwidzynska 6 51-416 Wroclaw Poland
- 3V Sigma S.p.A, Torquato Tasso 58 24121 Bergamo Italy
- AAKO BV, Arnhemseweg 87 3832 GK Leusden Netherlands
- Abbott Diagnostics GmbH, Max Planck Ring 2 D-65205 Delkenheim Hessen Germany
- Access Business Group International BV, Celsiusweg 20 Industrial Estate 4212 5928 PR Venlo Netherlands
- Adriaanse Import & Export, Adriaan Mulderweg 9-11 5657 EM Eindhoven Netherlands
- Advanced Refining Technologies GmbH, In der Hollerhecke 1 67547 Worms Germany
- Advanced Refining Technologies Srl, Via Trento 7 20017 Passirana di Rho (MI) Italy
- AFCONA Additives B.V., Amperestraat 34 1704SN Heerhugowaard Netherlands
- AGC Chemicals Europe, Ltd, World Trade Centre Zuidplein 80 1077XV Amsterdam Netherlands
- Allnex Belgium NV/SA OR1, Anderlechtstraat 33 1620 Drogenbos Belgium
- Archroma France, SAS, Rue du Flottage 60350 Trosly-Breuil France
- Archroma France, SAS - OR, Rue du Flottage, BP 1 60350 Trosly-Breuil France
- Archroma Germany GmbH, Kasteler Str. 45 65203 Wiesbaden Germany
- ARCHROMA IBÉRICA, S.L., ZAL-Prat c/Cal Coracero, 46-56 08820 El Prat de Llobregat Spain
- Archroma Ibérica, S.L. - OR, ZAL-Prat c/Cal Coracero, 46-56 08820 El Prat de Llobregat Spain
- Arkema Arrmaz, 420 rue Estienne d'Orves 92700 Colombes Cedex France
- ARKEMA PHOTOCURES2, 420 rue d'Estienne d'Orves 92700 Colombes France
- Ashland Industries Nederland BV, Noordweg 9 3336 LH Zwijndrecht Netherlands
- Ashland Services BV (0311), Noordweg 9 3336 LH Zwijndrecht Netherlands
- Atotech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Erasmusstraße 20 10553 Berlin Germany
- Atotech Slovenija, Podnart 43 4244 Podnart Slovenia
- B-Lands Consulting (811232-9), World Trade Center, 5 Place Robert Schuman - BP 1510 38025 Grenoble France France
- B-Lands Consulting (811256-3), World Trade Center 5 Place Robert Schuman - BP 1510 38025 Grenoble France France
- B.I.G. - OR641, Technische Schoolstraat 43A 2440 Geel Belgium
- Bakelite GmbH, Gennaer Strasse 2-4 D-58642 Iserlohn North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
- Baker Hughes (Nederland) B.V, p/a Blokmakersweg 10 1786 RC Den Helder Netherlands
- BASF Agri Production SAS, 21 Rue de la Sauvegarde 69130 Ecully Rhone France
- BASF Agricultural Specialities S.A.S., Z.I.En Jacca 10 Chemin de la Plaine 31770 Colomiers Toulouse France
- BASF Antwerpen N.V., Haven 725, Scheldelaan 600 2040 Antwerpen 4 Antwerpen Belgium
- BASF Coatings GmbH, Glasuritstrasse 1 Postfach 6123 48136 Münster Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany
- BASF Construction Additives GmbH , Dr.Albert Frank Strasse 32 83308 Trostberg Germany
- BASF Espanola S.L., Calle Can Ràbia, n. 3-5 8017 Barcelona Spain
- BASF France S.A.S., 49, Avenue Georges Pompidou 92593 Levallois-Perret Cedex France
- BASF Health and Care Products France S.A.S., 49, Avenue Georges Pompidou 92593 Levallois-Perret Cedex France
- BASF Italia S.p.A., Via Marconato 8 20811 Cesano Maderno Italy
- BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH, Henkelstr. 67 40589 Düsseldorf Germany
- BASF Polyurethanes GmbH, Elastogranstr. 60 49448 Lemförde Niedersachsen Germany
- BASF Schwarzheide GmbH, Schipkauer Str. 1 01987 Schwarzheide Brandenburg Germany
- BASF SE, Carl-Bosch-Str. 38 67056 Ludwigshafen am Rhein Rheinland-Pfalz Germany
- Bayer Agriculture bvba, Scheldelaan 460 B-2040 Antwerp Belgium
- BD&I_15, 92 rue Omer Lepreux 1081 Koekelberg Belgium
- BD&I_37, rue Omer Lepreux, 92 1081 bruxelles Belgium Belgium
- Benex Ltd., Pottery Road Co. Dublin Dun Laoghaire Ireland
- BISSELL International Trading Company B.V. d/b/a BISSELL Homecare International, Stadhouderskade 55, Floor 2 1072 AB Amsterdam Netherlands Netherlands
- Borchers GmbH, Berghausener Str. 100 40764 Langenfeld Germany
- BorsodChem Zrt. - OR, Bolyai ter 1. H-3700 Kazincbarcika Hungary
- BRAUZZ., Over de Beek 55 1840 Londerzeel Belgium
- Brunswick Bowling Hungary Ltd, Amerikai fasor 3 8000 Szekesfehervar Hungary
- BrüggemannChemical, L. Brüggemann GmbH & Co. KG, Salzstrasse 131 74076 Heilbronn Baden-Württemberg Germany
- BTC Europe GmbH, Rheinpromenade 1 40789 Monheim Germany
- BYK-Chemie GmbH, Abelstr. 45 DE-46483 Wesel Germany
- Caplinq Europe B.V., Industrieweg 15E 1566JN Assendelft - Netherlands
- Carpenter Belgium NV, Wijnendalestraat 171 B-8800 Roeselare Belgium
- CEPRA srl, Via del Tintoretto, 6/2 40033 Casalecchio di Reno Bo Italy
- CETL2, 6th Floor South Bank House Barrow Street D04 TR29 Dublin 4 Ireland
- ChampionX Europe B.V., Oude Rhijnhofweg 17 NL-2342BB Oegstgeest Oegstgeest Netherlands
- ChAR Consultancy EOOD, Kırdjali bulvard Bulgaria 37, blok 51 6600 Kırdjali Kırdjali Bulgaria
- Chemetall GmbH, Trakehner Str. 3 60487 Frankfurt Germany
- Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service Limited, Room 002, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland
- CHEMICAL INSPECTION & REGULATION SERVICE LIMITED, Room 002, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland
- Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service Limited, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 Dublin Ireland
- Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service Limited, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin 02 Dublin Ireland
- CHEMICAL INSPECTION & REGULATION SERVICE LIMITED, Unit 1 Ardee Business Park, Hale Street, Co. Louth Ardee Ireland
- CHEMICAL INSPECTION & REGULATION SERVICE LIMITED, Room 002, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77, Dublin, Ireland D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland
- Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service Limited, Room 002, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77, Dublin, Ireland D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland
- CHEMICAL INSPECTION & REGULATION SERVICE LIMITED (Levima Advanced Materials Corporation), Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland
- Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service(CIRS) Limited(Tianpu Chemicals Company Limited), Room 002, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland
- Chemieservice Dr. Hoffmann (S), Ludwigshafener Straße 8 86157 Augsburg Germany
- Chemours Netherlands B.V., Baanhoekweg 22 3313 LA Dordrecht Netherlands
- Chemours Netherlands B.V._3, Baanhoekweg 22 3313 LA Dordrecht Netherlands
- Chemreach GmbH, Akazienweg 30 48317 Drensteinfurt Germany
- Chemservice GmbH - (7AYP), Herrnsheimer Hauptstrasse 1b 67550 Worms Germany
- Chemservice S.A - (C3H9), 13, Fausermillen 6689 Mertert Luxembourg
- Chemservice S.A. (H5P7), 13, Fausermillen 6689 Mertert Luxembourg
- Chemservice S.A. (UM4T), 13, Fausermillen 6689 Mertert Luxembourg
- Chevron Oronite SA M/I, Le Corosa 1, rue Eugène et Armand Peugeot CS10022 92508 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex France
- Chevron Phillips Chemicals International N.V. - OR CPC, Airport Plaza, Stockholm Building Da Vincilaan 19 1831 Diegem Belgium
- Chevron Phillips Chemicals International NV, Airport Plaza, Stockholm Building, Da Vincilaan 19 B-1831 DIEGEM Belgium
- CHT Germany GmbH, Bismarckstr. 102 72072 Tuebingen Germany
- CIBA VISION GmbH (OR ATL), Industriering 1 63868 Grosswallstadt Germany
- CIBA VISION GmbH (OR CVCA), Industriering 1 63868 Großwallstadt Bavaria Germany
- Clariant Ibérica Producción S.A., Avda. Baix Llobregat, 3-5 08970 Sant Joan Despí Barcelona Spain
- Clariant Prodotti (Italia) S.p.A., Via Vittor Pisani 20 IT-20124 Milano Italy
- Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH, August-Laubenheimer-Straße 1 Global Product Stewardship 65929 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- Clariant SE - CH77, Brueningstrasse 50 65929 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- Clariant SE - CN15, August-Laubenheimer-Strasse 1 65929 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- Clariant SE - GB04, August-Laubenheimer-Strasse 1 65929 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- Clariant SE - IN20, August-Laubenheimer-Strasse 1 65929 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- Clariant SE - US01, August-Laubenheimer-Strasse 1 65929 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- CLiQ SwissTech (Netherlands) B.V., Blauwborgje 31 9747 AC Groningen Groningen Netherlands
- COATEX SAS, 35 rue AMPERE 69730 GENAY France
- Colgate Palmolive Services (Poland) Sp.Zo.o / Mexico, ul. Tasmowa 7 02-677 Warsaw Poland
- Colgate Palmolive Services (Poland) Sp.Zo.o / OR THAI, ul. Tasmowa 7 02-677 Warsaw Poland
- Colgate-Palmolive Services (Poland) sp.z o.o. / OR China, ul. Tasmowa 7 02-677 Warsaw Poland
- Colonial Chemical EU B.V., Johan Cruijff Boulevard 65 1101 DL Amsterdam Netherlands
- Corteva Agriscience Belgium B.V., Rue Montoyer 25, 1000 Brussels Belgium
- Corteva Agriscience France S.A.S., Immeuble Equinoxe 2 1bis avenue du 8 Mai 1945 78280 Guyancourt France
- Corteva Agriscience Italia S.r.l., via dei Comizi Agrari 10 26100 Cremona (CR) Italy
- Coty Beauty Germany GmbH, Berliner Allee 65 64295 Darmstadt Germany
- Coty Spain, S.L.U., Calla de la Marina 16-18, piso 16 Torre Mapfre 08005 Barcelona Spain
- Covestro (Netherlands) B.V., Urmonderbaan 22 6167 RD Geleen Netherlands
- Covestro Deutschland AG, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 60 51373 Leverkusen Germany
- Covestro Deutschland AG OR US_001257, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 60 51373 Leverkusen Germany
- Covestro NV, Haven 507 Scheldelaan 420 2040 Antwerpen Belgium
- Covestro Procurement Services GmbH & Co. KG, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 60 51373 Leverkusen Germany
- Croda EU B.V. (OR1), Westeinde 107 1601 BL Enkhuizen Netherlands
- Croda EU B.V. (OR2), Westeinde 107 1601 BL Enkhuizen Netherlands
- Croda EU B.V. (OR3), Westeinde 107 1601 BL Enkhuizen Netherlands
- CS Regulatory Ireland Ltd. in its legal capacity as Only Representative of LANXESS Canada Co.\Cie, Alexandra House The Sweepstakes D04 C7H2 Dublin Ballsbridge Ireland
- CS Regulatory Ireland Ltd. in its legal capacity as Only Representative of LANXESS Corporation, Alexandra House The Sweepstakes D04 C7H2 Dublin Ballsbridge Ireland
- CS Regulatory Ireland Ltd. in its legal capacity as OR for LANXESS Urethanes UK Ltd, Alexandra House The Sweepstakes D04 C7H2 Dublin Ballsbridge Ireland
- Cytec Engineered Materials GmbH in its legal capacity as OR of Cytec Industries Inc., Industriestraße 3 76684 Östringen Germany
- Cytec Industries BV, Weena 505 3013 AL Rotterdam Netherlands
- De Sangosse (Ireland) Limited, 1 CASTLEWOOD AVENUE RATHMINES D06 H685 DUBLIN Ireland
- Diachem S.p.A., via Tonale 15 24061 Albano S. Alessandro BG Italy
- Distribution Network s.r.l., via della Sirena, 3 42015 Correggio (RE) Italy
- DKSH France S.A., 1475 Quai du Rhone 01702 Miribel France
- Dow Belgium B.V.B.A., Grotesteenweg 214 B-2600 Antwerpen (Berchem) Belgium
- DOW BENELUX B.V., Postbus 48 4530 AA Terneuzen Netherlands
- DOW BENELUX B.V. - OR1, Postbus 48 4530 AA Terneuzen Netherlands
- DOW BENELUX B.V. - OR2, Postbus 48 4530 AA Terneuzen Netherlands
- DOW BENELUX B.V. OR-10, Postbus 48 4530 AA Terneuzen Netherlands
- DOW BENELUX B.V. OR-4, Postbus 48 4530 AA Terneuzen Netherlands
- DOW BENELUX B.V. OR -30, Postbus 48 4530 AA Terneuzen Netherlands
- DOW BENELUX B.V. OR-15, Postbus 48 4530 AA Terneuzen Netherlands
- DOW BENELUX B.V. OR-16, Postbus 48 4350 AA Terneuzen Netherlands
- DOW CHEMICAL IBERICA S.L., Ribera del Loira 4-6 Edificio Iris, 4º Planta 28042 Madrid Spain
- Dow France SAS, 23 Avenue Jules Rimet 93200 La Plaine Saint Denis France
- DOW ITALIA S.R.L., Via F. Albani 65 20148 Milano Italy
- Dow Silicones Belgium SPRL, Rue Jules Bordet Zone industrielle C 7180 Seneffe Belgium
- Dow Silicones Belgium SPRL OR-1, rue Jules Bordet Parc industriel C 7180 Seneffe Belgium
- Dow Silicones Belgium SPRL OR-10, Rue Jules Bordet Zone industrielle C 7180 Seneffe Belgium
- Dow Silicones Belgium SPRL OR-2, Rue Jules Bordet Parc industriel C 7180 Seneffe Belgium
- Dow Silicones Belgium SPRL OR-3, Rue Jules Bordet Zone industrielle C 7180 Seneffe Belgium
- DOW SVERIGE AB, Box 7038 601 17 Norrköping Sweden
- Du Pont de Nemours (Deutschland) GmbH, Hugenottenallee 175 D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Hesse Germany
- DuPont de Nemours (Deutschland) GmbH_1, Hugenottenallee 175 D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Hesse Germany
- DyStar Colours Distribution GmbH, Am Prime-Parc 12 65479 Raunheim Germany
- E.R.C.A. S.p.A., Via Padergnone, 5/7 I 24050 Grassobbio BG Italy
- Ecolab APS, Carl Jacobsens Vej 29-37 / Postbox 413 DK-2500 Valby Denmark
- Ecolab D.O.O., Vajngerlova Ulica 4 SL-2000 Maribor Slovenia
- Ecolab GmbH, Erdbergstrasse 29 A-1030 Wien Austria
- Ecolab Limited, La Vallee House, Upper Dargle Road 0 Bray, Co. Wicklow Ireland
- Ecolab Production Belgium B.V.B.A., Havenlaan 4 3980 Tessenderlo Belgium
- Ecolab Production France SAS, 94 Avenue Du General Patton Chalons-En-Champagne 51000 Chalons-En-Champagne France
- Ecolab Production Italy s.r.l., Via Grandi 9/11 20089 Rozzano Italy
- EcoMundo, 215 Rue Jean Jacques Rousseau 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux France
- Elementis Minerals B.V., Kajuitweg 8 1041AR Amsterdam Netherlands
- Enzymatic Deinking Technologies, BV, Postbus 36, 2040 A A Zandvoort Netherlands
- ERM GmbH_KensingLLC, Siemenstrasse 9. 63263 Neu Isenburg Germany Germany
- ERM GmbH_OR17_DCC, Siemenstrasse 9. 63263 Neu Isenburg Hessen Germany
- ERM_GmbH_OR14_GUK, Siemenstrasse 9. 63263 Neu Isenburg Hessen Germany
- Evonik Operations GmbH, Rellinghauser Straße 1-11 45128 Essen Germany
- Evonik Operations GmbH - ME01, Rellinghauser Straße 1-11 45128 Essen Germany
- Garbo Srl, Via Prati Nuovi 9 28065 Cerano Piemonte Italy
- GBK GmbH Global Regulatory Compliance, Königsberger Str. 29 55218 Ingelheim Germany
- Gillette Poland International Sp. Z o.o., Nowy Jozefow 70 Street 94-406 Lodz Poland
- Giovanni Bozzetto SpA, Via Provinciale, 12 24040 Filago Lombardia Italy
- Global Life Sciences Solutions Austria GmbH & Co KG, Kremplstraße 5 4061 Pasching Austria
- Global Product Compliance (Europe) AB, IDEON, Beta 5, Scheelevägen 17 22363 Lund Sweden
- Global Product Compliance (Europe) AB, IDEON, Beta 5, Scheelevägen 17, 22363 Lund Sweden
- Global Srl, Via Masero, 39 10010 Scarmagno Torino Italy
- Gojo Luxembourg S.à r.l., 1 rue jean piret L-2350 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- GRACE GmbH, In der Hollerhecke 1 67545 Worms Germany
- GRACE GmbH (OR 4), In der Hollerhecke 1 67547 Worms Germany
- Halliburton Manufacturing and Services Ltd., Columbusstraat 19 7825 VP Emmen Netherlands
- Hallstar Italia Srl con socio unico , Piazza Meda, 3 20121 Milano Lombardia Italy
- Helm AG, Nordkanalstraße 28 20097 Hamburg Germany
- Henkel Global Supply Chain B.V., Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970 1081 LA Amsterdam Netherlands
- Heubach Colorants Germany GmbH, Brüningstrasse 50 65929 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- HH Compliance Ltd., Rubicon Building, CIT Campus Bishopstown none Cork Ireland
- HH Compliance Ltd., Rubicon Building, CIT Campus Bishopstown Cork Cork Ireland
- HOWMET SAS, 68/78 rue du moulin de cage 92230 Gennevilliers France
- HP Deutschland GmbH, Herrenberger Strasse 140 71034 Boeblingen Germany
- HP Europe B.V., Krijgsman 75 1186 DR Amstelveen Netherlands
- HP Printing and Computing Solutions S.L., calle de José Echegaray 18 28232 Las Rozas de Madrid (Madrid) Spain
- Huntsman (Europe) BV - OR2, Everslaan 45 B-3078 Everberg Belgium
- Huntsman Advanced Materials (Europe) BV, Everslaan 45 B-3078 Everberg Belgium
- HUNTSMAN HOLLAND BV, Merseyweg 10 3197 KG Botlek-Rotterdam Netherlands
- Huntsman Textile Effects (Germany) GmbH, Rehlinger Str. 1 D-86462 Langweid a.Lech Germany
- ICL Bitterfeld GmbH (OR2), Rudolph Glauberstrasse 7 06749 Bitterfeld Germany
- IGM Resins B.V., Gompenstraat 49 5145 RA Waalwijk Netherlands
- Indorama Netherlands B.V., Markweg 201 3198NB Europoort (Rotterdam) Netherlands
- INDUSTRIA CHIMICA PANZERI SRL, via cavour n. 18 24050 orio al serio Italy
- INEOS Derivatives Lavera SAS (Oxide), Avenue de la bienfaisance BP6 133117 Lavera France
- INEOS Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH, Alte Strasse 201 50769 Koeln Germany
- INEOS nv, Haven 1053 -- Nieuwe Weg 1 2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium
- INEOS Styrolution Europe GmbH, Mainzer Landstrasse 50 60325 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- Infineum Italia, Strada di Scorrimento 2 17047 Vado Ligure (SV) Italy
- Innospec Performance Chemicals France SAS (Only Rep 4), Boite Postale 19 Han-sur-Meuse F-55300 St. Mihiel Meuse France
- Inolex GmbH, Unter den Linden 21 10117 Berlin Germany
- Instrumentation Laboratory SpA, Viale Monza 338 20128 Milano Italy
- Intermarc B.V., Villapark 10 3051 BP Rotterdam Netherlands
- Intertek Deutschland GmbH 1, Stangenstrasse 1 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany
- Intertek Deutschland GmbH 12, Stangenstrasse 1 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany
- Intertek Deutschland GmbH 2, Stangenstrasse 1 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany
- Intertek Deutschland GmbH 6, Stangenstrasse 1 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany
- Intertek Deutschland GmbH CAHC, Stangenstr.1 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany
- Intertek Deutschland GmbH CJSS, Stangenstr.1 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Baden-Württemberg Germany
- Intertek Deutschland GmbH_NAHC, Stangenstr.1 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Germany
- INX International France SAS, 44 av. de la Commune de Paris 91220 Brétigny sur Orge France
- ISK Biosciences Europe N.V., Pegasus Park 1831 Diegem Belgium
- ITW Performance Polymers, A Division of ITW Ireland, Bay 150 Shannon Industrial Estate V14 DF82 Shannon Co. Clare Ireland
- Jiahua Netherlands B.V., Merseyweg 10 3197 KG Botlek Rotterdam Netherlands
- Jiahua Netherlands B.V., Merseyweg 10 - Site 5210 3197 KG Botlek Rotterdam Netherlands
- Jos. H. Lowenstein & Sons B.V., Naritaweg 165 1043 BW Amsterdam Netherlands
- Kao Chemicals Europe, S.L. (10), Puig dels Tudons, 10 08210 Barbera del Valles Barcelona Spain
- Kao Chemicals Europe, S.L. (12), Puig dels Tudons, 10 08210 Barbera del Valles Barcelona Spain
- Kao Chemicals Europe, S.L. (2), Puig dels Tudons, 10 08210 Barbera del Valles Barcelona Spain
- Kao Corporation, S.A., Puig dels Tudons, 10 08210 Barbera del Valles Barcelona Spain
- Kao Germany GmbH, Pfungstaedter Str. 92-100 64297 Darmstadt Hessen Germany
- Kemira Oyj, Energiakatu 4 P.O.Box 330 FI-00101 HELSINKI Finland
- knoell Germany - OR - B14, Konrad-Zuse-Ring 25 68163 Mannheim Germany
- knoell Germany – OR – B10, Konrad-Zuse-Ring 25 68163 Mannheim Germany
- Knoell NL-OR-S06, Agro Business Park 75 6708 PV Wageningen Netherlands
- Knoell NL-OR-S07, Agro Business Park 75 6708 PV Wageningen Netherlands
- Kraton Chemical AB OR1, Massvagen 15 P.O. Box 66 SE-820 22 Sandarne Sweden
- Kromachem GmbH, Fuerstenbergstr. 17 51379 Leverkusen Germany
- Kuraray Europe GmbH, Philipp-Reis-Str. 4 65795 Hattersheim Germany
- Labcorp Development SA 024, Parque Empresarial Las Tablas, Edificio 1 Calle Federico Mompou, 5 - 5 Planta 28050 Madrid Spain
- Labcorp DEVELOPMENT SA 075, Parque Empresarial Las Tablas, Edificio 1 Calle Federico Mompou, 5 – 5 Planta 28050 Madrid Spain
- Labcorp Development SA 085, Parque Empresarial Las Tablas, Edificio 1 Calle Federico Mompou, 5 – 5 Planta 28050 Madrid Spain
- Labcorp DEVELOPMENT SA 087, Parque Empresarial Las Tablas, Edificio 1 Calle Federico Mompou, 5 – 5 Planta 28050 Madrid Spain
- Labcorp Development SA 104, Parque Empresarial Las Tablas, Edificio 1 Calle Federico Mompou, 5 - 5 Planta 28050 Madrid Spain
- Labcorp Development SA 155, Parque Empresarial Las Tablas, Edifico 1 Calle Federico Mompou, 5 - 5 Planta 28050 Madrid Spain
- Lamberti S.p.A., via Piave 18 21041 Albizzate Varese Italy
- Lamberti S.p.A. (OR3), via Piave 18 21041 Albizzate Varese Italy
- Lankem Ireland Limited, 13/15 Rathfarnham Road 6W Dublin Ireland
- Lanxess Deutschland GmbH, Kennedyplatz 1 50569 Köln Germany
- LANXESS Solutions Italy S.r.l., Via Pico della Mirandola, 8 4013 Localita Scalo Latina LT Italy
- Lawter Europe, Haven 1520 Ketenislaan 1 B-9130 Kallo East Flanders Belgium
- LG Chem Europe GmbH, Alfred Herrhausen Allee 3 5 D-65760 Eschborn Germany
- Lubrizol Advanced Materials Europe B.V.B.A, Nijverheidsstraat 30 2260 Westerlo-Oevel Belgium
- Lubrizol Deutschland GmbH, Max-Planck-Strasse 6 27721 RITTERHUDE Germany
- Lubrizol Europe Coordination Center BVBA 01, Chaussee De Wavre, 1945 1945 Brussels Belgium
- Lubrizol Europe Coordination Center BVBA 02 , Chaussee De Wavre 1945 Brussels Belgium
- Lubrizol Europe Coordination Center BVBA 30, Chaussee De Wavre 1945 Brussels Belgium
- Lubrizol Europe Coordination Center BVBA 33, Chaussee De Wavre 1945 Brussels Belgium
- Lubrizol France SAS, 25 Quai de France 76100 ROUEN France
- MAFLON S.P.A., Via don Ravizza, SNC 24060 Castelli Calepio Bergamo Italy
- Manufacture Française des Pneumatiques Michelin (OR CAN), Place des Carmes Déchaux 63040 Clermont Ferrand France
- Manufacture Française des Pneumatiques Michelin (OR GP), Place des Carmes Déchaux 63040 Clermont Ferrand France
- Manufacture Française des Pneumatiques Michelin (OR US), Place des Carmes Déchaux 63040 Clemront Ferrand France
- Master Builders Solutions Belgium, Nijverheidsweg 89 attn. EHSQ Department 3945 Ham Belgium
- Master Builders Solutions Deutschl. GmbH, Dr.-Albert-Frank-Strasse 32 attn. EHSQ Department 83308 Trostberg Germany
- Merck KGaA, Frankfurter Strasse 250 64293 Darmstadt Germany
- Merck Life Science A/S, Vandtårnsvej 62A 2860 Søborg Denmark
- MERCK MILLIPORE LIMITED, Tullagreen -- Carrigtwohill Cork Ireland
- MICHELMAN INTERNATIONAL BELGIUM SRL, Zoning Industriel B-6790 Aubange Belgium
- Mitsubishi_Chemical_Europe_GmbH, Schiessstraße 47 40549 Düsseldorf Germany
- Momentive Performance Materials GmbH, Chempark, Building V7 PO 4502311119 51368 Leverkusen NRW Germany
- Monument Chemical_ORKY, Haven 1972 Ketenislaan 3 9130 Kallo Belgium
- Münzing Chemie GmbH, Münzingstr. 2 74232 Abstatt Germany
- MÜNZING CHEMIE GMBH as Only Representative for Ultra Additives LLC dba Munzing, Münzingstr. 2 74232 Abstatt Germany
- Nammo Raufoss AS, Enggata 40 2830 Raufoss Vestre Toten kommune Norway
- NEARCHIMICA S.p.a, Via F.lli Rosselli 50,52 20025 Legnano - Milano Italy
- NOF METAL COATINGS EU, 120 Rue Galilée 60106 Creil Saint Maximin France
- Normachem Srl, Via Roma, 14 35014 Fontaniva PD Italy
- NOROO BEE Chemical Czech s. r. o., Kopaná 1792 744 01 Frenštát pod Radhoštěm Czech Republic
- Nouryon Functional Chemicals AB, Box 47067 - 40258 Göteborg - Sweden
- Nouryon Surface Chemistry AB, Box 47067 40258 Göteborg Sweden
- novoChem Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Bahnhofstr. 55 21224 Rosengarten Germany
- Novozymes A/S, Krogshoejvej 36 2880 Bagsvaerd Denmark
- NOVOZYMES FRANCE, 54, route de Sartrouville Le Montréal - Parc du Saint Laurent 78230 LE PECQ France
- NuCera Solutions France SARL, Wojo Saint-Lazare 18 Rue de Londres 75009 Paris France France
- Nutrition & Biosciences Netherlands B.V., Willem Einthovenstraat 4 2342 BH Oegstgeest Netherlands
- Omnichem s.r.l., Via Pontina Km 105 04019 Terracina (LT) Italy
- OMNOVA Solutions SAS (OR of OMNOVA Solutions Inc), 14 avenue des Tropiques ZA de Courtaboeuf 2, Villejust 91955 Courtaboeuf Cedex France
- Only representative (No publishable name), null
- OQEMA GmbH, Aachener Str. 258 41061 Moenchengladbach Germany
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (1048), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (3060), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (4075), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (7115), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (7190), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (7702), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (7712), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- Oxiteno Europe OR2, Ikaroslaan 6 1930 Zaventem Belgium
- Oxiteno Europe OR5, Ikaroslaan 6 1930 Zaventem Belgium
- PARAMELT B.V., Costerstr. 18 1704 RJ Heerhugowaard Netherlands
- PCC Exol SA, Sienkiewicza 4 56-120 Brzeg Dolny Poland
- Pelikan Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, Werftstraße 9 30163 Hannover Germany
- Penman Consulting bvba 02, Avenue des Arts 10 B-1210 Brussels Belgium
- Performance Chemicals Handels GmbH, Liebigstr. 2-20 22113 Hamburg Hamburg Germany
- Performance Fluids B.V, Schiphl Airport Tetra, Transpolispark Siriusdreef 17-27 2132 WT Hoofddorp Netherlands
- Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN SA, ul. Chemików 7 09-411 Płock Poland Poland
- Polywater Europe BV, Zuidhaven 9-11 Unit B7/B8/B9 4761 CR Zevenbergen Netherlands
- PPG Europe B.V. - OR1, Amsterdamseweg 14 1422 AD Uithoorn Netherlands
- PPG Europe B.V. - OR3, Amsterdamseweg 14 1422 AD Uithoorn Netherlands
- PPG Industries Italia Srl Società soggetta a direzione e coordinamento da parte di PPG Industries Inc., Via Serra, 1 15028 Quattordio Italy
- PPG Kansai Automotive Finishes France SAS, Les Dix Muids 59583 Marly France
- Procter & Gamble Amiens S.A.S., 163/165 quai Aulagnier 92600 ASNIERES SUR SEINE France
- Procter & Gamble Bulgaria EOOD, 161, Iztochna Tangenta Blvd. 1592 Slatina Region, Sofia Bulgaria
- Procter & Gamble ltalia S.p.A., Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 11 144 Rome Italy
- Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Belgium N.V., Temselaan 100 1853 Strombeek-Bever Belgium
- Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Berlin GmbH, Oberlandstr. 75 12099 Berlin Germany
- Procter & Gamble Manufacturing GmbH, Sulzbacher Strasse 40 65824 Schwalbach am Taunus Germany
- Procter & Gamble Nederland B.V., Watermanweg 100 3067 GG Rotterdam Netherlands
- Procter & Gamble Services Company NV, Temselaan 100 1853 Strombeek- Bever Belgium
- Procter & Gamble Sverige Aktiebolag, Box 27303 10254 STOCKHOLM Sweden
- Procter & Gamble – Rakona s.r.o., Ottova 402 269 32 Rakovnik Czech Republic
- Procter and Gamble Operations Polska Sp. z o. o., Zabraniecka Street 20 03-872 Warsaw Poland
- Pulcra Chemicals GmbH, Isardamm 79-83 82538 Geretsried Germany
- Pulcra Chemicals GmbH (OR), Isardamm 79-83 82538 Geretsried Bavaria Germany
- Pulcra Chemicals S.L., Polígono Industrial San Vicente 08755 Castellbisbal (Barcelona) Spain
- Pulcra-Lachiter S.r.l., Via Pirandello 1 40050 Castello d'Argile (BO) Italy
- Quaker Chemical SA, Poligono Industrial Can Bernades-Subira Calle Ripollés 5 08130 Santa Peretua de Mogoda Barcelona Spain
- Quaker Houghton B.V., Industrieweg 7 1422 AH Uithoorn Netherlands
- Ravago Chemicals Netherlands BV, Neptunusstraat 15 2132 JA Hoofddorp Netherlands
- Reach & Colours s.r.o, Thunovská 196/19 Malá Strana 118 00 Prague Czech Republic
- Reach & Colours Trade Kft, Levente u. 14/a 2161 Csomád Hungary
- REACH 2008 Ltd., j.k.Mladost-1,bl.32,entr.A, fl.5, ap.10 1784 Sofia Bulgaria Bulgaria
- REACH COMPLIANCE SERVICES LIMITED, 306 The Capel Building, Mary's Abbey, Dublin 7, Ireland Dublin 7 Dublin Ireland
- REACH COMPLIANCE SERVICES LIMITED, Suite 1E, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Dublin 18 Dublin Ireland
- REACH&Colours Kft, Petofi Sandor utca 11 I Em. 4 1052 Budapest Hungary
- REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP, Suite 1E, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland Dublin 18 Dublin Ireland
- REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Dublin18 Dublin Ireland
- REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Dublin 18 Dublin Ireland
- REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP (acts as OR for SHANDONG ETON NEW MATERIAL CO., LTD), Suite 1E, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Dublin 18 Dublin Ireland
- REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP (Wuhan Youji Industries Co., Ltd), Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Dublin 18 Dublin Ireland
- REACHLaw Ltd, Aleksanterinkatu 19 00100 Helsinki Finland
- REACHLaw Ltd., Aleksanterinkatu 19 00100 Helsinki Finland
- REACHLaw Ltd., Vänrikinkuja 3 JK 21 02600 Espoo Finland
- REACHLINKED OÜ, Ahtri tn 12 10151 Tallinn Estonia
- Resonac Europe GmbH (IMP), Daimlerstrasse 19 86368 Gersthofen Germany
- RHODIA OPERATIONS, 9 rue des Cuirassiers Immeuble Silex 2 Solvay 69003 LYON France
- RHODIA OPERATIONS - 17, 9 rue des Cuirassiers Immeuble Silex 2 Solvay 69003 Lyon France
- RHODIA OPERATIONS - 2, 9 rue des Cuirassiers Immeuble Silex 2 Solvay 69003 Lyon France
- RHODIA OPERATIONS - 41, 9 rue des Cuirassiers Immeuble Silex 2 Solvay 69003 Lyon France
- Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Sandhoferstrasse 116 68305 Mannheim Germany
- Roehm America LLC - ORR1, Deutsche-Telekom-Allee 9 64295 Darmstadt Germany
- Röhm GmbH, Deutsche-Telekom-Allee 9 64295 Darmstadt Germany
- SABIC Innovative Plastics BV, Plasticslaan 1 4612 PX Bergen op Zoom Netherlands Netherlands
- SABIC Petrochemicals B.V., Europaboulevard 1 6135 LD Sittard Limburg Netherlands
- Sasol Chemie GmbH & Co. KG OR RSA, Anckelmannsplatz 1 20537 Hamburg Germany
- Sasol Germany GmbH, Anckelmannsplatz 1 D-20537 Hamburg Germany
- SC Johnson Professional GmbH, Miles van der rohe business park Girmesgath 5 47803 Krefeld Germany
- SC31-Ele Corporation, Długosza 67 43-188 Orzesze Poland
- SCAS Europe S.A./N.V., Leonardo Da Vincilaan 19 B-1831 Diegem Belgium
- SCAS Europe S.A./N.V.150, Leonardo Da Vincilaan 19 B-1831 Diegem Belgium
- Schill + Seilacher GmbH, Schoenaicher Str. 205 71032 Boeblingen Germany
- Schill+Seilacher "Struktol" GmbH Hamburg, Moorfleeter Straße 28 22113 Hamburg Germany
- ServiREACH, S.A., Rambla Jaume Sabat 4 1o 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallés Barcelona Spain
- Shell Chemicals Europe B.V., Weena 505 3013 AL Rotterdam Netherlands Netherlands
- Shell Nederland Chemie B.V., Chemieweg 25 PO BOX 6060, 4782 SJ Moerdijk Netherlands
- Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products GmbH, Emil-von-Behring-Str. 76 35041 Marburg Germany
- SIGMA-ALDRICH CHEMIE GMBH, Riedstrasse 2 89555 Steinheim Germany
- SIGMA-ALDRICH CHIMIE SARL, 80 Rue de Luzais BP 701 38297 Saint Quentin Fallavier France
- Sigma-Aldrich Ireland Ltd, Vale Road . Arklow Co. Wicklow Ireland
- SNF SA, ZAC de Milieux 42163 Andrézieux France
- SoBiCo GmbH, Am Gefach 55566 Bad Sobernheim Germany
- Solenis Netherlands B.V., Pesetastraat 62 2991 XT Barendrecht Netherlands
- Solenis Netherlands BV OR, Pesetastraat 62 2991 XT Barendrecht Netherlands
- Solvay Solutions Italia S.p.A., Via Milano, 78/80 20021 Ospiate di Bollate (Mi) Italy
- Specialities Srl, Via Nazario Sauro, 11 24030 Berbenno Italy
- Specialty Electronic Materials Belgium SRL OR-1, Boulevard d’Angleterre 2 1420 Braine-l’Alleud Belgium
- Specialty Electronic Materials Netherlands BV OR-1, Baanhoekweg 22 3313 LA Dordrecht Netherlands
- SQM Europe N.V., Houtdok – Noordkaai 25a 2030 Antwerpen Belgium
- Stahl Europe B.V., Sluisweg 10 5145PE Waalwijk Noord Brabant Netherlands
- Star Technology Europe GmbH, Cäsar-von-Hofacker-straße 5 60438 Frankfurt am Main Germany
- STEPAN DEUTSCHLAND Gmbh, Rodenkirchener Strasse 400 D-50389 WESSELING Germany
- Stepan Netherlands B.V., Maltaweg 3-2 4389 PV RITTHEM Netherlands
- STEPAN POLSKA, Urazka Street PL 56-120 Brzeg Dolny Poland
- Sun Chemical B.V., Leeuwenveldseweg 3-t 1382 LV Weesp Netherlands
- Syngenta Hellas Single Member S.A.C.I., Anthousas Avenue 153 49 Anthousa-Attiki Greece
- Syngenta Hellas Single Member S.A.C.I., Anthousas Avenue 153 49 Anthousa-Attikki Greece
- Syngenta Hellas Single Member S.A.C.I., Anthousas Avenue 153 49 Anthousa-Attiki Greece
- Syngenta Hellas Single Member S.A.C.I., Anthousas Avenue 153 49 Anthousa - Attiki Greece
- Syngenta Production France SAS, 55, rue du Fond du Val 27600 Saint-Pierre-La-Garenne France
- Synthomer Trading Limited Dutch Branch, Ijesselstraat 41 5347 KG Oss Netherlands
- Sysmex Europe SE, Bornbarch 1 22848 Norderstedt Germany
- Tate&Lyle slovakia s.r.o.-2, Boleráz 114 91908 Boleráz Slovakia
- Technologiju Vystymo Konsultacijos, Visoriu street 16-64 LT-08300 Vilnius LITHUANIA Lithuania
- Tecnofluid Srl, Via Mons. Colombo 34 21053 Castellanza VA Italy
- TIGI Haircare GmbH, Postfach 700331 70573 Stuttgart Germany
- TOKUYAMA EUROPE GMBH, Am Gierath 20A 40885 Ratingen Germany
- Toyota Tsusho Europe S.A., Belgicastraat 13 1930 Zaventem Belgium
- Triada Chem Ltd. , Riverside Two D02 KV60 Sir John Rogerson's Quay Dublin 2 Ireland
- TSIRCON CO. LTD., Kalamon 9, Strovolos Industrial Zone P. O. Box 23863 1687 NICOSIA Cyprus
- TÜV SÜD Iberia S.A.U. (013), Ronda Can Fatjó 13 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès Barcelona Spain
- TÜV SÜD Iberia S.A.U. (023), Ronda Can Fatjó 13 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès Barcelona Spain
- TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH (17), Westendstrasse 199 80686 Munich Germany
- Unilever France HPC Industries, 23, rue François Jacob 92500 Rueil-Malmaison France
- Unilever R&D Vlaardingen, Olivier van Noortlaan 120 3133 AT Vlaardingen Netherlands
- Valspar b.v., Zuiveringweg 89 8243 PE Lelystad Netherlands
- Vantage Specialty Chemicals, 3 rue Jules Guesde 91130 RIS ORANGIS France
- Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions Belgium BVBA, Toekomstlaan 54 2200 Herentals Belgium
- Veolia WTS France, Immeuble L'Aquarène 1 place Montgolfier 94417 SAINT-MAURICE CEDEX France
- Vink+Co GmbH Handelsgesellschaft und Co.KG, Eichenhöhe 24 21255 Kakenstorf Germany
- W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH, Hermann-Oberth-Strasse 22 85640 Putzbrunn Germany
- Wacker Chemie AG, Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4 81737 Muenchen Germany
- Wacker Chemie AG (OR_WCC), Johannes-Hess-Strasse 24 84489 Burghausen Germany
- Westlake Epoxy B.V., Seattleweg 17, building 4 3195 ND Pernis-Rotterdam Netherlands
- Wilkinson Sword GmbH, Schuetzenstr. 110 42659 Solingen NRW Germany
- WSP Deutschland A.G. (OR8), Dingolfinger Straße 1-15 81673 München Germany
- Yordas GmbH, Äußere Nürnberger Str. 62 91301 Forchheim Germany
- YOU Solutions Germany GmbH - REACH (part of Arxada), Freundallee 9 a 30173 Hannover Germany
- [Confidential], [Confidential]
- Arcerion GmbH, Gabrielenstr. 15 80636 München Germany
- Archroma Italy, S.r.l., Via Manzoni 37 20030 Palazzolo Milanese Italy
- Archroma UK, Ltd, 1 Bartholomew Lane EC2N 2AX London United Kingdom
- Armored Auto UK Ltd, Unit 16, Rassau Industrial Estate NP23 5SD Ebbw Vale Gwent United Kingdom
- Ashland Services BV (OR2), Noordweg 9 3336 LH Zwijndrecht Netherlands
- CBee (Europe) Limited, The Mille 1000 Great West Road TW8 9HH Brentford Middlesex United Kingdom
- Cellular Technology Europe Ltd, PO Box 13046 B32 9BJ Birmingham United Kingdom
- Chemetall Kft., org. složka, Počernická 96 108 00 Praha 10 Czech Republic
- Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service Limited, Regus Harcourt Centre D02 HW77 Dublin Ireland
- Chemical Inspection & Regulation Service Limited, Room 002, Regus Harcourt Centre HW77 D02 Dublin Ireland
- Chemservice S.A - (G5B1), 13, Fausermillen 6689 Mertert Luxembourg
- Chemtura Europe Limited (T809), Kennet House 4 Langley Quay SL3 6EH Langley, Slough United Kingdom
- Corteva Agriscience Spain, S.L.U, Valle de Tamón s/n 33469 Carreño (Asturias) Spain 33469 Carreño (Asturias) Spain
- Corteva Agriscience UK Limited, CPC2 Capital Park, Fulbourn Cambridge CB21 5XE Cambridgeshire United Kingdom
- DOW BENELUX B.V. OR-25, Postbus 48 4350 AA Terneuzen Terneuzen Netherlands
- Dow Silicones Belgium SPRL OR-51, PSRC - Rue Jules Bordet Zone industrielle C 7180 Seneffe Belgium
- Du Pont (U.K.) Industrial Limited, 60 Clooney Rd Maydown Works BT47 6TH Londonderry United Kingdom (Northern Ireland)
- Du Pont (U.K.) Limited, London Road 4th Floor, Kings Court SG1 2NG Stevenage Hertfordshire United Kingdom
- Ecolab Deutschland GmbH, Ecolab Allee 1 40789 Monheim am Rhein Germany
- Ecolab Limited, PO Box 11 Winnington Avenue CW8 4DX Swindon United Kingdom
- Ecolab Production Poland Sp.zo.o, ul. Stalowa 9 47-400 Raciborz Poland
- Evonik Chemicals Limited_OR2, Hersham Place Technology Park Molesey Road KT12 4RZ Walton on Thames Surrey United Kingdom
- Evonik Stockhausen GmbH, Bäkerpfad 25 47805 Krefeld Germany
- Experien Chemical Services (Europe) Limited, PO Box 170 YO7 9AN Thirsk United Kingdom
- FUJIFILM Belgium NV, Europark Noord 21-22 9100 Sint-Niklaas Belgium
- Gillette U.K. Limited, The Heights, Brooklands, KT13 OXP Weybridge, Surrey United Kingdom
- Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Henkelstrasse 67 40191 Duesseldorf North-Rhine Westfalia Germany
- Henkel Belgium Operations N.V., Havenlaan 16 1080 Brussels Belgium
- Henkel Central Eastern Europe Operations GmbH, Erdbergstr. 29 1030 Wien Austria
- Henkel Hellas SA, 23, Kyprou Street 18346 Athen-Moschato Greece
- Henkel Ireland Operations and Research Limited, Tallaght Business Park Whitestown 24 Dublin Ireland
- Henkel Italia Operations S.r.L., Via Amoretti 78 20157 Mailand Italy
- Henkel Ltd., Wood Lane End HP2 4RQ Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom
- Henkel Magyarország Operations Kft., David Ferenc utca 6 1113 Budapest Hungary
- Henkel Nederland B.V., Brugwal 11 3432 NZ Nieuwegein Netherlands
- Henkel Norden AB, Gustavslundsvägen 151 A P.O Box 15022 167 15 Bromma Sweden
- Henkel Polska Operations SP.z.o.o., Domaniewska 41 02-672 Warszawa Poland
- Henkel Technologies France SAS, 161 Rue De Silly 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt France
- Hexion UK Limited, Sully Moors Road CF64 5YU Sully South Glamorgan United Kingdom
- HH Compliance Ltd., Block D Unit 14 Nutgrove Office Park, Rathfarnham 14 Dublin Ireland
- HH Compliance Ltd., The Rubicon Building, CIT Campus Bishopstown N/A Cork Ireland
- HOWMET LIMITED, Johnson Lane, S35 9XH Ecclesfield South Yorkshire United Kingdom
- HP Production Company Limited, Barnhall Road Liffey Park Technology Campus . Leixlip Co.Kildare Ireland
- Huntsman (Europe) BV - OR1, Everslaan 45 B-3078 Everberg Belgium
- Huntsman (Europe) BV - OR3, Everslaan 45 3078 Everberg Belgium
- INV Nylon Chemicals Netherlands B.V., Parmentierweg 4, 5657 EH Eindhoven Netherlands
- James Robinson Speciality Ingredients BV, Office 12.15 Millenium Tower Radarweg 29/12B 1043 NX Amsterdam Netherlands
- Knoell NL-OR-S09, Agro Business Park 75 6708 PV Wageningen Netherlands
- Knoell NL_OR_083, Agro Business Park 75 6708 PV Wageningen Netherlands
- Kuraray Europe GmbH (OR1), Philipp-Reis-Str. 4 65795 Hattersheim Germany
- LANXESS Manufacturing Netherlands B.V., Ankerweg 18 1041 AT Amsterdam (2079) 08 Netherlands
- Lubrizol Limited 26, The Knowle Nether Lane DE56 4AN Derby United Kingdom
- MC (Netherlands) 1 B.V. OR_CH, Willem Einthovenstraat 4 2342BH Oegstgeest Netherlands
- NetSun EU B.V., Blaak 40, Fifth Floor, 3011 TA 3011 TA Rotterdam Netherlands
- NGF EUROPE Limited, Lea Green Road WA9 4PR St. Helens Merseyside United Kingdom
- Nouryon Surface Chemistry AB, Box 47067 42058 Göteborg Sweden
- Nutrition & Biosciences Netherlands B.V. OR_US2, Willem Einthovenstraat 4 2342 BH Oegstgeest Netherlands
- OLTCHIM SA, Uzinei 1 240050 Ramnicu Valcea Valcea Romania
- Only representative (No publishable name), null
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (2063), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- OR BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH (4701), Henkelstr. 67 40589 Duesseldorf Germany
- Oxiteno Europe OR6, Ikaroslaan 6 1930 Zaventem Belgium
- Procter & Gamble Product Supply (U.K.) Limited, The Heights, Brooklands KT13 OXP Weybridge, Surrey United Kingdom
- REACH COMPLIANCE SERVICES LIMITED, Suite 1E, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford. Dublin 18 Dublin Ireland
- REACH24H CONSULTING GROUP, Paramount Court, Corrig Road, Sandyford Dublin18 Dublin Ireland
- Renishaw PLC, New Mills GL12 8JR Wotton-under-Edge Gloucestershire United Kingdom
- RHODIA OPERATIONS - 10, 9 rue des Cuirassiers Immeuble Silex 2 Solvay 69003 Lyon France
- RHODIA OPERATIONS - 44, 9 rue des Cuirassiers Immeuble Silex 2 Solvay 69003 LYON France
- SABIC Innovative Plastics Espana ScpA, Ctra. Cartagena-Alhama de Murcia km. 13. La Aljorra 30390 Cartagena Spain Spain
- SAFC Biosciences Limited, Smeaton Road, West Potway SP10 3LF Andover United Kingdom
- Sasol Chemie GmbH & Co. KG OR NA, Anckelmannsplatz 1 20537 Hamburg Germany
- Sigma-Aldrich Company Limited, The Old Brickyard, New Road SP8 4XT Gillingham United Kingdom
- Sitmae REACH Services BV, Agro Business Park 75 6708 PV Wageningen Netherlands
- SLM Solutions Group AG, Estlandring 4 23560 Lübeck Germany
- Specialty Electronic Materials Netherlands BV, Baanhoekweg 22 3313 LA Dordrecht Netherlands
- Specialty Electronic Materials Netherlands BV OR-4, Baanhoekweg 22 3313 LA Dordrecht Netherlands
- SPECIALTY ELECTRONIC MATERIALS UK LIMITED, Diamond House Lotus Park Kingsbury Crescent Middx UB7 0DQ Staines Middx United Kingdom
- STEPAN EUROPE SAS OR, chemin Jongkind CS 20127 38341 VOREPPE France
- SUEZ WATER TECHNOLOGIES & SOLUTIONS (UK) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, HydroHouse - Newcombe Way Orton Southgate PE2 6SE Peterborough Cambridgeshire United Kingdom
- Syngenta Ltd, Jealott’s Hill International Research Centre RG42 6EY Bracknell Berkshire United Kingdom
- Synovelle Limited, Synovelle Wessex house, Upper market street SO50 9FD Eastleigh Hampshire United Kingdom
- The Acta Group EU BVBA (BE36), Place du Luxembourg 2 1050 Brussels Belgium
- UEBV OR 03, Weena 455 3013 AL Rotterdam Netherlands
- Unilever Nederlands Services BV 02, Nassaukade 3 3071 JL Rotterdam Netherlands
- Unilever Nederlands Services BV 04, Weena 455 3013 AL Rotterdam Netherlands
- Unilever Nederlands Services BV 07, Nassaukade 3 3071 JL Rotterdam Netherlands
- WSP UK Ltd (OR7), The Victoria 150-182 The Quays M50 3SP Salford United Kingdom
- [Confidential], [Confidential]
Substance names and other identifiers
This section displays all the public names and other identifiers available in ECHA's databases for the substance.
Regulatory process names gives the names under which the substance appears in ECHA's regulatory processes and lists.
Translated names gives the names in different EU languages, where available to ECHA. Note that translated names are available at this time only for substances which have a harmonised C&L or which are approved Biocidal active substances.
CAS names gives the name(s) provided to ECHA by the Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, where available.
IUPAC names gives all the non-confidential names provided to ECHA in submissions under REACH, CLP, BPR and PIC, where indicated to be a IUPAC name. Note that this does not mean that they are properly structured names according to the IUPAC nomenclature. 'IUPAC name' is the generic field by which substance names are provided in various data submission tools. Therefore the quality of these names may be variable.
Trade names gives all public trade names submitted to ECHA in REACH registrations.
Other names gives any names of any other type, such as common names, synonyms and acronyms.
Other identifiers gives any other non-name identifiers available for ths substance. For example CLH index numbers, CN numbers, deleted CAS numbers, etc.
The data presented in these sections has been cleaned to remove names of one character or less, or names which consist solely of punctuation or numerical characters.
Scientific properties
This section provides physicochemical information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.
Appearance/physical state / colour
This section summarises appearance, physical state and colour property values from all registered dossiers held in the ECHA database for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one value is available, results are displayed as concatenated distinct values, ordered from most to least commonly provided, with the percentage of provided values appended. The percentage is based on the count of values provided.
Physical state
For substance’s physical state at 20°C and 1 013 hPa, registrants can classify their substance as:
- Solid
- Liquid
- Gaseous
For substance’s form, registrants can classify their substance as:
- Aerosol dispenser: not specified
- Aerosol dispenser: foam aerosol
- Aerosol dispenser: spray aerosol
- Gas
- Gas: vapour
- Gas under pressure: compressed gas
- Gas under pressure: dissolved gas
- Gas under pressure: liquefied gas
- Gas under pressure: refrigerated liquefied gas
- Liquid
- Liquid: viscous
- Liquid: volatile
- Liquid – liquid: emulsion
- Liquid – solid: mixture of
- Semi–solid (amorphous): gel
- Solid
- Solid: bulk
- Solid: compact
- Solid: crystalline
- Solid: fibres
- Solid: filaments
- Solid: flakes
- Solid: granular
- Solid: pellets
- Solid: particulate/powder
- Solid: nanomaterial, surface–treated
- Solid: nanomaterial, no surface treatment
- Solid: nanomaterial
- Solid – liquid: aqueous solution
- Solid – liquid: suspension
- Solid – solid: alloy
- Aerosol
- Compact
- Crystalline
- Dispersion
- Fibre
- Filaments
- Flakes
- Liquefied gas
- Nanomaterial
- Particulates
- Paste
- Pellets
- Powder
- Refrigerated liquid
- Suspension
- Viscous
- Other
- No data
For substance’s odour, registrants can classify their substance as:
- Ammonia-like
- Biting
- Characteristic of sulphur containing compounds
- Characteristic of aromatic compounds
- Faint
- Garlic-like
- Odourless
- Pungent
- Slight
- Sweetish
- Other
For substance’s type, registrants can classify their substance as:
- Element
- Inorganic
- Natural substance
- Organic
- Organometallic
- Petroleum product
- Other
Summary data is collected from the endpoint summary(ies) provided by registrants of REACH dossiers.
Physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa
For substance’s physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa, registrants can classify their substance as:
- Solid
- Liquid
- Gaseous
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data–waving justifications.
Study results
- 6 studies submitted
- 6 studies processed
- C Physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa
- Gaseous (100%) [6]
- C Form
- Gas (100%) [2]
- C Odour
- Other (100%) [3]
- C Substance type
- Organic (100%) [4]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | 2 | ||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 2 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
C Summaries
- 2 summaries submitted
- 2 summaries processed
- Physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa
- Gaseous (100%)
Melting/freezing point
This section summarises the melting and freezing point values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Melting / freezing point provides substance information on the melting/freezing point in °C at a pressure measured in Pa.
Results without measurement conditions (pressure) are not processed for the Brief Profile. Additionally, if registrants select ‘other’ as a unit of measure for pressure, the measurement conditions (and therefore the study results) cannot be processed in the Brief Profile.
Melting/freezing point at 101 325 Pa provides information on the substance melting/freezing point in °C at a pressure of 101 325 Pa.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data–waving justifications.
Study results
- 6 studies submitted
- 6 studies processed
- R Melting / freezing point
- -112.55 - -111.3 °C @ 101.3 kPa [6]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 4 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Melting / freezing point at 101 325 Pa
- -111.7 °C
Boiling point
This section summarises the boiling point values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header .
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Relative density provides substance information on the relatively density (measurement units are not processed for relative density) at a temperature measured in Celsius (°C).
Bulk density provides substance information on the bulk density in (kilo)grams per (centi)metre (cm/m) at a temperature measured in °C.
Density provides substance information on the density in grams per (centi)metre at a temperature measured in °C.
Pour density provides substance information on the pour density in grams per millilitre at a temperature measured in °C.
Tap density provides substance information on the bulk density per grams per millilitre at a temperature measured in °C.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the type of density. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Relative density at 20 °C provides information on the substance relative density at 20 °C. If more than one value is found for this section, the range of min-max values will be displayed here.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data-waving justifications.
Study results
- 8 studies submitted
- 6 studies processed
- R Boiling point
- 10.5 - 10.8 °C @ 101.3 - 101.325 kPa [6]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 4 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 2 |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Boiling point at 101 325 Pa
- 10.7 °C
This section summarises the density values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Relative density provides substance information on the relatively density (measurement units are not processed for relative density) at a temperature measured in Celsius (°C).
Bulk density provides substance information on the bulk density in (kilo)grams per (centi)metre (cm/m) at a temperature measured in °C.
Density provides substance information on the density in grams per (centi)metre at a temperature measured in °C.
Pour density provides substance information on the pour density in grams per millilitre at a temperature measured in °C.
Tap density provides substance information on the bulk density per grams per millilitre at a temperature measured in °C.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the type of density. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Relative density at 20 °C provides information on the substance relative density at 20 °C. If more than one value is found for this section, the range of min-max values will be displayed here.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 6 studies submitted
- 5 studies processed
- R Density
- 0.002 - 0.887 g/cm³ @ 10 - 20 °C [4]
- R Relative density
- 0.88 - 0.882 @ 10 °C [3]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | 1 | |||
Weight of evidence | 3 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Vapour pressure
This section summarises the vapour pressure values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Vapour pressure provides substance information on the vapour pressure in Pa at a temperature measured in °C.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the unit of measure for pressure. If so, the pressure data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Vapour pressure provides substance information on the vapour pressure in Pa at a temperature measured in °C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and data waving justifications.
Study results
- 6 studies submitted
- 4 studies processed
- R Vapour pressure
- 11.4 - 400 kPa @ -34.9 - 50 °C [9]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 3 | 1 | ||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 2 |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Vapour pressure
- 145.6 kPa @ 20 °C
Partition coefficient
This section summarises the partition coefficient values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Pow provides substance information on the partition coefficient type Pow at a temperature measured in °C and acidity in pH.
Log Pow provides substance information on the partition coefficient type Pow at a temperature measured in °C and acidity in pH.
Log Pow (Log Kow) provides substance information on the partition coefficient type Log Pow (Log Kow) at a temperature measured in °C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications
Study results
- 5 studies submitted
- 3 studies processed
- R Log Pow
- -0.3 @ 25 °C and pH 7 [3]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 3 | |||
Supporting study | 2 | |||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Log Kow (Log Pow)
- -0.3 @ 25 °C
Water solubility
This section summarises the water solubility values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Water solubility provides substance information on the substance’s solubility in water in grams per litre at a temperature measured in °C. Values provided in ppb and Vol% are provided separately.
Water solubility provides substance information on the substance’s solubility in water in grams per litre at a temperature measured in °C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 3 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 3 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Solubility in organic solvents / fat solubility
Study results
If more than one result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Solubility provides substance information on the substance’s solubility in organic solvents/fat in grams per litre at a temperature measured in °C. Registrants can provide data for one or more of the following picklist options:
- Standard fat
- Acetone
- Acetonitrile
- Benzene
- N-butanol
- Cyclohexane
- Diethyl ether
- Diethyl ketone
- Dimethylformamide
- DMSO, ethanol
- Ethyl acetate
- Isopropanol
- Methanol
- N-octanol
- Toluene
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the solvent. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Also, if the registrant selects the ‘mg/100 g solvent’; ‘g/kg solvent’; ‘ppb’; ‘vol%’ and ‘other’ as a unit of measure, the data provided will not be processed for the Brief Profile.
Solubility in mg/100g standard fat at 20°C provides substance information on the substance solubility in standard fat in milligram per 100 gram at a temperature of 20°C.
Solubility in organic solvents at 20°C provides substance information on the substance solubility in organic solvents in gram per litre at a temperature of 20°C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 3 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 3 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Surface tension
This section summarises the surface tension values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Surface tension provides substance information on the surface tension in (milli)Newton per metre in a concentration in (milli)gram per metre and at a temperature measured in °C.
Note: Results without a concentration value are not processed for the Brief Profile.
Also, if the registrant selects ‘ppb’; ‘vol%’ and ‘other’ as a unit of measure for the concentration value, the data provided will not be processed for the Brief Profile.
Surface tension at 20°C provides substance information on the surface tension in (milli)Newton per metre in a concentration in (milli)gram per metre, at a temperature of 20 °C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Flash point
This section summarises the flash point values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max, RANGE method) will be presented.
Flash point provides substance information on the substance’s flash point at a temperature measured in °C at a pressure measured in Pascal.
Flash point at 101 325 Pa provides substance information on the substance’s flash point at a temperature measured in °C at a pressure of 101 325 Pascal.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 6 studies submitted
- 1 study processed
- R Flash point
- -57 °C @ 101.325 kPa [1]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | 2 | |||
Weight of evidence | 1 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | 1 |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 2 |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Auto flammability
This section summarises the auto flammability values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Autoflammability / Self-ignition provides substance information on the substance’s self-ignition temperature in °C at a pressure measured in Pascal.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the unit of measure for pressure. If so, the pressure data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Autoflammability / Self-ignition at 101 325 Pa provides substance information on the substance’s self-ignition temperature in °C at a pressure of 101 325 Pa.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 5 studies submitted
- 4 studies processed
- R Autoflammability / self-ignition
- 429 - 435 °C @ 101.3 - 101.325 kPa [4]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | 1 | |||
Weight of evidence | 2 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Autoflammability / self-ignition at 101 325 Pa
- 429 °C
This section summarises the flammability values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one value is available, results are displayed as concatenated distinct values, ordered by most to least commonly provided, with the % of provided values appended. The % is based on count of values provided.
Applicant’s summary and conclusion – Interpretation of results. Registrants can register their substance flammability as:
- Extremely flammable aerosols (Cat. 1)
- Flammable gases (Cat.1)
- Flammable solids (Cat.1)
- Pyrophoric liquids (Cat.1)
- Pyrophoric solids (Cat. 1)
- Self-heating substances and mixtures (Cat. 1)
- Substances or mixtures which in contact with water release flammable gases which may ignite spontaneously (Cat.1)
- Flammable aerosols (Cat.2)
- Flammable gases (Cat.2)
- Flammable solids (Cat.2)
- Self-heating substances and mixtures (Cat.2)
- Substances or mixtures which in contact with water release flammable gases which may ignite spontaneously (Cat.2)
- Non-flammable aerosols (Cat.3)
- Substances or mixtures which in contact with water releases flammable gases (Cat.3)
- Chemically unstable gases (Cat.A)
- Chemically unstable gases (Cat.B)
- GHS criteria not met
- Not classified based on GHS criteria
- Extremely flammable
- Extremely flammable liquefied gas
- Substances and mixtures which in contact with water emit flammable gases
- Contact with water liberates highly flammable gases
- Highly flammable
- Flammable
- Pyrophoric
- Spontaneously flammable in air (pyrophoric)
- Non–flammable
- Non flammable (based on GHS criteria)
- No information available
- Not classified
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the flammability value for their substance. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Registrants can register their substance’s flammability as:
- Extremely flammable
- Extremely flammable liquefied gas
- Contact with water liberates highly flammable gases
- Highly flammable
- Flammable
- Spontaneously flammable in air (pyrophoric)
- Non–flammable
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 8 studies submitted
- 5 studies processed
- C Interpretation of results
- Extremely flammable (100%) [5]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 4 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 2 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Flammability
- Extremely flammable (100%)
This section summarises the explosiveness values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one value is available, results are displayed as concatenated distinct values, ordered by most to least commonly provided, with the % of provided values appended. The % is based on count of values provided.
Applicant’s summary and conclusion – Interpretation of results. Registrants can register their substance explosiveness as:
- Unstable explosive
- Mass explosion hazard (Div. 1.1)
- Projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard (Div. 1.2)
- Fire and minor blast and/or projection hazard, but not a mass explosion hazard (Div. 1.3)
- No significant hazard (Div. 1.4)
- Very insensitive substances with mass explosion hazard (Div. 1.5)
- Extremely insensitive which do not have a mass explosion hazard (Div. 1.6)
- GHS criteria not met
- Explosive
- Non explosive
Explosiveness. Registrants can register their substance explosiveness as:
- Explosive
- Non explosive
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 5 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | 2 | 1 | ||
Weight of evidence | 2 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Explosiveness
- Non-explosive (100%)
This section summarises the oxidising values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one value is available, results are displayed as concatenated distinct values, ordered by most to least commonly provided, with the % of provided values appended. The % is based on count of values provided.
Applicant’s summary and conclusion – Interpretation of results. Registrants can register their substance’s oxidising properties as:
- no oxidising properties
- oxidising: maximum burning rate equal or higher than reference mixture
- oxidising: vigorous reaction in preliminary test
- oxidising;
- test not applicable because organic peroxide.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the oxidising value for their substance. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Oxidising. Registrants can register their substance oxidising properties as:
- Oxidising
- Yes
- Non oxidising
- No
- No information available
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 3 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 2 |
C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Oxidising
- No (100%)
Oxidation reduction potential
This section summarises the oxidation reduction potential values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Oxidation reduction potential in mV provides substance information on the substance’s oxidation reduction measured in millivolts at a temperature measured in °C.
Oxidation reduction potential in mV at 20°C provides substance information on the substance’s oxidation reduction measured in millivolts at a temperature of 20°C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Data not provided by the registrant
This section summarises the pH values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
pH provides substance information on the substance’s acidity level measured in pH at a temperature measured in °C and a concentration measured in (milli)grams per litre.
Note: Results without a concentration value are not processed for the Brief Profile.
For this endpoint registrants do not provide summary data.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Data not provided by the registrant
Dissociation constant
This section summarises the dissociating values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one picklist value is available per endpoint, results are displayed as concatenated distinct values, ordered by most to least commonly provided, with the % of provided values appended. The % is based on count of values provided.
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Dissociating Properties provides substance information by picklist values:
- Yes
- No
- Ambiguous
- Not determined
Dissociation Constant provides numerical substance information on the substance’s dissociation constant values at a temperature measured in °C.
pKa at 20°C provides numerical substance information on the dissociation constant in pKa at a temperature of 20°C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
This section summarises the viscosity values from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min–max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Registrants can report substance information on viscosity as:
- Dynamic viscosity (in mPa s)
- Kinematic viscosity (in mm²)/s)
- Flow time (in s) – ASTM Cup 1
- Flow time (in s) – ASTM Cup 2
- Flow time (in s) – ASTM Cup 3
- Flow time (in s) – ASTM Cup 4
- Flow time (in s) – 3 mm ISO cup
- Flow time (in s) – 4 mm ISO cup
- Flow time (in s) – 5 mm ISO cup
- Flow time (in s) – 6 mm ISO cup
- Flow time (in s) – other:
Static viscosity at 20°C provides substance information on the substance’s (static) viscosity per square millimetre per second at a temperature of 20°C.
Dynamic viscosity at 20°C provides substance information on the substance’s (dynamic) viscosity per millipascal second at a temperature of 20°C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 5 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | 2 | |||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | 1 |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 2 |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
This section provides environmental fate and pathways information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.
Phototransformation in air
This section summarises the values related to phototransformation in air from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max, RANGE method) will be displayed.
Dissipation half-life provides substance information on the substance’s dissipation half-life for the parent compound per second/minute/hour/day/week/month/year.
Degradation rate constant (OH Radicals) provides substance information on the substance’s degradation rate constant with OH Radicals as a reaction type in cm3molecule-1s-1, cm3molecule-1d-1, m3molecule-1s-1 or m3molecule-1d-1.
Degradation rate constant (Ozone) provides substance information on the substance’s degradation rate constant with Ozone as a reaction type in cm3molecule-1s-1, cm3molecule-1d-1, m3molecule-1s-1 or m3molecule-1d-1.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as a reaction type for the degradation rate constant of the substance. If so, the data provided is not processed in the Brief Profile.
Half-life in air provides substance information on the substance’s dissipation half-life in air in seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years.
Degradation rate constant with OH radicals provides substance information on the substance’s degradation rate constant with OH Radicals as a reaction type in cm3molecule-1s-1, cm3molecule-1d-1, m3molecule-1s-1 or m3molecule-1d-1.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 3 studies submitted
- 1 study processed
- R Dissipation half life (DT50)
- 19.079 days [1]
- R Degradation rate constant (OH radicals)
- 0 cm³ molecule-1 d-1 [1]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 1 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other | 1 | 1 |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Half life in air
- 19.079 days
- Degradation rate constant with OH radicals
- 0 cm³ molecule-1 d-1
This section summarises the values related to hydrolysis from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study results that are processable for the Brief Profile.
Half-life for hydrolysis provides substance information on the substance’s half-life for hydrolysis in seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years at a temperature measured in °C.
Note: Results without a measurement condition (temperature) are not processed for the Brief Profile.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 4 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 1 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other | 1 | 1 |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Phototransformation in water
This section summarises the values related to phototransformation in water from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Dissipation Half-life of parent compound provides substance information on the substance’s dissipation half-life for the parent compound per second/minute/hour/day/week/month/year.
Phototransformation in water provides information on the substance’s phototransformation in water in seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Data not provided by the registrant
Phototransformation in soil
This section summarises the values related to phototransformation in soil from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Dissipation Half-life of parent compound provides substance information on the substance’s dissipation half-life for the parent compound per second/minute/hour/day/week/month/year.
Phototransformation in soil provides substance information on the substance’s phototransformation in soil in seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Data not provided by the registrant
Biodegradation in water - screening tests
This section summarises the values related to the screening tests for biodegradation in water from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
If more than one picklist value is available per endpoint, results are displayed as concatenated distinct values, ordered by most to least commonly provided, with the % of provided values appended. The % is based on count of values provided.
BOD5 provides substance information on the substance’s BOD5 values displayed in O2 (milli)gram per gram test material.
COD provides substance information on the substance’s COD values displayed in O2 (milli)gram per gram test material.
BOD5*100/COD provides substance information on the substance’s BOD5*100/COD values displayed in O2 (milli)gram per gram test material.
BOD5/COD ratio provides substance information on the substance’s BOD5/COD ratio values displayed in O2 (milli)gram per gram test material.
BOD5/ThOD ratio provides substance information on the substance’s BOD5/ThOD ratio values displayed in O2 (milli)gram per gram test material.
BOD5*100/ThOD provides substance information on the substance’s BOD5*100/ThOD values displayed in O2 (milli)gram per gram test material.
ThOD provides substance information on the substance’s ThOD values displayed in O2 (milli)gram per gram test material.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Applicant’s summary and conclusion – Interpretation of results provides information on the substance’s biodegradation properties in water and can be registered by the registrants by one or more of the following picklist options:
- Readily biodegradable
- Readily biodegradable but failing the 10-day window
- Inherently biodegradable
- Inherently biodegradable, fulfilling specific criteria;
- Inherently biodegradable, not fulfilling specific criteria
- Not inherently biodegradable
- Not readily biodegradable
- Under test conditions no biodegradation observed
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as picklist option for describing the biodegradation values of the substance in water. If so, the data provided is not processed in the Brief Profile.
Biodegradation in water provides information on the substance’s biodegradation properties in water and can be registered by the registrants by one or more of the following picklist options:
- Readily biodegradable
- Readily biodegradable but failing the 10-day window
- Inherently biodegradable
- Inherently biodegradable, fulfilling specific criteria;
- Inherently biodegradable, not fulfilling specific criteria
- Under test conditions no biodegradation observed
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 8 studies submitted
- 3 studies processed
- C Interpretation of results
- Readily biodegradable (100%) [3]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 3 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other | 4 | 1 |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Biodegradation in water
- Readily biodegradable (100%)
- Type of water
- Freshwater (100%)
Biodegradation in water & sediment - simulation tests
This section summarises the values related to the simulation tests for biodegradation in water and sediments from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study results that are processable for the Brief Profile.
Summary data
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Half-life in water provides substance information on the substance’s half-life in water in seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years at a temperature measured in °C.
Note: If a temperature value is not provided by the registrant, the information on half-life in water will not be processed for the Brief Profiles.
Half-life in sediment provides substance information on the substance’s half-life in sediment in seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years at a temperature measured in °C.
Note: Results without a measurement condition (temperature) are not processed for the Brief Profile.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 0 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Biodegradation in soil
This section summarises the values related to biodegradation in soil from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study results that are processable for the Brief Profile.
Summary data
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Half-life in soil provides substance information on the substance’s half-life in water in seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years at a temperature measured in °C.
Note: Results without a measurement condition (temperature) are not processed for the Brief Profile.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Bioaccumulation: aquatic / sediment
This section summarises the values related to aquatic/sediment bioaccumulation in all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study results that are processable for the Brief Profile.
Summary data
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Bioaccumulation factor (aquatic species) provides substance information on the substance’s bioaccumulative properties not taking account the dimensions.
Bioaccumulation Factor (aquatic species) L/kg ww provides substance information on the substance’s bioaccumulative properties for aquatic species measured in litre per kilogram (wet weight).
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Bioaccumulation: terrestrial
This section summarises the values related to terrestrial bioaccumulation in all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study results that are processable for the Brief Profile.
Summary data
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Bioaccumulation factor (terrestrial species) provides substance information on the substance’s terrestrial bioaccumulative properties not taking account the dimensions.
Bioaccumulation Factor (terrestrial species) L/kg ww provides substance information on the substance’s terrestrial bioaccumulative properties measured in litre per kilogram (wet weight).
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Data not provided by the registrant
This section summarises the values related to adsorption/desorption from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Koc provides substance information on the substance’s Koc adsorption at a temperature measured in °C and a percentage of organic carbon.
Log Koc provides substance information on the substance’s Koc adsorption at a temperature measured in °C and a percentage of organic carbon.
Kd provides substance information on the substance’s Koc adsorption at a temperature measured in °C and a percentage of organic carbon.
Log Kd provides substance information on the substance’s Koc adsorption at a temperature measured in °C and a percentage of organic carbon.
Note: If the measurement condition (percentage of organic carbon) is not provided by the registrant for adsorption coefficient Kd, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Koc at 20°C provides substance information on the substance’s Koc adsorption at a temperature 20 °C.
Log Koc at 20°C provides substance information on the substance’s log Koc adsorption at a temperature 20 °C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 3 studies submitted
- 1 study processed
- R Koc
- 3.237 L/kg @ 25 °C [1]
- R log Koc
- 0.51 dimensionless @ 25 °C [1]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 1 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other | 1 | 1 |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Koc at 20°C
- 3.237
Henrys law constant (H)
This section summarises the values related to Henry’s law constant (H) from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Henry’s law constant can be presented as different types, depending on the units chosen:
H dimensionless provides substance information on the substance’s Henry’s Law Constant (dimensionless) at a temperature measured in °C and a pressure measured in Pascal.
H dimensionless volumetric basis provides substance information on the substance’s Henry’s Law Constant in dimensionless volumetric basis at a temperature measured in °C and a pressure measured in Pascal.
H atm provides substance information on the substance’s Henry’s Law Constant in atm at temperature measured in °C and a pressure measured in Pascal.
H atm m3/mol provides substance information on the substance’s Henry’s Law Constant in atm m3/mol at a temperature measured in °C and a pressure measured in Pascal.
H Pa m3/mol provides substance information on the substance’s Henry’s Law Constant in Pa m3/mol at a temperature measured in °C and the atmospheric pressure measured in Pascal.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the type of Henry’s law constant. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Henry’s Law Constant provides substance information on the substance’s Henry’s Law Constant measured in in Pa.m3.mol-1 at a temperature measured in °C.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 3 studies submitted
- 1 study processed
- R H - (pressure) m³/mol
- 12.2 Pa m³/mol @ 25 °C [1]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 1 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other | 1 | 1 |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Henry's law constant
- 12.2 Pa.m³.mol-1 @ 25 °C
Distribution modelling
This section summarises the values related to distribution modelling from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of values (provided in %).
Percentage distribution in the Media displays the values attributed by the registrants to the following options:
- air
- water
- soil
- sediment
- suspended sediment
- biota
- aerosol
For this endpoint registrants do not provide summaries that are processable for the Brief Profile.Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 1 study processed
- % Distribution in Media:
R Air | 7.75 % [1] |
R Water | 92.23 % [1] |
R Soil | 0 % [1] |
R Sediment | 0 % [1] |
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 1 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
No summary exists for this scientific endpoint
This section provides ecotoxicological information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.
Predicted No-Effect Concentration (PNEC)
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) will be presented (RANGE method).
Hazard to aquatic organisms provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusion regarding aquatic organisms.
Manufacturers and importers can provide the following information in the registration dossier:
Freshwater/marine water/intermittent:
- PNEC aqua, displayed in milligram per litre.
- No data: aquatic toxicity unlikely
- No data available: testing technically not feasible
- No hazard identified
Sewage treatment plant (STP)
- PNEC STP, data displayed in milligram per litre.
- No data: aquatic toxicity unlikely
- No data available: testing technically not feasible
- No emission the STP expected
- No hazard identified
Sediment freshwater/marine water
- PNEC sediment, data displayed in milligram per kilo sediment (dry weight).
- No or insufficient data available at present
- No exposure of sediment expected
- No data available: testing technically not feasible
- No hazard identified
Hazard for Air provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusion related to air.
Data is generally standardised and displayed in milligram per litre/cubic metre.
Manufacturers and importers can provide the following information in the registration dossier:
- PNEC air
- Hazard related to composition of atmosphere identified
- No hazard identified
Hazard for terrestrial organisms provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusion related to terrestrial organisms/soil.
Data is generally standardised and displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight).
Manufacturers and importers can provide the following information in the registration dossier:
- PNEC soil
- No or insufficient data available at present
- No exposure of soil expected
- No data available: testing technically not feasible
- No hazard identified
Hazard for predators provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusion related to predators/secondary poisoning.
Data is generally standardised and displayed in in milligram per kilo of food.
Manufacturers and importers can provide the following information in the registration dossier:
- PNEC oral
- No potential for bioaccumulation
- No potential to cause toxic effects if accumulated (in higher organisms) via the food chain
- No or insufficient data available at present
- No data available: testing technically not feasible
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
The Predicted No-Effect Concentration (PNEC) value is the concentration of a substance below which adverse effects in the environment are not expected to occur. Please note that when more than one summary is provided, PNEC values may refer to constituents of the substance and not to the substance as a whole. More detailed information is available in the dossiers.
Hazard for Aquatic Organisms | |
Freshwater | No hazard identified (1) |
Intermittent releases (freshwater) | No hazard identified (1) |
Marine water | No hazard identified (1) |
Intermittent releases (marine water) | No hazard identified (1) |
Sewage treatment plant (STP) | No hazard identified (1) |
Sediment (freshwater) | No hazard identified (1) |
Sediment (marine water) | No hazard identified (1) |
Hazard for Air | |
Air | No hazard identified (1) |
Hazard for Terrestrial Organism | |
Soil | No hazard identified (1) |
Hazard for Predators | |
Secondary poisoning | No potential for bioaccumulation (1) |
Short–term toxicity to fish
This section summarises the values related to short–term toxicity to fish from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally standardised and displayed in milligram per litre or molar per litre.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter). The five highest priority groupings of provided data are displayed in milligram per litre or molar per litre.
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- LC50
- LC0
- LC100
- LC10
- EC50
- EC0
- EC100
- EC10
- LL50
- LL0
- LL100
- LL10
- EL50
- EL0
- EL100
- EL10
- IC50
- IC10
- IC100
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
LC50 for freshwater fish provides substance information on the substance’s lethal concentration for 50% of the freshwater fish in the test, displayed in milligram per litre.
LC50 for marine water fish provides substance information on the substance’s lethal concentration for 50% of the marine water fish in the test, displayed in milligram per litre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 6 studies submitted
- 4 studies processed
- P/RResults
- LC50 (4 days) 52 - 84 mg/L [4]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 3 | 1 | ||
Supporting study | 1 | 1 | ||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Long–term toxicity to fish
This section summarises the values related to long term toxicity to fish from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally standardised and displayed in milligram per litre or molar per litre.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter).
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC10
- LC10
- IC10
- EC50
- LC50
- IC50
- EL10
- EL50
- LL10
- LL50
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for freshwater fish provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested freshwater fish or the no observed effect concentration. Values are displayed in milligram per litre.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for marine fish provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested freshwater fish or the no observed effect concentration. Values are displayed in milligram per litre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 1 |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Short–term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates
This section summarises the values related to short term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally standardised and displayed in milligram per litre or molar per litre.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter).
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC50
- IC50
- LC50
- EC0
- LC0
- EC100
- LC100
- LC10
- EC10
- LL50
- LL0
- LL100
- LL10
- EL50
- EL0
- EL100
- EL10
- IC10
- IC100
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
LC50 for freshwater invertebrates provides substance information on the substance’s lethal concentration for 50% of the freshwater invertebrates in the test, displayed in milligram per litre.
LC50 for marine water invertebrates provides substance information on the substance’s lethal concentration for 50% of the marine water invertebrates in the test, displayed in milligram per litre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 4 studies submitted
- 4 studies processed
- P/RResults
- EC50 (48 h) 350 mg/L [2]
- EC50 (24 h) 650 mg/L [1]
- LC50 (48 h) 212 mg/L [2]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 3 | 1 | ||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Long–term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates
This section summarises the values related to long term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally standardised and displayed in milligram per litre or molar per litre.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter).
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC10
- LC10
- IC10
- EC50
- LC50
- IC50
- EL10
- EL50
- LL10
- LL50
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for freshwater invertebrates provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested freshwater invertebrates or the no observed effect concentration for freshwater invertebrates. Values are presented in (nano/ micro/milli)gram per litre and/or (nano/ micro/milli)molar per litre.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for marine water invertebrates provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested marine water invertebrates or the no observed effect concentration for marine water invertebrates. Values are presented in (nano/ micro/milli)gram per litre and/or (nano/ micro/milli)molar per litre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 1 |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally standardised and displayed in milligram per litre or molar per litre.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter).
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC50
- IC50
- EC10
- IC10
- EC20
- EC5
- EC0
- EC100
- IC100
- EC90
- EL0
- EL5
- EL10
- EL20
- EL50
- EL90
- EL100
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
LC50 for freshwater algae provides substance information on the substance’s lethal concentration for 50% of the freshwater algae in the test, displayed in generally milligram per litre.
LC50 for marine water algae provides substance information on the substance’s lethal concentration for 50% of the marine water algae in the test, generally displayed in milligram per litre.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for freshwater algae provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested freshwater algea or the no observed effect concentration for freshwater algae. Values are generally displayed in milligram per litre.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for marine water algae provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested marine water algae or the no observed effect concentration for marine water algae. Values are generally displayed in milligram per litre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 2 studies submitted
- 2 studies processed
- P/RResults
- EC50 (4 days) 240 mg/L [2]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 1 | 1 | ||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- EC50 for freshwater algae
- 240 mg/L
Toxicity to aquatic plants other than algae
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to aquatic plants (other than algae) from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally standardised and the displayed in milligram per litre or molar per litre.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter).
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC50
- IC50
- EC10
- IC10
- EC20
- EC5
- EC0
- EC100
- IC100
- EC90
- EL0
- EL5
- EL10
- EL20
- EL50
- EL90
- EL100
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
EC/LC50 for freshwater plants provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the freshwater plants in the test, generally displayed in milligram per litre.
EC50/LC50 for marine water plants provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the marine water algae in the test, generally displayed in milligram per litre.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for freshwater plants provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested freshwater plants or the no observed effect concentration for freshwater plants. Values are generally displayed in milligram per litre.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for marine water plants provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested marine water plants or the no observed effect concentration for marine water plants. Values are generally displayed in milligram per litre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Data not provided by the registrant
Toxicity to microorganisms
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to microorganisms from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligram per litre or molar per litre.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter).
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC50
- IC50
- EC10
- IC10
- EC0
- IC0
- EC100
- IC100
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
EC50/LC50 for microorganisms provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the microorganisms in the test, generally displayed in milligram per litre.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for microorganisms provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested microorganisms or the no observed effect concentration for microorganisms. Values are generally displayed in milligram per litre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 7 studies submitted
- 1 study processed
- P/RResults
- EC50 (3 h) 713 mg/L [1]
- EC10 (3 h) 130 mg/L [1]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 3 | |||
Supporting study | 2 | |||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other | 1 |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | 1 |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
R Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- EC10 or NOEC for microorganisms
- 130 mg/L
Sediment toxicity
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to sediment toxicity from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram sediment (dry weight) or in milligram per litre.
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (in hours, longer prioritised over shorter).
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC10
- LC10
- LD10
- EC50
- LC50
- LD50
- EC0
- LC0
- LD0
- EC100
- LC100
- LD100
- LR10
- LR50
- LR0
- LR100
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
EC/LC50 for freshwater sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the model organisms feeding off the freshwater sediment, generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram sediment (dry weight).
EC50/LC50 for marine sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the model organisms feeding off the marine sediment, generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram sediment (dry weight).
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for freshwater sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the model organisms feeding off the freshwater sediment or the no observed effect concentration for of the model organisms feeding off the freshwater sediment. Values are generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram (dry weight).
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for marine sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the model organisms feeding off the marine sediment or the no observed effect concentration for of the model organisms feeding off the marine sediment. Values are generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram (dry weight).
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Endocrine disrupter testing in aquatic vertebrates – in vivo
This section summarises the values related to endocrine disrupter testing in aquatic vertebrates from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per litre.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter).
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC10
- LC10
- IC10
- EC50
- LC50
- IC50
- EL10
- EL50
- LL10
- LL50
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for freshwater fish provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested freshwater fish or the no observed effect concentration. Values are displayed in milligram per litre.
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for marine fish provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the tested freshwater fish or the no observed effect concentration. Values are displayed in milligram per litre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Data not provided by the registrant
Toxicity to terrestrial macroorganisms except arthropods
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to soil macroorganisms (except arthropods) from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram in the case of soil (dry/wet weight) or gram per hectare.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (in hours, longer prioritised over shorter). Thirdly the display of data is prioritised by units.
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC10
- LC10
- LD10
- EC50
- LC50
- LD50
- EC0
- LC0
- LD0
- EC100
- LC100
- LD100
- LR10
- LR50
- LR0
- LR100
Prioritisation by units (dry weight):
- Mg/cm2
- g/ha
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
EC/LC50 for freshwater sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the model organisms feeding off the freshwater sediment, generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram (dry weight).
EC50/LC50 for marine sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration for 50% of the model organisms feeding off the marine sediment, generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram (dry weight).
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for freshwater sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the model organisms feeding off the freshwater sediment or the no observed effect concentration for of the model organisms feeding off the freshwater sediment. Values are generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram (dry weight).
EC10 / LC10 or NOEC for marine sediment provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration/lethal concentration for 10% of the model organisms feeding off the marine sediment or the no observed effect concentration for of the model organisms feeding off the marine sediment. . Values are generally displayed in measured in (nano/ micro/milli)gram per kilogram (dry weight).
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | 1 |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Toxicity to terrestrial arthropods
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to (terrestrial) arthropods from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram in the case of soil (dry/wet weight), or gram per hectare. Otherwise data is displayed reported as provided by the registrant(s).
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter). Thirdly the display of data is prioritised by unit.
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC10
- LC10
- LD10
- EC50
- LC50
- LD50
- EC0
- LC0
- LD0
- EC100
- LC100
- LD100
- LR10
- LR50
- LR0
- LR100
Prioritisation by unit:
- soil dw (g/ha and mg/cm²)
- soil ww; (g/ha and mg/cm²)
- µg per animal
- mL/ha; mg/kg bw
- mg/kg diet
- ppm
- mg/kg dung dw
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Short-term EC50 or LC50 for soil dwelling arthropods provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (short term) for 50% of the soil dwelling arthropods in the test, generally displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight).
Long-term EC10 or LC10 or NOEC for soil dwelling arthropods provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (long term) for 10% of the soil dwelling arthropods in the test, or the no observed effect concentration for soil dwelling arthropods. Values are generally displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight).
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | 1 |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Toxicity to terrestrial plants
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to (terrestrial) plants from all registered dossiers for the substance.
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram in the case of soil (dry/wet weight), or gram per hectare. Otherwise data is displayed reported as provided by the registrant(s).
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter). Thirdly the display of data is prioritised by units.
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC10
- LC10
- EC50
- LC50
- EC0
- EC25
- EC100
- LC0
- LC25
- LC100
- ER0
- ER10
- ER25
- ER50
- ER100
Prioritisation by units:
- soil dw (g/ha, kg/ha and lbs/acre).
- soil ww (g/ha, kg/ha and lbs/acre).
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Short-term EC50 or LC50 for terrestrial plants provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (short term) for 50% of the terrestrial plants in the test, generally displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight).
Long-term EC10 or LC10 or NOEC for terrestrial plants provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (long term) for 10% of the terrestrial plants in the test, or the no observed effect concentration for terrestrial plants. Values are generally displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight).
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | 1 |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Toxicity to soil microorganisms
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to soil microorganisms from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram in the case of soil (dry/wet weight), or gram per hectare. Otherwise data is displayed reported as provided by the registrant(s).
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter). Thirdly the display of data is prioritised by units.
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC10
- EC25
- EC50
- EC100
- EC0
- ER0
- ER10
- ER25
- ER50
- ER100
Prioritisation by units:
- Soil dw (g/ha, kg/ha and lbs/acre).
- Soil ww (g/ha, kg/ha and lbs/acre).
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
If more than one numerical result is available per endpoint, the range of results (min-max) and range of experimental conditions will be presented (RANGE method).
Short-term EC50 or LC50 for soil microorganisms provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (short term) for 50% of soil microorganisms in the test, generally displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight).
Long-term EC10 or LC10 or NOEC for soil microorganisms provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (long term) for 10% of the soil microorganisms in the test, or the no observed effect concentration for soil microorganisms. Values are generally displayed in milligram per kilo soil (dry weight).
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | 1 |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Toxicity to birds
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to birds from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram, per bodyweight per day. Otherwise data is displayed reported as provided by the registrant(s).
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter). Thirdly the display of data is prioritised by units .
Prioritisation by dose descriptor type:
- LC50
- LD50
Prioritisation by unit:
- bw/day (mg/kg bw/day; mg/kg bw/day; mg/kg bw/day)
- mg/kg bw
- mg/kg diet
- mg/L drinking water.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Short-term EC50 or LC50 for birds provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (short term) for 50% of birds in the test, generally displayed in milligram per kilo food.
Long-term EC10 or LC10 or NOEC for birds provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (long term) for 10% of the birds in the test, or the no observed effect concentration for birds. Values are generally displayed in milligram per kilo food.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
- 1 summary submitted
- 0 summaries processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Toxicity to mammals
This section summarises the values related to toxicity to mammals (other above-ground organisms) from all registered dossiers for the substance.
More information on processable studies and data-waiving is available in the section help of the ‘Scientific properties’ header.
Study results
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram in the case of soil (dry/wet weight), or gram per hectare. Otherwise data is displayed as provided by the registrant(s).
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data is prioritised by the toxicity descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by duration (longer prioritised over shorter). Thirdly the display of data is prioritised by units.
Prioritisation by dose descriptor:
- EC50
- LC50
- LD50
- EC100
- LC100
- LD100
- EC0
- LC0
- LD0
- LR50
- LR0
- LR100
- ER50
- ER0
- ER100
Prioritisation by units
- Soil dw (g/ha and mg/cm²)
- Soil ww; (g/ha and mg/cm²)
- µg per animal
- mL/ha; mg/kg bw
- mg/kg diet
- ppm.
- mg/kg dung dw
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the dose descriptor type or unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Short-term EC50 or LC50 for mammals provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (short term) for 50% of mammals in the test, generally displayed in milligram per kilo food.
Long-term EC10 or LC10 or NOEC for mammals provides substance information on the substance’s effect concentration or lethal concentration (long term) for 10% of the mammals in the test, or the no observed effect concentration for mammals. Values are generally displayed in milligram per kilo food.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Data not provided by the registrant
Toxicological information
This section provides toxicological information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.
Derived No- or Minimal Effect Level (DN(M)EL)
This section provides information on the derived no- or minimal effect level (DN(M)EL), the level of exposure above which a human should not be exposed to a substance.
When more than one summary is provided, DN(M)EL values may refer to constituents of the substance and not to the substance as a whole. More detailed information is available in the dossiers.
When more than one result is available per endpoint the ‘worst case’ or most conservative of all the data values provided are displayed, applying a precautionary principal. The aim is to display the lowest values reported as causing the most adverse effects, and hence the broadest possible safety margins for the substance.
Inhalation exposure provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusions regarding inhalation exposure.
Registrant can provide information on the long and acute/short term exposure for both systemic and local effects of inhalation exposure of workers and/or general population by selecting one of the following hazard assessment conclusions:
- DNEL (Derived No-Effect Level)
- DMEL (Derived Minimum Effect Level) - not included for short–term effects
- Other toxicological threshold
- High hazard (no threshold derived)
- Medium hazard (no threshold derived)
- Low hazard (no threshold derived)
- Insufficient data available (further information necessary)
- Hazard unknown (no further information necessary)
- No hazard identified
- Hazard unknown but no further hazard information necessary as no exposure expected
Prioritisation of display occurs based on the order above. If a threshold is derived, the type of hazard assessment conclusion is displayed and the registered threshold is reported in (nano/micro/milli)gram per cubic metre. If more than one DNEL/DMEL is available the most conservative (i.e. the lowest numerical data) is displayed.
Information on the most sensitive study can be provided by the registrants as:
- Acute toxicity
- Repeated dose toxicity
- Effect on fertility
- Developmental toxicity/teratogenicity
- Neurotoxicity
- Immunotoxicity
- Sensitisation (skin)
- Sensitisation (respiratory tract)
- Carcinogenicity
- Skin irritation/corrosion
- Irritation (respiratory tract)
- Genetic toxicity
Dermal exposure provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusions regarding dermal exposure (for workers).
See ‘Data for workers – Inhalation exposure’, with the following additional hazard assessment conclusion in the case of short term:
- ‘No DNEL required: short term exposure controlled by conditions for long-term’ is added
The registered threshold is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram per bodyweight per day.
Data for workers – eye exposure provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusions regarding eye exposure (for workers).
Registrant can provide information on eye exposure by selecting one of the following hazard assessment conclusions:
- High hazard (no threshold derived)
- Medium hazard (no threshold derived)
- Low hazard (no threshold derived)
- Hazard unknown (no further information necessary)
- No hazard identified
- Hazard unknown but no further hazard information necessary as no exposure expected
Data for general population – eye exposure provides information on the substance’s hazard assessment conclusions regarding eye exposure (for the general population).
Registrant can provide information on eye exposure as mentioned above for ‘Data for workers – eye exposure.’
M/C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
The derived no- or minimum effect level (DN(M)EL) is the level of exposure above which a human should not be exposed to a substance. Please note that when more than one summary is provided, DN(M)EL values may refer to constituents of the substance and not to the substance as a whole. More detailed information is available in the dossiers.
Data for WORKERS
INHALATION Exposure | Threshold | Most sensitive study |
Systemic Effects | ||
Long-term: | (DMEL) 1.8 mg/m³ | carcinogenicity |
Acute /short term: | (DNEL) 10 mg/m³ | neurotoxicity |
Local Effects | ||
Long-term: | (DMEL) 1.8 mg/m³ | carcinogenicity |
Acute /short term: | High hazard (no threshold derived) | |
DERMAL Exposure | Threshold | Most sensitive study |
Systemic Effects | ||
Long-term: | High hazard (no threshold derived) | |
Acute /short term: | High hazard (no threshold derived) | |
Local Effects | ||
Long-term: | High hazard (no threshold derived) | |
Acute /short term: | High hazard (no threshold derived) | |
EYE Exposure | ||
Medium hazard (no threshold derived) |
INHALATION Exposure | Threshold | Most sensitive study |
Systemic Effects | ||
Long-term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
Acute /short term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
Local Effects | ||
Long-term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
Acute /short term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
DERMAL Exposure | Threshold | Most sensitive study |
Systemic Effects | ||
Long-term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
Acute /short term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
Local Effects | ||
Long-term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
Acute /short term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
ORAL Exposure | Threshold | Most sensitive study |
Systemic Effects | ||
Long-term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
Acute /short term: | Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) | |
EYE Exposure | ||
Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected) |
Toxicokinetics, metabolism, and distribution
This section displays the values (see below) related to toxicokinetics, metabolism, and distribution from all registered dossiers for the substance.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study result data.
Displayed is the MOST CONSERVATIVE of the value(s) provided, ranking in the order as below.
Registrants can register their substance’s bioaccumulation properties as:
- High bioaccumulation potential
- Low bioaccumulation potential
- No bioaccumulation potential
Registrants can register their substance’s oral/dermal/inhalation absorption rate values in percentages. If multiple values are available, the most conservative value (the highest percentage) is displayed.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
Study data: basic toxicokinetics
- 5 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Study data: basic toxicokinetics
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 5 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
Study data: dermal absorption
- 0 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Study data: dermal absorption
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
M/C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Bioaccumulation potential:
- No bioaccumulation potential
- Absorption values
- Oral: 100 %
- Dermal: 1.3 %
- Inhalation: 100 %
Acute toxicity
This section displays the values related to acute toxicity from all registered dossiers for the substance.
Study results - oral
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligram per kilo bodyweight. The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data for study results is prioritised by test species (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the dose descriptor.
Prioritization by test species:
- Rat
- Mouse
- Dog
- Cat
- Cattle
- Gerbil
- Guinea pig
- Hamster (combine hamster, Armenian; hamster, Chinese and hamster, Syrian)
- Hen
- Miniature swine
- Monkey
- Pig
- Primate
- Rabbit
- Sheep
Prioritisation by dose descriptor type:
- LD50
- LD50 cut-off
- Discriminating dose
- LD0
- LD100
- LDLo
- Approximate LD50
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the test species, dose descriptor type and/or the unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Applicant’s summary and conclusion – Interpretation of results (oral). Registrants can choose from the following (picklist) conclusions:
- Category 1 based on GHS criteria
- Category 2 based on GHS criteria
- Category 3 based on GHS criteria
- Category 4 based on GHS criteria
- Category 5 based on GHS criteria
- Study cannot be used for classification
- GHS criteria not met
- Extremely toxic
- Very toxic
- Highly toxic
- Toxic
- Moderately toxic
- Slightly toxic
- Toxicity category I
- Toxicity category II
- Toxicity category III
- Toxicity category IV
- Toxicity category V
- Practically nontoxic
- Harmful
- Relatively harmless
- Not classified
- Other
Displayed is the MOST CONSERVATIVE of the value(s) provided, ranking in the order as above.
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the picklist conclusion. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Study results - dermal
See information under ‘Study results oral’.
Applicant’s summary and conclusion – Interpretation of results (dermal). See information under ‘Applicant’s summary and conclusion – interpretation of results (oral)’.
Study results - Inhalation
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligram per kilo bodyweight. The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Processable data for study results is prioritised by test species (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the dose descriptor. Within each of these categories, data is prioritised further by duration (in hours), with longer prioritised over shorter.
Prioritization by test species:
- Rat
- Mouse
- Dog
- Cat
- Cattle
- Gerbil
- Guinea pig
- Hamster (combine hamster, Armenian; hamster, Chinese and hamster, Syrian)
- Hen
- Miniature swine
- Monkey
- Pig
- Primate
- Rabbit
- Sheep
Prioritisation by dose descriptor type:
- LC50
- LC50 cut-off
- Discriminating conc.
- LC0
- LC1
- LC100
- LCLo
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the test species, dose descriptor type and/or the unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Applicant’s summary and conclusion – Interpretation of results (inhalation). See information under ‘Applicant’s summary and conclusion – interpretation of results (oral)’.
Study results - other routes
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligram per kilo bodyweight. The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…) icon.
Processable data for study results is prioritised by test species (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the dose descriptor.
Prioritization by test species:
- Rat
- Mouse
- Dog
- Cat
- Cattle
- Gerbil
- Guinea pig
- Hamster (combine hamster, Armenian; hamster, Chinese and hamster, Syrian)
- Hen
- Miniature swine
- Monkey
- Pig
- Primate
- Rabbit
- Sheep
Prioritization by the dose descriptor type:
- EC50
- LC50
- LD50
- EC0
- LC0
- LD0
- EC100
- LC100
- LD100
- LCLo
- LDLo
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the test species, dose descriptor type and/or the unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Displayed in all cases is the MOST CONSERVATIVE of the value(s) provided, ranking in the order as above, i.e. the minimum numerical value associated with the highest priority picklist item.
Oral route provides substance information on the substance’s acute toxicity via the oral route. Registrants can choose from the following picklist endpoint conclusions:
- Adverse effect observed
- No adverse effect observed
- No study available
If an adverse effect is observed, data can be provided as LD 50 or discriminating dose, displayed here in milligrams per kilogram bodyweight.
Dermal route provides substance information on the substance’s acute toxicity via the dermal route. Registrants can choose from the following picklist endpoint conclusions:
- Adverse effect observed
- No adverse effect observed
- No study available
If an adverse effect is observed, data can be provided as LD 50 or discriminating dose, displayed here in milligrams per kilogram bodyweight.
Inhalation route provides substance information on the substance’s acute toxicity via the inhalation route. Registrants can choose from the following picklist endpoint conclusions:
- Adverse effect observed
- No adverse effect observed
- No study available
If an adverse effect is observed, data can be provided as LD 50 or discriminating concentration, displayed here in milligram per cubic metre.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 9 studies submitted
- 5 studies processed
- P/RResults
- LD50 330 mg/kg bw (rat) [3]
- LD0 100 mg/kg bw (rat) [1]
- LD100 200 mg/kg bw (rat) [1]
- LD50 270 mg/kg bw (guinea pig) [1]
- M/CInterpretations of results
- Category 3 based on GHS criteria [2]
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 6 | |||
Other | 1 |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
- 6 studies submitted
- 2 studies processed
- P/RResults
- LC50 (4 h) 2.767 - 3.55 mg/L air (rat) [2]
- LC50 (4 h) 660 ppm (mouse) [2]
- M/CInterpretations of results
- Category 3 based on GHS criteria [2]
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | 2 | |||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other | 2 |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 1 |
other routes
- 0 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
No data available
other routes
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
M/C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Oral route:
- Adverse effect observed LD50 270 mg/kg bw
- Inhalation route:
- Adverse effect observed LC50 1.189 mg/L air
Irritation / corrosion
This section displays the values related to irritation and corrosion from all registered dossiers for the substance.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study results that are processable for the Brief Profile.
Displayed in all cases is the MOST CONSERVATIVE of the value(s) provided, ranking in the order as below.
Skin irritation/corrosion provides substance information on the substance’s irritation/corrosion effect on the skin. Registrants can choose from the following picklist endpoint conclusions/effect levels:
Endpoint conclusion – picklist
- Adverse effect observed (irritating)
- Adverse effect observed (corrosive)
- No adverse effect observed (not irritating)
- No study available
Eye irritation provides substance information on the substance’s irritation effect on the eye. Registrants can choose from the following picklist endpoint conclusions/effect levels:
- Adverse effect observed (irreversible damage)
- Adverse effect observed (irritating)
- No adverse effect observed (not irritating)
- No study available
Respiratory irritation provides substance information on the substance’s irritation effect on the respiratory system. Registrants can choose from the following picklist endpoint conclusions/effect levels:
- <
- Adverse effect observed (irritating)
- No adverse effect observed (not irritating)
- No study available
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
Study data: skin
- 5 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Study data: skin
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 1 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other | 1 |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 2 |
Study data: eye
- 6 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Study data: eye
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | 2 | |||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 2 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 2 |
M/C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Skin
- Adverse effect observed (corrosive)
- Eye
- Adverse effect observed (irreversible damage)
- Respiratory
- No study available
This section displays the values related to sensitisation from all registered dossiers for the substance.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study results that are processable for the Brief Profile.
Displayed in all cases is the MOST CONSERVATIVE of the value(s) provided, ranking in the order as below.
Skin sensitisation provides substance information on the substance’s sensitisation effect on the skin. Registrants can choose from the following picklist endpoint conclusions:
- Adverse effect observed
- No adverse effect observed (not irritating)
- No study available
Respiratory sensitisation provides substance information on the substance’s sensitisation effect on the respiratory system. Registrants can choose the same picklist endpoint conclusions as mentioned under ‘Skin sensitisation’.
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
Study data: skin
- 4 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Study data: skin
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 1 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
Study data: respiratory
- 0 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Study data: respiratory
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
M/C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Skin sensitisation
- No adverse effect observed (not sensitising)
- Respiratory sensitisation
- No study available
Repeated dose toxicity
This section displays the values related to repeated dose toxicity from all registered dossiers for the substance.
Study results oral
Processable data for study results is prioritised by dose descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the test species. Thirdly the display of data is prioritised by units.
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram bodyweight per day.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Prioritization by dose descriptor type:
- BMD05
- BMDL05
- BMDL10
- BMC05
- BMCL05
- BMCL10
- no NOAEL identified
Note: Registrants can also select ‘BMD’, ‘BMC’, ‘dose level’ and ‘conc. level’ as the dose descriptor. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Prioritisation by test species:
- Rat
- Mouse
- Dog
- Cat
- Cattle
- Gerbil
- Guinea pig
- Hamster (combine hamster, Armenian; hamster, Chinese and hamster, Syrian)
- Hen
- Miniature swine
- Monkey
- Pig
- Primate
- Rabbit
- Sheep
Prioritisation by units:
- mg/kg bw/day (nominal/actual dose received)
- mg/kg diet
- mg/L drinking water
- mg/kg bw (total dose)
- ppm
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the test species, dose descriptor type and/or the unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Study results inhalation
Processable data for study results is prioritised by dose descriptor type (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the test species. Thirdly the display of data is prioritised by units.
Displayed are the RANGES of min – max of the PRIORITISED value(s) within the five highest priority groupings of provided data. Data is generally displayed in milligram per litre air.
The availability of additional data beyond the five results displayed is indicated by (…).
Prioritization by dose descriptor type:
- BMD05
- BMDL05
- BMDL10
- BMC05
- BMCL05
- BMCL10
- no NOAEL identified
- no NOAEC identified
Note: Registrants can also select ‘BMD’, ‘BMC’, ‘dose level’ and ‘conc. level’ as the dose descriptor. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Prioritization by test species:
- See ‘Study results oral: Prioritization by test species’
Prioritisation by unit:
- mg/L air (combining mg/L air, mg/L air (nominal), mg/L air (analytical), mg/m³ air, mg/m³ air (nominal), mg/m³ air (analytical))
- ppm (combine ppm, ppm (nominal), ppm (analytical), mg/kg bw/day (actual dose received)
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the test species, dose descriptor type and/or the unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Study results dermal
See ‘Study results Oral’, except:
Prioritisation by unit:
- mg/kg bw/day (combining mg/kg bw/day (nominal), mg/kg bw/day (actual dose received) and mg/kg bw/day)
- mg/kg bw (total dose)
- mg/cm² per day (combining mg/cm² per day, mg/cm² per day (nominal), mg/cm² per day (analytical))
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the test species, dose descriptor type and/or the unit of measure. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Summary oral – systemic effects
Processable data for the summary is prioritised by test species (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the dose descriptor. Displayed is the most conservative of the prioritised value(s). If more than one result with the same value, data is further prioritised by test type and endpoint conclusion.
Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram bodyweight per day.
Prioritization by test species:
- Rat
- Mouse
- Dog
- Cat
- Cattle
- Gerbil
- Guinea pig
- Hamster (combine hamster, Armenian; hamster, Chinese and hamster, Syrian)
- Hen
- Miniature swine
- Monkey
- Pig
- Primate
- Rabbit
- Sheep
Prioritisation by descriptor type:
- T25
- BMDL05
- BMD05
- BMDL10
Prioritisation by test type:
- Chronic
- Subchronic
- Subacute
Prioritisation by endpoint conclusion:
- Adverse effect observed
- No adverse effect observed
- No study available / no study available (further information necessary)
Summary dermal - systemic effects
See ‘Summary oral systemic effects’
Summary dermal - local effects
See ‘Summary oral systemic effects’, except:
Unit of measure: mg/cm2
Summary inhalation - systemic effects
See ‘Summary oral Route’, except:
Unit of measure: mg/m3
Prioritisation by dose descriptor type:
- BMCL05
- BMC05
- BMCL10
- T25
Summary inhalation - local effects
‘See Summary inhalation systemic effects’
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
Study data: oral
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Type of Study provided
Study data: oral
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | 1 | |||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
Study data: inhalation
- 5 studies submitted
- 3 studies processed
- P/RResults
- NOAEC (rat): 10 ppm [1]
- NOAEC (mouse): 10 ppm [1]
- LOAEC (rat): 500 ppm [1]
Study data: inhalation
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | 2 | |||
Weight of evidence | 3 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
Study data: dermal
- 1 study submitted
- 0 studies processed
No automatically processable data submitted
Study data: dermal
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | ||||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | |
Exposure cons. | |
Other | 1 |
M/C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Inhalation route - systemic effects:
- Adverse effect observed NOAEC 18 mg/m³ (chronic, rat)
Genetic toxicity
This section displays the values related to genetic toxicity from all registered dossiers for the substance.
Study results
For this endpoint registrants do not provide study results that are processable for the Brief Profile.
Processable data for study results is prioritised by endpoint conclusion: the most conservative value is displayed.
Prioritisation by endpoint conclusion:
- Adverse effect observed
- No adverse effect observed
- No study available / no study available (further information necessary)
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
Study data: in vitro
- 7 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Study data: in vitro
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | ||||
Weight of evidence | 4 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
Not feasible | |
Sci. unjustified | 1 |
Exposure cons. | |
Other |
Study data: in vivo
- 11 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Study data: in vivo
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | 2 | |||
Supporting study | 4 | |||
Weight of evidence | 4 | |||
Other | 1 |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |
M/C Summaries
- 1 summary submitted
- 1 summary processed
- Toxicity - InVitro
- Adverse effect observed (positive)
- Toxicity - InVivo
- Adverse effect observed (positive)
This section displays the values related to carcinogenicity from all registered dossiers for the substance.
Study results
Study results are not processed for carcinogenicity in the context of Brief Profiles due to the use of complex field(s) to report the information, which cannot be easily summarised by an automatic algorithm.
Summary oral route
Processable data for summary is prioritised by test species (see list below) and subsequently further prioritised by the dose descriptor. Displayed is the most conservative of the prioritised value(s). If there is more than one result with the same value, data is further prioritised by test type and endpoint conclusion.
Data is generally displayed in milligrams per kilogram bodyweight per day.
Prioritization by test species:
- Rat
- Mouse
- Dog
- Cat
- Cattle
- Gerbil
- Guinea pig
- Hamster (combine hamster, Armenian; hamster, Chinese and hamster, Syrian)
- Hen
- Miniature swine
- Monkey
- Pig
- Primate
- Rabbit
- Sheep
Note: Registrants can also select ‘other’ as the test species. If so, the data provided is not processed for the Brief Profile.
Prioritisation by descriptor type:
- T25
- BMDL05
- BMD05
- BMDL10
Prioritisation by test type:
- Chronic
- Subchronic
- Subacute
Prioritisation by endpoint conclusion:
- Adverse effect observed
- No adverse effect observed
- No study available / no study available (further information necessary)
Summary dermal route
See ‘Summary oral Route’
Summary inhalation route
See ‘Summary oral Route’, except:
Measurement units: mg/m3
Prioritisation by dose descriptor type:
- BMCL05
- BMC05
- BMCL10
- T25
Type of study provided
This section provides an overview of the type of study records behind the presented results and – if applicable - data waving justifications.
Study results
- 4 studies submitted
- 0 studies processed
Study data not processed for brief profile
Type of Study provided
Studies with data | ||||
Key study | ||||
Supporting study | 2 | |||
Weight of evidence | 2 | |||
Other |
Data waiving | |
no waivers |