Samråd med anledning av begäran från Echas verkställande direktör till kommittéerna

Samråd med anledning av begäran från Echas verkställande direktör till kommittéerna

Following a request from ECHA's Executive Director under Article 77(3)(c) of REACH, ECHA may hold a consultation to support the Committees in adopting an opinion on the safety of substances on their own, in mixtures or in articles. The consultations listed below are ongoing.

  • Only the comments addressing the topic of the specific consultation will be taken into account
  • Further information on each consultation, including practical instructions for submission, are provided in an information note as well as the comments form itself, which is accessed by clicking on the link ‘give comments’ in the substance details.



The information submitted may be non-confidential or confidential. If you claim information to be confidential, you will need to provide a justification. Any information claimed confidential will only be made available to ECHA, including its Committees, the Member State Competent Authorities and the European Commission, if appropriate. In case you submit confidential information, we kindly ask you also to submit a non-confidential version of the information. The non-confidential comments and attachments will appear on the ECHA website after the consultation is closed.

There are currently no ongoing consultations.