Restrictions process
Restrictions process
The Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (Forum) may provide advice to RAC and SEAC on the enforceability of the proposed restriction.
ECHA provides the Forum with scientific, technical and regulatory support throughout the process.
9 months
- RACCommittee for Risk Assessment
Within nine months of the publication of the conforming restriction report, RAC prepares and adopts an opinion based on the restriction dossier, the Forum’s advice, and the comments received during the consultation on the report.
The opinion considers whether the suggested restriction is appropriate for reducing the risks posed to human health or the environment.
9 months
Within nine months of the publication of the conforming restriction report, SEAC prepares and agrees on a draft opinion based on the restriction dossier, an assessment of socio-economic impacts, the Forum’s advice, and the comments and socio-economic information received during the consultation on the report.
9 months
- SEACCommittee for Socio-economic Analysis
12 months
Taking into account comments on its draft opinion, SEAC prepares and adopts its final opinion within 12 months of the date of publication of the conforming restriction report.
12 months
3 months
If RAC’s opinion diverges significantly from the original proposal, ECHA may decide to postpone the adoption of SEAC’s opinion by three months.
ECHA sends the compiled opinions of RAC and SEAC along with relevant background documents to the European Commission. These are also published on ECHA's website.