Brief Profile

Data platform availability banner - brief profile

Please be aware that the REACH registration parts of this Brief Profile are no longer maintained; they remain frozen as of 19th May 2023. All other data parts (substance identity, C&L, key regulatory lists etc. are up to date).

The new ECHA CHEM database has been released by ECHA, and it now contains all REACH registration data. There are more details on the transition of ECHA's published data to ECHA CHEM here.

Diss Brief Profile

The Brief Profile summarizes the non-confidential data on substances as it is held in the databases of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), including data provided by third parties. The Brief Profile is automatically generated; note that it does not currently distinguish between harmonised classification and minimum classification; information requirements under different legislative frameworks may therefore not be fully up to date or complete. For accuracy reasons, substance manufacturers and imports have the responsibility to consult official sources, e.g. the electronic edition of the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Brief Profile is covered by the ECHA Legal Notice.

Substance Description

Substance identity

No image available
EC / List no.:
CAS no.:
Index number:
Molecular formula:
Type of substance:
Petroleum product
Registered compositions:
Of which contain:
0 impurities relevant for classification
0 additives relevant for classification
Substance Listed:
EINECS (European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances) List

Hazard classification & labelling

Danger! According to the harmonised classification and labelling (CLP00) approved by the European Union, this substance may cause cancer.

Breakdown of all 0 C&L notifications submitted to ECHA

Carc. 1B H350 Harmonised Classification
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Harmonised Classification REACH registration dossiers notifications CLP notifications

Properties of concern

  • C
Officially recognised in the EU as Carcinogenic (Harmonised C&L).

Regulatory context

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)

Substance pre-registered under REACH.
This substance has 0 active registrations under REACH, 1 Joint Submission(s) and 0 Individual Submission(s).
Please see Registrants/Suppliers details.
Dossier Evaluation:
Substance Evaluation:
Candidate List:
Annex XIV (Authorisation List):
Annex XVII (Restriction List):

Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation (POPs)

List of substances subject to the POPs Regulation:
List of substances proposed as POPs:

Classification Labelling & Packaging (CLP)

Harmonised C&L:
A European Union Harmonised Classification & Labelling has been assigned to this substance.
Seveso Annex I:
Notified C&L:

Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR)

Active Substance:
Biocidal Products:

Prior Informed Consent (PIC)

Annex I:
Annex V:

European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON)


About this substance

This substance is registered under the REACH Regulation but is not currently being manufactured in and / or imported to the European Economic Area.

This substance is used by professional workers (widespread uses), in formulation or re-packing, at industrial sites and in manufacturing.

ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used.

ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which this substance is most likely to be released to the environment.

ECHA has no public registered data on the use of this substance in activities or processes at the workplace.

ECHA has no public registered data on the routes by which this substance is most likely to be released to the environment.

ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or into which articles the substance might have been processed.

ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used.

ECHA has no public registered data on the types of manufacture using this substance.

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, closed processes with no likelihood of exposure, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, in materials as fuel sources, with limited exposure to unburned product to be expected and manual maintenance (cleaning and repair) of machinery.

Other release to the environment of this substance is likely to occur from: indoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. cooling liquids in refrigerators, oil-based electric heaters) and outdoor use in close systems with minimal release (e.g. hydraulic liquids in automotive suspension, lubricants in motor oil and break fluids).

ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used.

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, closed processes with no likelihood of exposure, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, laboratory work and manual maintenance (cleaning and repair) of machinery.

Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: formulation of mixtures.

ECHA has no public registered data indicating whether or in which chemical products the substance might be used.

This substance is used for the manufacture of: chemicals.

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, closed processes with no likelihood of exposure, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, manual maintenance (cleaning and repair) of machinery, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, laboratory work and in materials as fuel sources, with limited exposure to unburned product to be expected.

Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: as an intermediate step in further manufacturing of another substance (use of intermediates) and of substances in closed systems with minimal release.

This substance is used in the following activities or processes at workplace: transfer of chemicals, closed processes with no likelihood of exposure, closed, continuous processes with occasional controlled exposure, closed batch processing in synthesis or formulation, laboratory work and manual maintenance (cleaning and repair) of machinery.

Release to the environment of this substance can occur from industrial use: manufacturing of the substance.

Precautions for using this substance have been recommended by its registrants under REACH, as follows:

Prevention statements

When handling this substance: obtain special instructions before use; avoid release to the environment; do not breathe the dust, fume, gas, mist, vapours or spray; wear protective gloves and/or clothing, and eye and/or face protection as specified by manufacturer/supplier.

Response statements

In case of incident: If swallowed: immediately call a poison center or doctor/physician. Do not induce vomiting.

Guidance on the safe use of the substance provided by manufacturers and importers of this substance.


  • Ruhr Oel GmbH, Pawiker Strasse 30 45896 Gelsenkirchen Germany

Substance names and other identifiers

[A complex combination of hydrocarbons by fractionation from hydrodesulfurised coker distillate stocks. Is consists of hydro-carbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 360 °C (392 °F to 680 °F).]
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation from hydrodesulphurised coker distillate stocks. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200°C to 360°C (392°F to 680°F).
Cracked gasoil
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation from hydrodesulphurised coker distillate stocks. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200°C to 360°C (392°F to 680°F).
Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurised middle coker
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation from hydrodesulphurised coker distillate stocks. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200°C to 360°C (392°F to 680°F).
Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex II - Prohibited Substances
Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle coker
EC Inventory, Other
Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle coker
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation from hydrodesulphurised coker distillate stocks. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200°C to 360°C (392°F to 680°F).
REACH pre-registration, Other
Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle coker; Cracked gasoil [ complex combination of hydrocarbons by fractionation from hydrodesulfurised coker distillate stocks. Is consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 360 °C (392 °F to 680 °F).]
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation from hydrodesulphurised coker distillate stocks. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200°C to 360°C (392°F to 680°F).
Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances
Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle coker; Cracked gasoil [A complex combination of hydrocarbons by fractionation from hydrodesulfurised coker distillate stocks. Is consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200 °C to 360 °C (392 °F to 680 °F).]
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by fractionation from hydrodesulphurised coker distillate stocks. It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C12 through C21 and boiling in the range of approximately 200°C to 360°C (392°F to 680°F).
FCM Active and Intelligent Materials - CMRs not allowed for use, CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances, Construction Product Regulation - Art. 6(5) - SDS and Declaration, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Protection of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers Directive, Annex I+II, General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties, Carc and Muta Directive, Annex I - Substances, Mixtures & Processes, Physical, Biological and Chemical Agents & Processes and Work
(Keerulise koostisega süsivesinike segu, mis tekib hüdrodesulfureeritud koksistamisseadme lähtedestillaatide fraktsioonimisel. Koosneb süsivesinikest, mille süsiniku aatomite arv on valdavalt vahemikus C12 kuni C21, ning on keemistemperatuuriga umbes 200 °C kuni 360 °C.) (et)
(Složeni sastav ugljikovodika dobiven frakcioniranjem iz hidrodesulfurizirane sirovine koking destilata. Sastoji se od ugljikovodika koji imaju broj ugljikovih atoma pretežito u području od C12 do C21 i vriju u području približno od 200 °C do 360 °C.) (hr)
[Hidrogénnel kéntelenített kokszoló párlat frakcionált desztillációjával előállított bonyolult összetételű szénhidrogén elegy. Túlnyomóan C12 és C21 közötti szénatomszámú szénhidrogéneket tartalmaz. Forráspont tartomány: 200 C° - 360 C° (392 °F - 680 °F).] (hu)
[Kompleks blanding av hydrokarboner dannet ved fraksjonering av hydrogenavsvovlet forkoksningsdestillatråstoff. Består av hydrokarboner, hovedsakelig C12 til C21, med omtrentlig kokepunktsintervall fra 200 °C til 360 °C (392 °F til 680 °F).] (no)
[Komplekss ogļūdeņražu savienojums, ko iegūst, frakcionējot hidrodesulfurizētu koksēšanas iekārtas destilātu. Tajā ir ogļūdeņraži, kuros oglekļa atomu skaits galvenokārt ir diapazonā no C12 līdz C21, un aptuvens tā viršanas temperatūras diapazons ir no 200 °C līdz 360 °C (no 392 °F līdz 680 °F).] (lv)
[Komplexe Kombination von Kohlenwasserstoffen, die man durch Fraktionieren aus hydrodesulfurierten Verkokerdestillatausgangsstoffen erhält. Besteht aus Kohlenwasserstoffen mit Kohlenstoffzahlen vorherrschend im Bereich von C12 bis C21 und siedet im Bereich von etwa 200°C bis 360°C.] (de)
[Komplexná zmes uhľovodíkov získavaná frakcionáciou z hydrogenačne odsírených destilačných frakcií z koksovania. Pozostáva z uhľovodíkov s počtom atómov uhlíka prevažne v rozmedzí od C12 do C21. Má teplotu varu v rozmedzí približne od 200 °C do 360 °C.] (sk)
[O combinaţie complexă de hidrocarburi, obţinuta prin fracţionare din stocurile de hydrodesulfurised distilat de cocsare. Se compune din hidrocarburi cu număr de atomi de carbon predominant în intervalul de la C12 la C21 şi interval de fierbere aproximativ de la 200 ° C la 360 ° C (392 la 680 de).] (ro)
[Složitá směs uhlovodíků získaná frakční destilací hydrogenačně odsířeného destilátu z koksovací jednotky. Je složena z uhlovodíků s počtem uhlíkových atomů převážně v rozmezí C12 až C21 s rozmezím teplot varu přibližně 200 °C až 360 °C.] (cs)
[sudėtingas angliavandenilių mišinys, gautas frakcionuojant hidronusierintas koksavimo distiliato įkrovas. Jame vyrauja C12-C21 angliavandeniliai, verdantys apie 200°C-360°C (392°F-680°F).] (lt)
[Комплексна комбинация от въглеводороди, получена при фракциониране на хидродесулфурирани суровини от коксуване.Състои се от въглеводороди с брой на въглеродните атоми преобладаващо в интервала от C12 до C21 включително и с температура на кипене приблизително в интервала от 200°C до 360°C (392°F до 680°F).] (bg)
Combinación compleja de hidrocarburos obtenida por fraccionamiento de reservas del destilado del coquizador hidrodesulfurado. Compuesta de hidrocarburos con un número de carbonos en su mayor parte dentro del intervalo C12 a C21 y con un intervalo de ebullición aproximado de 200°C a 360°C. (es)
Combinaison complexe d'hydrocarbures obtenue par fractionnement à partir de charges de distillat de cokéfaction hydrodésulfuré. Se compose d'hydrocarbures dont le nombre de carbones se situe en majorité dans la gamme C12- C21 et dont le point d'ébullition est compris approximativement entre 200°C et 360°C. (fr)
Combinazione complessa di idrocarburi ottenuta per frazionamento di stocks di distillato idrodesolforato da +coker;. AE costituita prevalentemente da idrocarburi con numero di atomi di carbonio prevalentemente nell'intervallo C12-C21 e punto di ebollizione nell'intervallo 200°C-360°C ca. (it)
destilados (petróleo), do coker médios hidrogenodessulfurizados (pt)
destilados (petróleo), fracción intermedia del coquizador hidrodesulfurada (es)
Destilati (nafta), hidrodesulfurizirani srednji kokinga (hr)
destilati (petrolej), hidrodesulfurizirani, srednji koksarniški (sl)
destilati (petrolej), hidrodesulfurizirani, srednji koksarniški krekirano plinsko olje Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov dobljenih prifrakcioniranju hidrodesulfuriziranih surovin koksarniških destilatov. Vsebujejo ogljikovodike, ki imajoštevilo ogljikov v glavnem v območju od C12 do C21 invrelišče v območju od približno 200° C do 360° C(392° F do 680° F). (sl)
C&L Inventory
Destillaadid (nafta), hüdrodesulfureeritud keskmine fraktsioon koksistamisseadmest (et)
destillat (petroleum), väteavsvavlade medeltunga coker- (sv)
C&L Inventory, Other
Destillate (Erdöl), hydrodesulfurierte mittlere Verkoker (de)
destillaten (aardolie), met waterstof ontzwaveld middelste verkookser- (nl)
destillater (petroleum), hydrogenavsvovlede middeltunge koks- (no)
destillater (råolie), hydroafsvovlede middeltunge coker- (da)
destiláty (ropné), hydrogenačne odsírené, stredná frakcia, z koksovania (sk)
Destiláty (ropné), hydrogenačně odsířené, střední, koksovací jednotka (cs)
Destylaty średnie hydroodsiarczone, z procesu koksowania (ropa naftowa) (pl)
Distilate (petroliere), hidrodesulfurate de cocsare medie (ro)
Distilate (petroliere), hidrodesulfurate de cocsare medie Motorina obtinuta prin cracare. [O combinaţie complexă de hidrocarburi, obţinuta prin fracţionare din stocurile de hydrodesulfurised distilat de cocsare. Se compune din hidrocarburi cu număr de atomi de carbon predominant în intervalul de la C12 la C21 şi interval de fierbere aproximativ de la 200 ° C la 360 ° C (392 la 680 de).] (ro)
C&L Inventory
distiliatai (nafta), hidronusierinti vidutiniškai koksuoti (lt)
distillati (petrolio), idrodesolforati intermedi da +coker (it)
Distillats moyens de cokéfaction (pétrole), hydrodésulfurés; gazole de craquage;[combinaison complexe d'hydrocarbures obtenue par fractionnement à partir de charges de distillats de cokéfaction hydrodésulfurés. Se compose d'hydrocarbures comportant majoritairement entre 12 et 21 atomes de carbone (C12-C21) et dont l'intervalle d'ébullition est compris approximativement entre 200 et 360 oC (entre 392 et 680 oF).] (fr)
Een complexe verzameling koolwaterstoffen die wordt verkregen door fractionering van met waterstof ontzwavelde verkookser-destillaatuitgangsstoffen. Bestaat voornamelvk uit koolwaterstoffen, overwegend C12 tot en met C21, met een kooktraject van ongeveer 200°C tot 360°C. (nl)
En sammensat blanding af carbonhydrider opnået ved fraktionering fra hydroafsvovlede coker-destillat råstoffer. Den består overvejende af carbonhydrider, overvejende C12 til og med C21 med kogeinterval omtrent fra 200°C til 360°C. (da)
Gasolio da cracking (it)
Gasóleo craqueado (es)
Gasóleo de cracking (pt)
Gazole de craquage (fr)
Gekraakte gasolie (nl)
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov dobljenih prifrakcioniranju hidrodesulfuriziranih surovin koksarniških destilatov. Vsebujejo ogljikovodike, ki imajoštevilo ogljikov v glavnem v območju od C12 do C21 invrelišče v območju od približno 200° C do 360° C(392° F do 680° F). (sl)
Krackgasöl (de)
Krakattu kaasuöljy (fi)
Krakitud gaasiõli (et)
Krakket gasolie (da)
krakket gassolje (no)
Krakkolt gázolaj (hu)
krakovaný plynový olej (sk)
Krakový plynový olej (cs)
krekinga gāzeļļa (lv)
krekingo gazolis (lt)
krekirano plinsko olje (sl)
Krekirano plinsko ulje (hr)
Motorina obtinuta prin cracare. (ro)
naftas destilāti, hidrodesulfurizēta vidējā koksēšanas iekārtas frakcija (lv)
Olej gazowy z krakowania (pl)
Párlatok (ásványolaj), hidrogénnel kéntelenített közép kokszoló (hu)
Párlatok (ásványolaj), hidrogénnel kéntelenített közép kokszoló Krakkolt gázolaj [Hidrogénnel kéntelenített kokszoló párlat frakcionált desztillációjával előállított bonyolult összetételű szénhidrogén elegy. Túlnyomóan C12 és C21 közötti szénatomszámú szénhidrogéneket tartalmaz. Forráspont tartomány: 200 C° - 360 C° (392 °F - 680 °F).] (hu)
C&L Inventory
Tisleet (maaöljy), rikittömät keskikoksausyksikkö (fi)
Tisleet (maaöljy), rikittömät keskikoksausyksikkö Krakattu kaasuöljy (fi)
C&L Inventory
Uma combinação complexa de hidrocarbonetos obtida por fraccionamento de destilados do coker hidrogenodessulfurizados. BE constituída por hidrocarbonetos com número de átomos de carbono predominantemente na gama de C12 até C21 e destila no intervalo de aproximadamente 200°C a 360°C. (pt)
Złożona mieszanina węglowodorów otrzymywana przez frakcjonowanie hydroodsiarczonego destylatów z koksowania. Składa się z węglowodorów o liczbie atomów węgla głównie w zakresie od C12 do C21. Wrze w zakresie temp. od ok. 200°C do 360°C (pl)
αποστάγματαΑποστάγματα (πετρελαίου), αποθειωμένα με υδρογόνο, μεσαία, από μονάδα εξανθράκωσης (el)
Πετρέλαιο από διάσπαση (el)
Дестилати (нефт), хидродесулфурирани средни от коксуване (bg)
Крекинг газьол (bg)
Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle coker
Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle coker
Registration dossier
Distillates (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized middle coker
Registration dossier
CAS number
EC Inventory, C&L Inventory, Registration dossier, REACH pre-registration, Other, FCM Active and Intelligent Materials - CMRs not allowed for use, CAD - Chemical Agents Directive, Art. 2(b)(i) - Hazardous Agents, Construction Product Regulation - Annex I (3) - Hazardous Substances, Construction Product Regulation - Art. 6(5) - SDS and Declaration, Cosmetic Products Regulation, Annex II - Prohibited Substances, EU Ecolabels - Restrictions for Hazardous Substances/Mixtures, End-of-Life Vehicles Directive - Hazardous Substances, Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Marine Environmental Policy Framework Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Directive - Hazardous Substances, Medical Devices Regulation - Hazardous Substances, Protection of Pregnant and Breastfeeding Workers Directive, Annex I+II, General Product Safety Directive - Hazardous Substances, Workplace Signs - minimum requirements & signs on containers and pipes, Safety and Health of Workers at Work Directive - Hazardous Substances, Waste Framework Directive, Annex III - Waste - Hazardous Properties, Carc and Muta Directive, Annex I - Substances, Mixtures & Processes, Physical, Biological and Chemical Agents & Processes and Work
Index number
C&L Inventory, Other

Scientific properties

Physical and chemical properties

This section provides physicochemical information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.

Appearance/physical state / colour

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
C Physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa
Liquid (100%) [1]
C Form
Other (100%) [1]
C Odour
Other (100%) [1]
C Substance type
Petroleum product (100%) [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa
Liquid (100%)

Melting/freezing point

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Melting / freezing point
-20 °C @ 101.325 kPa [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Boiling point

Study results
  • 3 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Boiling point
150 - 411 °C @ 101.3 kPa [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 1
Weight of evidence
Other 1
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted


Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Bulk density
0.816 - 0.993 g/cm³ @ 15 °C [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 1
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Vapour pressure

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Vapour pressure
4 hPa @ 40 °C [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Vapour pressure
4 hPa @ 40 °C

Partition coefficient

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Water solubility

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Solubility in organic solvents / fat solubility

Data not provided by the registrant

Surface tension

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Flash point

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Flash point
56 - 154 °C @ 101.325 kPa [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 1
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Auto flammability

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R Autoflammability / self-ignition
225 °C @ 101.325 kPa [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible 1
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Non-explosive (100%)


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
No (100%)

Oxidation reduction potential

Data not provided by the registrant


Data not provided by the registrant

Dissociation constant

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible 1
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
R kinematic viscosity (in mm²/s)
1.1 - 4.5 [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Environmental fate and pathways

This section provides environmental fate and pathways information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.

Phototransformation in air

Data not provided by the registrant


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible 1
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
  • 0 summaries submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No data available

Phototransformation in water

Data not provided by the registrant

Phototransformation in soil

Data not provided by the registrant

Biodegradation in water - screening tests

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
C Interpretation of results
Inherently biodegradable (100%) [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Biodegradation in water & sediment - simulation tests

Study results
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Biodegradation in soil

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Bioaccumulation: aquatic / sediment

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Bioaccumulation: terrestrial

Data not provided by the registrant


Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Henrys law constant (H)

Data not provided by the registrant

Distribution modelling

Data not provided by the registrant

Ecotoxicological information

This section provides ecotoxicological information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.

Predicted No-Effect Concentration (PNEC)

R Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed

The Predicted No-Effect Concentration (PNEC) value is the concentration of a substance below which adverse effects in the environment are not expected to occur. Please note that when more than one summary is provided, PNEC values may refer to constituents of the substance and not to the substance as a whole. More detailed information is available in the dossiers.

Hazard for Aquatic Organisms
Freshwater No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Intermittent releases (freshwater) No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Marine water No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Intermittent releases (marine water) No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Sewage treatment plant (STP) No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Sediment (freshwater) No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Sediment (marine water) No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Hazard for Air
Air No hazard identified (1)
Hazard for Terrestrial Organism
Soil No data available: testing technically not feasible (1)
Hazard for Predators
Secondary poisoning 17 g/kg food (1)

Short–term toxicity to fish

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
LC50 (4 days) 210 µg/L [1]
LL50 (4 days) 300 µg/L [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 1
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Long–term toxicity to fish

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Short–term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

Study results
  • 5 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
EL50 (48 h) 320 µg/L [1]
EL50 (24 h) 2.56 mg/L [1]
EL0 (48 h) 150 µg/L [1]
EL100 (48 h) 1.35 mg/L [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 3 1
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Long–term toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

Study results
  • 2 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
NOEC (21 days) 38 - 140 µg/L [2]
EC50 (21 days) 170 - 180 µg/L [2]
NOELR (21 days) 50 - 180 µg/L [2]
EL50 (21 days) 220 - 240 µg/L [2]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 1
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to aquatic algae and cyanobacteria

Study results
  • 5 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
EL50 (72 h) 510 µg/L [1]
NOELR (72 h) 50 µg/L [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 3 1
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to aquatic plants other than algae

Data not provided by the registrant

Toxicity to microorganisms

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Sediment toxicity

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
Other 1
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Endocrine disrupter testing in aquatic vertebrates – in vivo

Data not provided by the registrant

Toxicity to terrestrial macroorganisms except arthropods

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
Other 1
  • 0 summaries submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No data available

Toxicity to terrestrial arthropods

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
Other 1
  • 0 summaries submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No data available

Toxicity to terrestrial plants

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
Other 1
  • 0 summaries submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No data available

Toxicity to soil microorganisms

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified
Exposure cons.
Other 1
  • 0 summaries submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No data available

Toxicity to birds

Study results
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 0 summaries submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No data available

Toxicity to mammals

Data not provided by the registrant

Toxicological information

This section provides toxicological information compiled from all automatically processable data from REACH registration dossiers that is available to ECHA at the time of generation. The quality and correctness of the information remains the responsibility of the data submitter. The Agency thus cannot guarantee the correctness of the information displayed.

Derived No- or Minimal Effect Level (DN(M)EL)

M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed

The derived no- or minimum effect level (DN(M)EL) is the level of exposure above which a human should not be exposed to a substance. Please note that when more than one summary is provided, DN(M)EL values may refer to constituents of the substance and not to the substance as a whole. More detailed information is available in the dossiers.

Data for WORKERS
INHALATION Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 27.34 mg/m³ developmental toxicity / teratogenicity
Acute /short term: (DNEL) 2 229.76 mg/m³ acute toxicity
Local Effects
Long-term: No hazard identified
Acute /short term: No hazard identified
DERMAL Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 2.42 mg/kg bw/day repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: No hazard identified
Local Effects
Long-term: High hazard (no threshold derived)
Acute /short term: Low hazard (no threshold derived)
EYE Exposure
No hazard identified
INHALATION Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
Acute /short term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
Local Effects
Long-term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
Acute /short term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
DERMAL Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
Acute /short term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
Local Effects
Long-term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
Acute /short term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
ORAL Exposure Threshold Most sensitive study
Systemic Effects
Long-term: (DNEL) 1.04 mg/kg bw/day repeated dose toxicity
Acute /short term: Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)
EYE Exposure
Hazard unknown (no further information necessary as no exposure expected)

Toxicokinetics, metabolism, and distribution

Study results
Study data: basic toxicokinetics
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: basic toxicokinetics
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: dermal absorption
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: dermal absorption
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Absorption values
Dermal: 100 %
Inhalation: 50 %

Acute toxicity

Study results
  • 7 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
LD50 3 200 - 4 660 mg/kg bw (rat) [2]
M/CInterpretations of results
Not classified [1]

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 6
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 4 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
LC50 (4 h) 4.65 mg/L air (rat) [2]
M/CInterpretations of results
Harmful [1]

Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 3
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 6 studies submitted
  • 1 study processed
LD50 2 000 mg/kg bw (rabbit) [1]
M/CInterpretations of results
Not classified [1]

Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 5
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
other routes
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No data available

other routes
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Oral route:
No adverse effect observed LD50 3 200 mg/kg bw
Inhalation route:
Adverse effect observed LC50 4.65 mg/L air
Dermal route:
No adverse effect observed LD50 2 000 mg/kg bw

Irritation / corrosion

Study results
Study data: skin
  • 8 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: skin
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 1 5
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
Study data: eye
  • 7 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: eye
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 5
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Adverse effect observed (irritating)
No adverse effect observed (not irritating)
No study available


Study results
Study data: skin
  • 7 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: skin
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 5
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
Study data: respiratory
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: respiratory
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Skin sensitisation
No adverse effect observed (not sensitising)
Respiratory sensitisation
No study available

Repeated dose toxicity

Study results
Study data: oral
  • 1 study submitted
  • 0 studies processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Type of Study provided
Study data: oral
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
Study data: inhalation
  • 1 study submitted
  • 1 study processed
NOAEC (rat): 880 - 1 710 mg/m³ air [2]

Study data: inhalation
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
Study data: dermal
  • 9 studies submitted
  • 2 studies processed
NOAEL (rat): 25 - 125 mg/kg bw/day [2]
NOAEL (rabbit): 500 mg/kg bw/day [1]

Study data: dermal
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study 1 6
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Dermal route - systemic effects:
Adverse effect observed NOAEL 25 mg/kg bw/day (subchronic, rat)
Inhalation route - systemic effects:
No adverse effect observed NOAEC 1 710 mg/m³ (subchronic, rat)
Inhalation route - local effects:
Adverse effect observed NOAEC 880 mg/m³ (subchronic, rat)

Genetic toxicity

Study results
Study data: in vitro
  • 5 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: in vitro
Studies with data
Key study 2
Supporting study 2
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
Study data: in vivo
  • 3 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: in vivo
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 2
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Toxicity - InVitro
Adverse effect observed (positive)


Study results
  • 3 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 2
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 0 summaries processed

No automatically processable data submitted

Toxicity to reproduction

Study results
Study data: reproduction
  • 4 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Type of Study provided
Study data: reproduction
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 2
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
Study data: developmental
  • 9 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: developmental
Studies with data
Key study 1
Supporting study 7
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
Not feasible
Sci. unjustified 1
Exposure cons.
Study data: other studies
  • 0 studies submitted
  • 0 studies processed

Study data not processed for brief profile

Study data: other studies
Studies with data
Key study
Supporting study
Weight of evidence
Data waiving
no waivers
M/C Summaries
  • 1 summary submitted
  • 1 summary processed
Effect on fertility
Dermal route:
No adverse effect observed NOAEL 250 mg/kg bw/day (subchronic, rat)


Data not provided by the registrant


Data not provided by the registrant

Endocrine disrupter mammalian screening - in vivo

Data not provided by the registrant